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Utterly Bastard Groovy Amphetamine Filth
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im just wondering this.... how much effort is put in by security at music concerts to stop the illiegal taping of shows. Is it a big deal or can anyone sneak a recorder under their coat and get away with it

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ryan_w_0000 wrote:i'm just wondering this.... how much effort is put in by security at music concerts to stop the illegal taping of shows. Is it a big deal or can anyone sneak a recorder under their coat and get away with it?

I think they're more concerned with catching drug dealers, people with weapons and the intoxicated. Illegal taping isn't really gonna affect the venue's ability to keep it's licenses, which is what it needs in order to make money!
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thats what i was hopeing.

just reading my ticket for bowie on febuary 23rd- says- 'no cameras, video or music recorders' none of my other tickets have ever said that so i thought theve started checking for it now or something

or im an idiot :roll:
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Ahhhhh...big venue's tend to have 'jobs-worth' kinds of security. Herding in between crushbarriers, bag checks, body fondling and the like. The removal of any drink (including bottled water.)

The smaller venues (the likes of which Mr Bowie tends not to play are much easier to get equipment into.
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thats what i though- so is there any tricks of the trade then? :wink:
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IME, most venues have a no cameras/recording equip. policy. 99% of the time it's a load of hot air. some places will confiscate your stuff, others withh just let it go...
what sort of thing are you planning on taking? a small dictaphone (is that what they're called?) could be hidden in something like the box for an asthma inhaler. or you could sew a fake compartment into your bag. another one is to wrap a big pair of earphones (the huge earmuff-style ones) up with it and pass it off as a walkman.
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yeah- seems the bag one looks most likely- i was thinking, as ive been working heaps and not going anywhere/doing stuff- ive noticed my moneys been piling up- quite a lot actually- anyone know what would be ideal for recording something like this- in the way of quality/size/ability etc

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ryan_w_0000 wrote:thats what i though- so is there any tricks of the trade then? :wink:
Oh yes!

I've been taping gigs for 18 years!

Most people use a small walkman. Best place to sneak it in - down the front of the trousers, inside your underwear to make sure it doesn't move around as much. If you wear a long tshirt and make sure the tape recorders in the middle you're ok.

Smaller venues often don't search at all. Larger venues usually do. It's the usual thing where they pat you down, feeling for large items in pockets, they never find the tape recorder though.

If it's a large venue with lots of people searching, make your way towards someone who looks like they won't search as much (or at all in some cases). This means a member of the opposite sex, and the older the better. In one venue one of the people searching was an old woman. Perfect - hardly any search at all.

The only place I didn't get the tape recorder in was Hamburg Dock's, where they felt around too much, and then said "Was is das?" and made me give it up (I got it back after, and someone else with a recorder thinner than mine got theirs in anyway.)

That's the other thing, if they do take it they'll give you a ticket with a number on and you can get it back afterwards.
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ryan_w_0000 wrote:im just wondering this.... how much effort is put in by security at music concerts to stop the illiegal taping of shows. Is it a big deal or can anyone sneak a recorder under their coat and get away with it

well you can get anything inside a venue even if the security is
tight. i have witnessed a guy at the astoria sisters gig in01 in london
the guy had in his bag a camera, a photo camera, and a dat recorder
when the security guy told to open his back he just didn t pretend
he dosent speak a word of english!!
the bag was filled with clothes on top, underwear to be precise. :lol: :lol:
since we were the first in line the security guy got frustrated and
let him cause everybody had to wait for him to finish with the bag
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Dan wrote:
ryan_w_0000 wrote:Most people use a small walkman. Best place to sneak it in - down the front of the trousers, inside your underwear to make sure it doesn't move around as much.

Mini disk seems like a good option these days, but as has been said it really depends on the venue. The band as well - some bands don't mind taping (and will even encourage it), others, particularly if they're recording the show for a possible live album, will frown upon it.

What gets on my nerves far more is venues that do a no smoking/no drinking policy.
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mh wrote: Gross!!!
It may be gross but it worked EVERY F**ING TIME! (Except Hamburg)
mh wrote: Mini disk seems like a good option these days, but as has been said it really depends on the venue.
The format is somewhat irrelevant. What's really important is that you have a good microphone. You get some people bragging about their minidisc or dat recordings but when you listen they're often no better (or sometimes worse) than cassette equivalents because they haven't bothered to use a good mic.
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Big Si wrote:Illegal taping isn't really gonna affect the venue's ability to keep it's licenses, which is what it needs in order to make money!
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mugabe wrote:
Big Si wrote:Illegal taping isn't really gonna affect the venue's ability to keep it's licenses, which is what it needs in order to make money!
And Scandinavian's don't have a scooby! :twisted:

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Big Si wrote: And Scandinavian's don't have a scooby! :twisted:

We can always blame the government, and ususally do. Lot of sex tourists in Glasgow? ;)
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mugabe wrote:
Big Si wrote: And Scandinavian's don't have a scooby! :twisted:

We can always blame the government, and ususally do. Lot of sex tourists in Glasgow? ;)
Edinburgh! :twisted:

We're the friendlier city! :D
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