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So. Anyone see it last night?
Oddest episode evvah!
Just like the old days

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Yup. It was refreshing to read back through this thread and see how much things have changed :wink:

The entire entertainment industry is gripped with rebooting, so - why not retcon in the birth of Davros?! Brilliant!

No, it isn't. The Daleks are frankly a dull and predictable enemy to anyone who has been watching for more than two series.

Clara is still an insufferable waste of space, and I actually found myself appreciating Missy's haughty dismissal of her; it was a preferable side to Gomez' portrayal of the Master than the usual gibbering space-loon that she and Simm have immortalised.

Again and again, I'm treated to an episode that glorifies the set piece and the special effect, over the script. All that really happened was the Doctor went to see Davros, and the Daleks shot everyone. Two lines, stretched out over forty-five minutes.

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It was definitely on the odd side - the whole Capaldi/Tank/Renaissance Dude thing was left field, to say the least. That said, I think it opened to door to a lot of potential arcs in this series - the Doctor's saving of Davros, the costs of compassion, the nature of Doctor/Master relationship (the nuances of which have been hinted at previously, but it sounds as if Her Mistressship might put more of a "woman in touch with her emotions" spin on it in contrast to the "I'm going to destroy everything you love, because I hate you" angle that we've seen before).
Maybe they needed the set-piece to set the stage for forthcoming episodes, to introduce the various threads before getting down to the real story-telling bits. Hope so, anyway - the episode was disjointed, to say the least.
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EvilBastard wrote:I think it opened to door to a lot of potential arcs in this series.
Ugh I hope not. I hate the obsession with story-arcs in Dr Who. Whatever happened to having him just go to a different place each week, why does it always have to interconnect.

I mean it's a good idea in theory except whenever it gets to the end of a series and the story-arcs all come together it always seems so rushed, so unsatisfying.
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Agreed. This ongoing obsession with vast, complex arcs stuffed full of red herrings is infuriating. And I never thought I'd say that because the concept itself appeals to me - I loved pondering the significance of the X-Files myth arcs, or the oblique references of the Doctor Who novels...

The TV series tends to paint heavily with the emphasis and damn the consistency. And as Dan says, the pay-off is never successful.
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Must admit I thought it was a good episode in general, apart from the guitar bit. I have a tendency to like obscure (and not so obscure) references which I can imagine is annoying, but they're a staple of :von: also so we're used to them. :wink: Even Clara wasn't as annoying as usual and Missy wasn't as over the top which is a good thing. Davros was the best he's been since Genisis. I'm hoping in the next episode they manage to make the Daleks a bit scary again...
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timsinister wrote:I loved pondering the significance of the X-Files myth arcs
The problem was, the X-Files eventually collapsed under the weight of the myth-arcs. I can see Doctor Who in danger of doing the same.
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Nick Cave turning up in Dr Who was a proper wtf..
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markfiend wrote:
timsinister wrote:I loved pondering the significance of the X-Files myth arcs
The problem was, the X-Files eventually collapsed under the weight of the myth-arcs. I can see Doctor Who in danger of doing the same.
Agreed, entirely. About the last ditch before we get into true 'epileptic plot trees' as the TV Tropes people call it, is that Moffat doesn't carry them over to new series. If that changes, we could be in trouble...
Must admit I thought it was a good episode in general, apart from the guitar bit. I have a tendency to like obscure (and not so obscure) references which I can imagine is annoying, but they're a staple of Our fearless leader! also so we're used to them. Wink Even Clara wasn't as annoying as usual and Missy wasn't as over the top which is a good thing. Davros was the best he's been since Genisis. I'm hoping in the next episode they manage to make the Daleks a bit scary again...
I'm a great fan of obscure references too, and it's always nice when Moffat throws in some Classic Who moments, e.g. the re-appearance of the Special Weapons Dalek. And of course AE is a massive Who fan as well, natch :wink:
I barely notice Clara anymore, she has all the plot relevance of wallpaper. As observed previously, Missy seemed a little more stable and I enjoyed her dismissal of the Doctor's latest 'pet'. Davros I felt was more intriguing in Remembrance - but of course he's 'dying' in this episode so his performance will be a little subpar.
Nick Cave turning up in Dr Who was a proper wtf..
I didn't notice that until afterwards, I feel like a sham! We've noticed before I think someone in BBC Sound is a firmly entrenched fan of quality music!

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markfiend wrote: The problem was, the X-Files eventually collapsed under the weight of the myth-arcs.
The final episode was just a restatement of all the main plot points from the previous ten years because you needed spreadsheet to follow them.
Any more of that and we'll be round your front door with the quick-setting whitewash and the shaved monkey.
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I enjoyed the episode more than I expected after the dross of the last series,howerver a couple of things in particular annoyed me. Firstly the now expected "let's dig out a few old monster outfits and litter them around a scene,the fans love that" and secondly the Dalek using the phrase "Maximun Extermination" What,are there differing levels of extermination now?
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It's verging on an Eddie Izzard sketch isn't it?

Set exterminators to "slight limp"!
Just like the old days

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Pista wrote:It's verging on an Eddie Izzard sketch isn't it?

Set exterminators to "slight limp"!
Any more of that and we'll be round your front door with the quick-setting whitewash and the shaved monkey.
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fissure king would've been a better joke. no?
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The first episode of the new series was on 'Catch Up' yesterday. Utter rubbish. I didn't last 10 minutes.

Problems were:

Aliens wearing New Rocks
Aliens playing Nick Cave songs in a bar
Hand Mines

Still, at least you have a big enough industry to support Sci-Fi...
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Zygon = Isil hmm
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paint it black wrote:Zygon = Isil hmm
Yeah, that had all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. But then, it's a kids/young adults show, so...
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I wish they'd knock it off with that damn guitar
Just like the old days

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Pista wrote:I wish they'd knock it off with that damn guitar
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Moffat leaves Dr Who

A good writer who overstretched himself IMO. The last series reminded me of the Sylvester McCoy years , childish and obviously being run down to cancellation.

I hope he still offers the occasional story, when he was good he was very good.
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I can start watching it again! YES!!!

...Oh. Not before 2018. Sigh.
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rien wrote:FINALLY

I can start watching it again! YES!!!

...Oh. Not before 2018. Sigh.
I might give it another chance then too, although I think it's probably already too late to save it.
Any more of that and we'll be round your front door with the quick-setting whitewash and the shaved monkey.
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No guarantees Chris Chibnall is any more capable a replacement - he's knocked out some odd episodes! Power of Three, 42, the bizarre Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.

He was a frothing superfan in the Eighties, part of DWAS and criticizing the show for Trial of a Time Lord - but that's like shooting fish in a barrel. Moffat gave us Blink, and wrote some great stories during the Wilderness Years, then turned out the trash of the last few years.

I suspect Chibnall will continue to emphasize the characters and their relationships over things like plot or internal consistency.
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I'll have to google Chibnall, but it's really not hard to be less sexist/queerphobic/racist/disrespectful towards fans than Moffat.
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