a bet

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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if you listen to 10 hours of this guy's talks and are not convinced, i will eat my shoe. But you gotta listen to 10 hours, to start putting things together.

His iq is about 100 points higher than yours.


Why am i posting this? Because...i am worried.
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i'm not listening to anyone for 10 hours
I don't wanna live like I don't mind
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itnAklipse wrote:if you listen to 10 hours of this guy's talks and are not convinced, i will eat my shoe. But you gotta listen to 10 hours, to start putting things together.

His iq is about 100 points higher than yours.


Why am i posting this? Because...i am worried.
If I listened to more than 10 minutes of this muppet's drivel I'm likely to suffer the same fate as the president of the Mid-Galactic Arts Nobbling Council. I'd be interested to know how you arrive at the conclusion that his IQ is higher than anyone else's. I can prove (using an Etch-a-Sketch, 2 lolly sticks, and a large piece of sticky-backed plastic) that website quality is directly proportionate to the IQ of the person who put it together - for the laymen I'll keep it simple: the crappier the website is in terms of layout, colour-scheme, font usage and ease of navigation, the lower the IQ of its creator. By this measure Mr. Watt has the IQ of a lobotomised water-boatman.
Contrails contain chemicals? Really? You mean jet engines don't run on fresh air and pixie-dust? Freemasons are running the world and want to enslave us all in their silly handshakes?
"Alan Watt is a long-term researcher into the causative forces behind major changes in historical development. His background is that of a renaissance man with a background in three professions."
WTF is a renaissance man? Unless he was personally witness to the Renaissance then this is unmitigated bollocks. And which three professions?
"plus having various books published in religions, philosophy, poetry, mainly under pseudonyms"
Examples being?
"For much of his life (for main income) he was heavily involved in the music industry as a singer/songwriter/performer involved in folk music, blues, pop, rock, and even classical. Also known for his session guitar work, he has played with some of the most well-known artists and groups."
Again, examples would be appreciated.
"With historical documentation, he shows how cultures are created and altered by those in control, always to lead the people like sheep into the next pasture. Learn the true esoteric meanings of mystery religions from one who knows."
You don't need a IQ above about 12 to know that cultures are created by those in control. "Ooh look, I know about this stuff and you don't. Buy my book."
"These books help stimulate the individual's mind into a higher, truer perception"
So does pot.

Fair play - if you wish to give credence to this garbage (ever wondered why, if these global conspiracies were so smart and secretive they're only ever uncovered by the kinds of loons who line their hat with tinfoil? Perhaps that's part of the dastardly plan...) then I wont stand in your way. But encouraging others to do so (and "garbage" includes religion and politics) can only result in unpleasantness.

And what are you worried about? If there is a global conspiracy of freemasons (I'm more worried about morris dancers and the Womens Institute, myself) what on earth makes you think that you can do anything about it? These people are so powerful, their reach so all-encompassing, their influence so pernicious that merely talking about them would result in your quiet disappearance and your existence being expunged from the pages of history. Ever wondered if the only reason that they allow Alan Watt and his ilk to come out with this crap is because it keeps people from getting to the truth?
You see, I *do* know the truth, and I know that Alan Watt doesn't. And it's a good deal scarier than what he's claiming. Want to buy my book? Or does my not being a "renaissance man with a background in three professions" damage my credibility?
Last edited by EvilBastard on 03 Sep 2009, 22:25, edited 1 time in total.
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itnAklipse wrote:His iq is about 100 points higher than yours.
I presume you mean after listening to him for 1 hours?
After 10, one should be more like Image
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EvilBastard wrote:
itnAklipse wrote:if you listen to 10 hours of this guy's talks and are not convinced, i will eat my shoe. But you gotta listen to 10 hours, to start putting things together.

His iq is about 100 points higher than yours.


Why am i posting this? Because...i am worried.
If I listened to more than 10 minutes of this muppet's drivel I'm likely to suffer the same fate as the president of the Mid-Galactic Arts Nobbling Council. I'd be interested to know how you arrive at the conclusion that his IQ is higher than anyone else's. I can prove (using an Etch-a-Sketch, 2 lolly sticks, and a large piece of sticky-backed plastic) that website quality is directly proportionate to the IQ of the person who put it together - for the laymen I'll keep it simple: the crappier the website is in terms of layout, colour-scheme, font usage and ease of navigation, the lower the IQ of its creator. By this measure Mr. Watt has the IQ of a lobotomised water-boatman.
Contrails contain chemicals? Really? You mean jet engines don't run on fresh air and pixie-dust? Freemasons are running the world and want to enslave us all in their silly handshakes?
"Alan Watt is a long-term researcher into the causative forces behind major changes in historical development. His background is that of a renaissance man with a background in three professions."
WTF is a renaissance man? Unless he was personally witness to the Renaissance then this is unmitigated bollocks. And which three professions?
"plus having various books published in religions, philosophy, poetry, mainly under pseudonyms"
Examples being?
"For much of his life (for main income) he was heavily involved in the music industry as a singer/songwriter/performer involved in folk music, blues, pop, rock, and even classical. Also known for his session guitar work, he has played with some of the most well-known artists and groups."
Again, examples would be appreciated.
"With historical documentation, he shows how cultures are created and altered by those in control, always to lead the people like sheep into the next pasture. Learn the true esoteric meanings of mystery religions from one who knows."
You don't need a IQ above about 12 to know that cultures are created by those in control. "Ooh look, I know about this stuff and you don't. Buy my book."
"These books help stimulate the individual's mind into a higher, truer perception"
So does pot.

Fair play - if you wish to give credence to this garbage (ever wondered why, if these global conspiracies were so smart and secretive they're only ever uncovered by the kinds of loons who line their hat with tinfoil? Perhaps that's part of the dastardly plan...) then I wont stand in your way. But encouraging others to do so (and "garbage" includes religion and politics) can only result in unpleasantness.

And what are you worried about? If there is a global conspiracy of freemasons (I'm more worried about morris dancers and the Womens Institute, myself) what on earth makes you think that you can do anything about it? These people are so powerful, their reach so all-encompassing, their influence so pernicious that merely talking about them would result in your quiet disappearance and your existence being expunged from the pages of history. Ever wondered if the only reason that they allow Alan Watt and his ilk to come out with this crap is because it keeps people from getting to the truth?
You see, I *do* know the truth, and I know that Alan Watt doesn't. And it's a good deal scarier than what he's claiming. Want to buy my book? Or does my not being a "renaissance man with a background in three professions" damage my credibility?
Couldn't you just have said "crank"?

Ooooooh, he doesn't like vaccination either! :eek: OK, make it "total crank" then. Anyone who wants to drag us back to the world of smallpox and other similar little bundles of joy can go feck right off.
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F*ck Off, he hinted.
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EvilBastard wrote: If I listened to more than 10 minutes of this muppet's drivel I'm likely to suffer the same fate as the president of the Mid-Galactic Arts Nobbling Council.
Excellent use of the Good Book :notworthy:
10 hours? Bugger off. Even *I* have better things to do than that, and I'm a boring git!
Come back when there's a 5-minute version!
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As a journalist, I can barely communicate the contempt I have for conspiracy theorists. Let's just say, they bother me.

Anyway, I thought it was the Jews who controlled the world? Was there a power shift? Why was I not informed?

Note: I didn't actually listen to any of his stuff. I've seen it all before though.
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the loony wrote:Your support finances this information into existence. Each bootleg copy of the books, CDs, and DVDs starves the source into closing down.
Then let's all start bootlegging immediately!
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the_inescapable_truth wrote:Anyway, I thought it was the Jews who controlled the world? Was there a power shift? Why was I not informed?
Ah-HA! You've uncovered the truth! The military-industrial neo-zionist uber-capitalist complex, controlled as it is by Jews, have managed to convince people that it's now the masons who are running the world. Stand-by for the dissolution of the Anti-Defamation League and odd men wearing pigskin aprons building settlements on the West Bank.

Or something.
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The pink background was enough for me. :|
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Yup, color scheme put me right off.
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nodubmanshouts wrote:Yup, color scheme put me right off.
That and the mention of money. :roll:
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the_inescapable_truth wrote:Anyway, I thought it was the Jews who controlled the world? Was there a power shift? Why was I not informed?
That was last week - do keep up :wink:
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I'll give it about 4 out of ten on the Timecube scale of crazy.
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Bartek wrote:i didn't watched this but all i can say (judging by thread title) is that i've read Daniken when i was 14-15 yrs old. :P
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Dr. Gene Ray wrote:Do you realize that a 4 corner square rotating 1/4 turn creates a full circle? A full rotated square will create 16 corners, 96 hours and 4 simultaneous 24 hour Day circles within only a single imaginary cubed Earth roation.
Woah, just woah.
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the_inescapable_truth wrote:
Dr. Gene Ray wrote:Do you realize that a 4 corner square rotating 1/4 turn creates a full circle? A full rotated square will create 16 corners, 96 hours and 4 simultaneous 24 hour Day circles within only a single imaginary cubed Earth roation.
Woah, just woah.
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a dumb bet and a dumb bell - perhaps he is smart, right grid reference wrong planet
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There is an invisible completely noiseless plane made with help from alien technology.
Do you see it, of course not.
Do you hear it, of course not.
You see, my information is correct.
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A a practising Freemason and possessor of more grips, tokens and words than I care to remember, I'd like to point out


If there was, I'd be well on my way to running the country by now.
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Erudite wrote:A a practising Freemason and possessor of more grips, tokens and words than I care to remember, I'd like to point out

As a practicing Freemason you're bound to say that, though.
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EvilBastard wrote:
Erudite wrote:A a practising Freemason and possessor of more grips, tokens and words than I care to remember, I'd like to point out

As a practicing Freemason you're bound to say that, though.
All right, we control the Met and our Zionist masters, in thrall to giant lizard people, are plotting to take over the world.
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itnAklipse wrote:if you listen to 10 hours of this guy's talks and are not convinced, i will eat my shoe. But you gotta listen to 10 hours, to start putting things together.

His iq is about 100 points higher than yours.


Why am i posting this? Because...i am worried.
Can't we consider this as Spam. He comes here pushing a website, then insults people and then will not join the ensuing discussion.
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Gollum's Cock wrote:
itnAklipse wrote:if you listen to 10 hours of this guy's talks and are not convinced, i will eat my shoe. But you gotta listen to 10 hours, to start putting things together.

His iq is about 100 points higher than yours.


Why am i posting this? Because...i am worried.
Can't we consider this as Spam. He comes here pushing a website, then insults people and then will not join the ensuing discussion.
Nope. That Californian has no Boobies.

@{b]Erudite[/b]: I am convinced you are not a Freemason. For Freemason must not tell anyone they are Freemasons. I guess you were NOT{/i] payed by the Freemasons for saying you were one of them. I found that one out myself, so it must be true.
This is how you recognize Freemasons. The Lizard buisness is only for Hollywood..
"These are my principles! And if you don't like the just says so, I have others, too!"
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