Some Correspondence

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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My wife has recently been having some trouble with the Student Loans Company over money owed.
To put you in the picture, she has been ill with fybromyalgia (a condition similar to ME) since '96 and has been totally unable to work this year. I have been paying a nominal fee on her behalf, which is apparently not enough.
So I thought I'd share the letter I wrote for her - partly to shame them, mainly because IMHO it is quite amusing in places.
Writers - huh!
Probably gonna really p*ss them off but I reckon they are on a hiding to nothing anyway...

Dear Scott,
Re your letter reference CD/SW dated 23 December 2003 and my husband’s subsequent telephone conversation with your Collections Agent, Anna Bailey, on 30 December 2003. I must inform you that:

a) As my husband does not get paid until the 15th of each month he has no intention of revising the previously agreed collection date.
b) Having submitted our financial details, I am most curious as to where you expect the money for the "substantial monthly increase" to come from. Clearly, this is little more than a thinly veiled threat. However, if you wish to waste more of your company’s time and money by attempting to take a sick woman with no income to court in an embarrassing attempt to extort money from her, I am of course powerless to stop you. Doubtless, your time is accounted against company overheads and no great loss.
c) That said, I am quite prepared to submit fifty percent of my current monthly earnings to you in repayment of my loan. Sadly, the immutable laws of arithmetic are such that half of nothing is also nothing.

I am also interested to learn why, when there is no power of attorney associated with the loan, you are prepared to accept money from my husband on my behalf but will not speak with him. This strikes me as more than a little hypocritical.
Furthermore, I note that Anna’s Team Leader has not had the courtesy to return my husband’s call as requested. Perhaps my husband should return the courtesy by forgetting to pay you each month?
As previously stated, I am currently unable to work due to a debilitating auto-immune disorder, nor am I likely to return to work as my condition has no known cure. I would therefore appreciate it if you would submit in writing the exact documentation/medical proof required for the outstanding balance of my loan to be written off. I am afraid the verbal assurance of your Collections Agent, who is apparently incapable of organising for her Team Leader to return a telephone call, is not, in my opinion, worth the breath it is spoken with.
I look forward to receiving your prompt response to this letter.

Sometimes, no matter how large your vocabulary is, the most fitting word is c*nts!


Hope you all have a good New Year!
More nonsense posted shortly...

No sympathy required - this is just me mouthing off against what I view as mindless bureaucracy.
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Black Planet
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Well first off, I am so sorry to hear of your wife's illness. She is such a lovely bride in the pic you posted here. I will keep you both in my thoughts...and send some positive energy your way.

Your letter is very good. To the point, and while it does contain some literary gets the point across.

Pay what you can until you can get it forgiven. Try finding some pro bono legal help if you can. Or default outright.

I know from personal experience if it went to court and they tried to collect...they would lose. And the negative publicity that's comes with that will not be welcome to them.

Take care E, and let your wife heartlander out here has her in her thoughts.

Hugs to you Both...and Best wishes for a wonderful 2004.

:innocent: :von:
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@BP - thanks - much appreciated.

Hope 2004 is a good year for you.
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Sorry to hear about all this, E.
My best wishes to you and your wife.
Hope 2004 will be better for you two 8)
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Black Planet wrote: I will keep you both in my thoughts...and send some positive energy your way.
You don't practice reiki or some such healing, do you?
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I have a cuz in Sheffield who is a a registered practitioner of reiki, flower remedies and complementary medicines if you need and intro Eru?
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My wife actually practices reiki herself - not that it is doing her much good at the mo.
I just thought BP's choice of language indicated a similar interest.
But thanks for the offer of an intro.
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Black Planet
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No I don't practice reiki. I know someone from cult web who is always sending positive energy to members. He sends me good energy for my muse...he is a very talented poet. I do believe in the power of positive energy and thought. I do believe it makes a difference, and I do believe it's real.
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Black Planet wrote:I do believe in the power of positive energy and thought. I do believe it makes a difference, and I do believe it's real.
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RicheyJames wrote:
Black Planet wrote:I do believe in the power of positive energy and thought. I do believe it makes a difference, and I do believe it's real.
Mr James, you know the holistic type advice is always to just be yourself...

Good luck to Erudite & Mrs Erudite. One of my megalomaniac fantasies ( apart from the Great Smokers and Drinkers Strike- just watch the health advice tone down as the Exchequer empties & they baulk at the thought of raising income tax) is The Disabled Strike Back. One day they will realise many of us carry large metal implements - as someone once said, a piece of metal tubing is always a friend.

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Good luck with this.
I hope it all works out ok.
Hugs & positive vibes( I'm another who subscribes to BP's school of thought)
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Black Planet
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RicheyJames wrote:
Black Planet wrote:I do believe in the power of positive energy and thought. I do believe it makes a difference, and I do believe it's real.
LOL I guess the metaphysical isn't your bag, eh, Richey?

I do applaud your use of restraint, but seeing as it's only 2 January...I really am curious how long it will last.

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