sex songs

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if we're allowed words now, can i proffer iggy pop - shades, and of course our very own SKOS' though it's a bit short for me :innocent: :innocent:
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You want it Iggy Pop me?????? Sorry chap... you lose.
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Black Planet wrote:You want it Iggy Pop me?????? Sorry chap... you lose.
shades is awesome

I'm guessing you're SKOS :? wrong . I have many SKOS. Part of the territory :twisted:
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Iggy.,,.Mostly sucks.

Not that I dont appreciate him. I do.

What I don't like is ppl who tell me Andy is an IGP clone.

He is not.

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Try Sibelius Second Symphony (tentative beginnings, blazing conclusion, 45 mins long). Some happy memories.

Rakhmaninov's Vespers were pretty good at New Year as well. I know they have words, but my Russian isn't good enough for that to matter. Very atmospheric and relaxed.

Might dig out some Sigur Ros some time ... when I next meet a girl who's into experimental Icelandic soundscapes. That happens all the time in Southend, of course.
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I know nothing of it! WAAAAAAHHHHH!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

My life SUCKS. :evil:
I left my heart in Ballycastle... :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Quiff Boy wrote:
emilystrange wrote:sorry.. you must explain..
that whole 200 bpm fanfare crescendo thing! :lol: perfect for that, ahem, special situation when one is astride a loved one...
Even better would be Richard Strauss's first minute and a half of Also Sprach Zarathustra.
Great crescendo and explosion, and the best thing is it only takes a minute and a half, all the time a good man needs.
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mugabe wrote:Check out the soundtrack to Jörg Buttgereit's "Der Todesking". Haunting and menacing, just like good sex.
I'ts the only one i can't find :(
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Quiff Boy wrote:cries of "yee hah!" are also allowed ;)
That'll be Beers, Steers + Queers by RevCo then :wink:
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zigeunerweisen wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
emilystrange wrote:sorry.. you must explain..
that whole 200 bpm fanfare crescendo thing! :lol: perfect for that, ahem, special situation when one is astride a loved one...
Even better would be Richard Strauss's first minute and a half of Also Sprach Zarathustra.
Great crescendo and explosion, and the best thing is it only takes a minute and a half, all the time a good man needs.
bloody hell.. thats not a good man...
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Can I just say 3 hrs 30 mins approx?

It might have been 32 mins :P
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either will suffice, in different circumstances!
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Red Sunsets wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:cries of "yee hah!" are also allowed ;)
That'll be Beers, Steers + Queers by RevCo then :wink:
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Physical, Snub?
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snubnoseuk wrote:
Red Sunsets wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:cries of "yee hah!" are also allowed ;)
That'll be Beers, Steers + Queers by RevCo then :wink:
Let me hear your body talk. 8)
be careful what you wish for :urff:

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Red Sunsets wrote:Physical, Snub?
Yep. My fave track/title from the album is Stainless Steel Providers. Rev Co were a great band. All time fave track is Crackin' Up.
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Quiff Boy wrote:
snubnoseuk wrote:Let me hear your body talk. 8)
be careful what you wish for :urff:

To not know and to ask a question is a moment of embarrassment; to not know and not ask is a lifetime of shame.
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we had this not so long ago
with lyrics (but not lots of them..... front 242-reboot cd, and especially the first track, happiness(modern angels))
without lyrics anything by satie for the foreplay,Schubert for the main act, and the soundtrack of amelie poulain afterwards :)
shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather....
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