eldritch strange statements on stage...

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Road Kill
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... can hardly be understood. anyone got the bootleg munich open air 96? he said something like "maximum discredit" and I wonder what that should be....
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Utterly Bastard Groovy Amphetamine Filth
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Would be easy to find out IF someone had the actual bootleg. Havn´t seen any bootleg from Munich 96 around YET.

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On Jun 16, 2002 8:09pm, hippie-bullsh-t-hater wrote:
... can hardly be understood. anyone got the bootleg munich open air 96? he said something like "maximum discredit" and I wonder what that should be....
when during the gig did he say it? which songs was it before and after?

maybe he was about to trash a hussey-penned song? or maybe they were gonna do a cover version?
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Utterly Bastard Groovy Amphetamine Filth
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Might be about the band they supported ?? :razz:
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