Official Sisters Merch - new online store

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Johnny Rev 7.0
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I genuinely think the MAM store had the wrong sizes and the new guys have just copied it.

I bought a "Jesus loves..." to be unveiled at the last night of Butlin's back in March. I'll agree I was portly (markfiendâ„¢) at that moment in time, but it still felt like a Hussey poncho circa RAH.

Having been on the stress-diet, for too many weeks I chose to remember, I've lost a lot of weight. Now "Jesus loves..." feels like a tent.

I keep waiting for the ghost of Gaddafi and his entourage to set up camp somewhere around my navel. Maybe he has some blue-fluff pickers.

But the GLJ t-shirt (£10) I bought at Butlin's after their storming set, fitted me then, and fits even better now.

It's still Gildan, or Fruit of the Loom t-shirt quality, but I think somewhere, someone, is ripping-off fans on price.

Get the double-whammy of sizes out of kilter, rip-off prices, and some of us stop to forgive.
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Possibly, but sizes or not it's definitely not the smoothest online transaction in the world. I got the same message as emwk re "this order was only partially processed, which means that it has effectively been stuck in limbo since the order was placed by yourself - this does occasionally happen with orders placed through PayPal".

I use paypal a fair amount as this is a new one on me. We'll see if the tea towel is the right size!
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Gonzoid Amphetamine Filth
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Johnny Rev 7.0 wrote: I keep waiting for the ghost of Gaddafi and his entourage to set up camp somewhere around my navel.
Gird up your loins, then! (;))
ruffers wrote:We'll see if the tea towel is the right size!
I think that depends on what you want to use it for...

Whelp, I guess I get to be glad I didn't experience any hiccups (well, apart from writing them a message on fb about their sizes, which I never received an answer to).
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I'm an English wordsmith trying to make his way in Germany. I'd never considered the verb "gird" before, or it's literal meaning, other than Monty Python's: "Gird your loins... with cheap girders."

Thank you rien for teaching me something I didn't know.

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Johnny Rev 7.0 wrote:You may stay.
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Gonzoid Amphetamine Filth
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markfiend wrote:
Johnny Rev 7.0 wrote:You may stay.
Okay. *morphs into an octopus and latches on to you*
(my brain told me this would be an amusing thing to post. I have my doubts.)
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Road Kill
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Thanks for the info Johnny Rev 7.0 (the 7th of the Rev clan)
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Johnny Rev 7.0
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rien wrote:Okay. *morphs into an octopus and latches on to you*
Bizarrely, you are educating me. In German.

I drive past the shop everyday that advertises: TINTE. TONER. KOPIER. And seriously think what the fuck is "TINTE"?

So in a small moment of clarity, I think Octopus. Then I think ink. Then I think Tintefish. I get there in the end.

Once again rien you may stay.
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Johnny Rev 7.0 wrote:I genuinely think the MAM store had the wrong sizes and the new guys have just copied it.
It's just occurred to me... I wonder if this lot have obtained MAM store's bankrupt stock?
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Johnny Rev 7.0 wrote: So in a small moment of clarity, I think Octopus. Then I think ink. Then I think Tintefish. I get there in the end.

Once again rien you may stay.
*cocks eyebrow* well, I'm glad I could be of assistance. It's TinteNfisch, by the way ;) I'd ask what you are doing in Germany, and where*, but I don't want to continue into OT territory.

*but not who, because I genuinely don't care to know; but I had to mention it for punning purposes.

Re: MAM: it wouldn't surprise me. What happened to MAM?
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Last edited by Johnny Rev 7.0 on 14 Oct 2014, 22:37, edited 3 times in total.
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Johnny Rev 7.0 wrote:
rien wrote:TinteNfisch, by the way ;) I'd ask what you are doing in Germany.
Never pull a proof reader up on their typos. We're still human after all.
Then I won't mention the lack of commas in your second iteration of my right to stay ;) (worse than a proof reader: a proof reader who is not employed as such.)
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And just in case anyone is as confused as I was for several minutes, purchases from the new online store will appear on your credit card/bank statement as:
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ruffers wrote:Possibly, but sizes or not it's definitely not the smoothest online transaction in the world. I got the same message as emwk re "this order was only partially processed, which means that it has effectively been stuck in limbo since the order was placed by yourself - this does occasionally happen with orders placed through PayPal".

I use paypal a fair amount as this is a new one on me. We'll see if the tea towel is the right size!
You'll all be delighted to know my tea towel and mug arrived safe and sound.
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And delighted we are. Now about the t-shirts they sell: can anybody tell me what make they are (Fruit of the Loom, ..)?
I'd like to know because of sizing...
I couldn't see any labels on their website and my e-mail request and gentle reminder were disregarded...
THX Ben.
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IIRC they use the Gildan heavy stock. Quite roomy. I'm a slim 6 foot 3, the small is a snug fit, the medium is more than enough.
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Road Kill
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THX. Gildan is perfect. I've got quite some Gildan shirts and will know what size to order then...
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Bought a couple of hoodies and t-shirts for christmas presents. Do we know how many days they need to arrive from ordering? :)
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Road Kill
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There's now a size guide on each shirt page. It even goes to two decimal places, just in case that tenth of a centimetre is a deal breaker. Which is nice.
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Eighthcircle wrote:tenth of a centimetre
Don't we call them "millimetres" any more? ;)

I don't see any size guides, though. But I only clicked on the first two shirts.
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Road Kill
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If it were up to me sizes would be in inches and prices in guineas and ha'pennies...

Size guides were there for Hot Metal and Arms shirts, didn't look further than that. Also didnt check how accurate they are for the ones I bought recently which as others have mentioned are "generous" ( this is a Good Thing)
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rien wrote:
Eighthcircle wrote:tenth of a centimetre
Don't we call them "millimetres" any more? ;)
quite right. but i also approve of feet and inches -whoever heard of 30cm vinyl?
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eastmidswhizzkid wrote:
rien wrote:
Eighthcircle wrote:tenth of a centimetre
Don't we call them "millimetres" any more? ;)
quite right. but i also approve of feet and inches -whoever heard of 30cm vinyl?
Imperial measurements confuse me. The only area where I use them is in songwriting. *meters just doesn't flow well...
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eastmidswhizzkid wrote:
rien wrote:
Eighthcircle wrote:tenth of a centimetre
Don't we call them "millimetres" any more? ;)
quite right. but i also approve of feet and inches -whoever heard of 30cm vinyl?
Well exactly. And I don't think that the Metropoplitan Polis would be particularly chuffed to find that their address was One Scotland Ninety Centimetre.

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Johnny: auntie arrived at the bus station and I was centimetre.
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