I know that the reference to Dylan's "A hard rain's a-gonna fall" has been noted before, but I was wondering how much it's really been explored - since I think, perhaps, that the associations go further than a mere single pun. e.g.:
- "I hear the roar of a big machine two worlds and in between" vs. "I heard the sound of a thunder that roared out a warnin'; Heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole world"
- Is there a relationship between the 'sons of the city' and Dylan's 'blue eyed son'?
- Obviously the allusion to the Dylan song brings in all of that song's apocalyptic imagery - which brings Lucretia firmly into line with the "floodland" theme.
Also, I noticed on the official lyrics page that he's written "I hear dive, bombers" - note the comma. I'm not exactly sure what that's getting at, but it did focus my attention on the word "dive" - which of course also has aquatic connotations ...