sex songs

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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So, i need more ideas to steal music from the internet.

Tell me your favourite songs for pre, during and after sex.
Just one thing, they have to be instrumental, no vocals.

I need ideas, so don't be shy,i want anything from classical to new age, from jazz to traditional javanese tribal music, with everything in between.

C'mon, it's a sex topic, you know you wanna
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Check out the soundtrack to Jörg Buttgereit's "Der Todesking". Haunting and menacing, just like good sex.
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Betty blue :oops:
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sorry, usually too busy to pay attention to the music
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its what i'm thinking about that's more important *ahem*
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last night I dreamt that somebody loved me - the smiths :innocent: :innocent:
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I guess Ravel's Bolero is a little washed up. :wink:

And if you only want instrumentals we can forget about Serge Gainsbourg.

Try KLF - Chill Out. Really.
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The Green Lantern wrote:I guess Ravel's Bolero is a little washed up. :wink:

And if you only want instrumentals we can forget about Serge Gainsbourg.

Try KLF - Chill Out. Really.
8) :notworthy:

"the klf versus whitney houston" always amused me ;)

no idea what happend to my copy of that particular 12" though - one of the many psycho-ex's probably walked away with it... for a change :(

"natural wastage" i gather they call it! :roll:

any idea how much its worth these days?!? :|
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Why do you want to know this zigeunerweisen, may I ask?
I bet you've got to know someone very groovy and are planning a very special date?
Anyway, I'm sorry but I can't think of any instrumental ones, for obvious reasons. :lol:
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The French national anthem
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I do of course jest......That would be gross
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Diamond Life by Sade. Used to work for me.
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Try Zion by Fluke or This City Never Sleeps by Eurythmics. 8)
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Thrash Harry wrote:Diamond Life by Sade. Used to work for me.
does that not have words Thrash :roll:
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flight of the valkyries should stir the blood
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emilystrange wrote:flight of the valkyries should stir the blood
:lol: :notworthy:

what a wonderul mental image i'm getting! ;D
What’s the difference between a buffalo and a bison?
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sorry.. you must explain..
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emilystrange wrote:sorry.. you must explain..
that whole 200 bpm fanfare crescendo thing! :lol: perfect for that, ahem, special situation when one is astride a loved one...

...which could only be topped in terms of sheer good taste by a cry of "ha-way the lads!" at the crucial point ;) ;D
Last edited by Quiff Boy on 12 Jan 2004, 22:02, edited 1 time in total.
What’s the difference between a buffalo and a bison?
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i really wasnt sure what image you had.. i'm with you now. not literally.
oh god i won't think of anything else next time i hear it!
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emilystrange wrote:i really wasnt sure what image you had.. i'm with you now. not literally.
oh god i won't think of anything else next time i hear it!
cries of "yee hah!" are also allowed ;)
What’s the difference between a buffalo and a bison?
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Black Planet
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You have both just grossed me out big time.

As for my music for sex. We did this at the Lucretia thread.

Lucretia My Reflection...does it everytime for me and Mr. BP. Had it on last nite....ha!
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LOL yes, we are Shagging to Andrew.

Such devotees!
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quiff, you have your own theme tune now.
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I recall a very 'filthy' night with a Maiden from Pontefract where NIN's The Downward Spiral was the soundtrack. Lubrication was obviously involved.

Nice to have memories :D
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i believe some gene loves jezebel and velvet underground were involved at some point in my past.. it was an odd compilation tape that one.
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