AC/DC to split

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Just read this

Just like the old days

Underneath the Rock
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this is unconfirmed news, so it's not a news but rumor.
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Faster Than The Light Of Speed
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i hope it's just a rumour, but it's unlikely as AC/DC are hardly the sort of band people just make s**t up about these days. i woluld be very sad to see another one of my favourite bands and one of rock's true legends end, especially through a terminal illness. :(
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And I have never seen them either. :(
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I had tickets once and the show got cancelled at the last minute because Brian was ill... oh well...
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Utterly Bastard Groovy Amphetamine Filth
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If true, it's really sad news. Since I remember there was always AC/DC. Saw them live in 2009 and they still kicked serious ass. :(
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Hom_Corleone wrote:
And I have never seen them either. :(
same here.
just googled it again and still no confirmation, but surely if it wasn't true an official denial would have been forthcoming by now? :?
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Victim of Circumstance
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This would be very sad :(

The first concert I went to back at the time was AC/DC (the 2nd was the my first Sisters gig) and I think they're possibly the greatest Rock'n'Roll band ever
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Let's hope Malcolm Young will recover from this serious condition. Apart from that, the band has certainly earned its retirement.
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James Blast
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Not bothered. I really like Let There Be Rock but that's it.
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Gonzoid Amphetamine Filth
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I think it's sad news. Nearly 40 years though, not like he didn't have a pretty good run. However, they're not a band that I would seek out - could've seen them live a few times but didn't, and I don't own ANY of their records.
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Doobie Brother
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First band I ever saw live in 1982. Thankfully it now seems not to be true. Get well wishes to Malcolm though.
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