As a major record company or as a person who, say had won the first prize of some 10m with a lottery in the 1990ies, I had
Another Dream wrote:
* offered them a change from WEA/East West long before they parted, because it was obvious these two parties were no partners,
i.e. crucial interests of the band did not seem to be supported but undermined, rather, by the record company, such as the "Goth"
issue for example, and only for the sake of the next fast profit without looking at neither their own future interests nor those of the band. How silly.
* I'd have thought, this guy and his band would make some really great recordings, if you let them develop and give them the time and means they need.
* Watching their development in the early 1990ies would have convinced me the time has come and I'd have to have a talk with them ...
At first, not to really negotiate anything, but to check who one is actuallly going to deal with and how about their health and their actual condition and direction.
* Had that turned out more or less convincing, and to be a bit more on the safe side before suggesting a conclusive contract, I'd have gone to a few of their gigs ... but
Good Heavens! ... No!!!
If they find it necessary to live out that dashed hopes and frustrated expectations thing on stage in a dimension and a way as such
and, even worse, towards their own audience, instead of making something real of it - what would they think a record they would make?
Cool, great shock rock??? What audience were they looking for? Well, of course, there's always an idiot who might find their performance
of resentful aggression an adorable and desirable perspective, or some other who needed to let off that same sort of steam ...
... but wasn't that just too mean?
... very, very sorry, for these guys, and in many respects, but they obviously needed some more time to come down ...
... I'd keep an eye and hope to see them later ...
Remark: Of course, The Sisters' record company would not think that way, they were pretty pleased with that outcome and - to the contrary - support this "strategy", hoping and waiting for and - I guess - even demanding some fascistically kicking masterpiece from the band as politically times were high. Thanks. In the following years, The Sisters moved their headquarters form Hamburg to anywhere and finally, their relation with WEA/EastWest ended with SSV. The term "SSV" in German language stands for "Summer Clearance Sales" ... another lovely joke, since that's what The Sisters had got in effect from their record company (and other bases) over the years. And they did orderly return the outcome: a few lovely views of some nice trees, a freight train, a drugsar, two in the nose, some lesson prescriptions for highschool kids and little more apart from the noise it made.
I'm soo glad these days are over. Nowadays, The Sisters really rock, and they do so with their musical capacities ...
it has cost them a lot and they had to do it without a record company. They succeeded. Not at last with the
unceasing support of their (recording and steadily complaining) fanbase.
They entertain, they enjoy. They still behave very badly, indeed. They wear some very loud shirts
and some very wrong trousers, they say, but I think they look perfect the way they are. They play
some legendary rock music ... and in their performances of today, they are stronger than ever ...
They have grown out of those strategies so apparently necessary back in the 1990ies.
And for their 30th Stage Anniversary they played Gift That Shines. XXX.