Ben Christo and levelling up

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Gonzoid Amphetamine Filth
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Obviously we're in the middle of Coronation Street meltdown, Sister-style, this week. Lots posted, lots more to come I'd imagine.

But I wanted to take a minute to say how f**king amazing Ben Christo seems to have been on Saturday night at the Roundhouse. Like, it's nobody's idea of a good time to find yourself walking on stage as the SOLE guitarist of a hugely examined band. In fact I'd go as far as to say it's probably a professional musician's version of the naked-at-school dream.

But I'm looking at videos online, and man, he's a machine. Huge energy and a virtuoso technical performance, under what has to have been enormous strain. How many people could do that?

I hope Von appreciates what he's got. That's world class stuff right there. Ben's done his 10,000 hours.
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The impression I've had during the Christo/Smith period is that they're extremely well-rehearsed, to the point that it's almost a beat-for-beat, nigh-on-choreographed affair. I think that part of the setup of the Eldritch/Christo/Smith lineup is that they learn the songs inside and out, until they're able to perfectly duplicate them verbatim from one show to the next without much variation, as a means of ensuring that the show goes on while Eldritch misses cues, or improvises around, or turns up unrehearsed, or whatever (it's quite clear that their performance doesn't change based on what each other or Eldritch are doing at any point in time). I rather suspect that he's under instruction not to stop for anything less than a fire alarm.

Conversely, I think the Catalyst/Christo pairing was a little looser and a little more variable from show to show. I'm not saying one approach is better than the other - indeed, the "verbatim recital" approach comes in handy these days in the Sisters, especially if you happen to have a crap mix, or if one half of the guitar lineup is ejected from the band: having the songs this well internalised enables you can carry on regardless of any implosions or explosions taking place in the background.

So I don't disagree with you that Ben's a virtuoso and a great showman (as well as, most importantly, a wonderful Sisters songwriter), but I honestly don't think he altered anything much after things collapsed. He might have continued in much the same way if he hadn't noticed Dylan's absence! Perhaps as much as his virtuosity, we should be applauding the discipline it takes for someone to embed a setlist's worth of songs this deeply into muscle memory.
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Gonzoid Amphetamine Filth
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Yeah, All fair comment. I suppose where I'm coming from is trying to imagine how I'd feel walking onto the stage with Von to try to carry off the gig on Saturday night as Ben did.

Like, Chris C is there in the back ground to run the 1s and 0s, but otherwise it's just two people, one of whom is very. . . . idiosyncratic let's just say.

A fair bit of adrenaline involved in that evening I'd say. But you're right, I don't think it would have been possible if Ben wasn't rehearsed to within an inch of his life.
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Todashi wrote: 26 Sep 2023, 10:59 Yeah, All fair comment. I suppose where I'm coming from is trying to imagine how I'd feel walking onto the stage with Von to try to carry off the gig on Saturday night as Ben did.

Like, Chris C is there in the back ground to run the 1s and 0s, but otherwise it's just two people, one of whom is very. . . . idiosyncratic let's just say.

A fair bit of adrenaline involved in that evening I'd say. But you're right, I don't think it would have been possible if Ben wasn't rehearsed to within an inch of his life.
Honestly, mate? I think the lads made for it.
More of the focus on him? He was loving it. More room to run about the stage? Doing it. More space to sing about? Belting it. I think he knows his job isn't on the line.
The boys a performer, through and through, and he did what he does best. And better yet i think he was thriving on it.
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LyanvisAberrant wrote: 26 Sep 2023, 11:05
Todashi wrote: 26 Sep 2023, 10:59 Yeah, All fair comment. I suppose where I'm coming from is trying to imagine how I'd feel walking onto the stage with Von to try to carry off the gig on Saturday night as Ben did.

Like, Chris C is there in the back ground to run the 1s and 0s, but otherwise it's just two people, one of whom is very. . . . idiosyncratic let's just say.

A fair bit of adrenaline involved in that evening I'd say. But you're right, I don't think it would have been possible if Ben wasn't rehearsed to within an inch of his life.
Honestly, mate? I think the lads made for it.
More of the focus on him? He was loving it. More room to run about the stage? Doing it. More space to sing about? Belting it. I think he knows his job isn't on the line.
The boys a performer, through and through, and he did what he does best. And better yet i think he was thriving on it.
Completely agree - Ben was doing a hell of a lot of work on both nights (in addition to guitar and more-than-backing vocals), but particularly on the Saturday ensuring that the performance aspects of the gig (the visual spectacle, conducting the audience through the singalongs, etc) didn't suffer from the band being one man down.
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I like Ben. Weird that not only is he the guitarist, but that he's also somehow becoming the lead vocalist.
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Also, there’s the fact that Ben and Dylan go way back, they were friends long before Dylan joined the band. There must be an emotional element of it too (for Ben, I mean).
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TheGoodSon wrote: 26 Sep 2023, 20:25 Also, there’s the fact that Ben and Dylan go way back, they were friends long before Dylan joined the band. There must be an emotional element of it too (for Ben, I mean).
There's work (band) commitments to be done, I'm sure he's being pragmatic.
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Agree with that Ben's doing a top job! Owns up the stage, keeps it together, delivers fine vocals. Sincerely into it.

They're just going through another Armageddon tour. They'll be fine.
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Gonzoid Amphetamine Filth
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I have a feeling that we're seeing something interesting happen in real time. I obviously feel sorry for Dylan - he's not having a good week no matter how it went down. Either he's f**ked around and is finding out, or he's been treated badly - either way not good. But looking past that, I suspect Ben and Von will be very tight after this.

It's nice to see Chris back, but let's be real. This isn't possible without Ben. On Twitter Chris mentioned something to someone about doing a teeshirt run when he's 'back off tour' so my guess is that he's there for the complete run. I think this is what the rest of this tour will be. I don't think Chris will strap on a guitar again. It'll be Von and Ben out front and Chris running the show from behind.

Also, am I imagining things, or are there quite a few new musical embellishments in the backing tracks being played? Check out this video for Genevieve at 0:24 for some glockenspiel I've never heard before, repeated throughout the track, and some 'new' strings at 3:20 and some pipe organ towards the end at about 3:50?

Also here in On The Beach

Listen at 2:31 for more 'new' pads. Possibly these flairs were there all along and are just more clearly audible now because there's only one guitar on top, and no chugging to make the mix sound muddy, or perhaps it's been done deliberately to flesh the sound out more?

Be interesting to see if more of these flourishes appear, as the tracks get de-metaled on the tour bus. This could be the starting point of a new type of Sisters sound - less metal and chugging and more melodic, as it's very hard to make a wall of guitar noise with one guitar, while also carrying a melody.

Anyone spotted any more changes? I suppose these must have been made over the Summer because they couldn't really have been done since Friday night, or at least, it would seem unlikely.

But maybe Von woke up on Saturday and said to himself 's**t, I'm a man down. Better get protools out and rework a set to make it sound less like we're missing someone."?
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Could be. Von's a creature of habit, so band history should offer some clues. With that, I'd agree with you that this may be the next (last?) evolution of the Sisters; Von, Ben and Nurse. Gary was never replaced, live bass was dropped when Tony left. Likewise, Davey may well sit this tour out, while Chris lends his mates a hand. So I wouldn't bet on Chris jumping back to guitar full-time next year.

Since 2016, Von's threatened to bring elegance and space back to the Sisters' sound. In shows, however, he has long served the metal crowds. Space has been coming for a while and now there's more. This frees up Ben, and also, the Dok. They can balance the sound out differently and use the Dok to explore new sonic territories. The lead vocals seem to have more room and are actually audible. They can turn this into a win.
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This is the great thing about having "live sequenced" rather than recorded backing tracks - they're easier to update on the fly
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100% hypothetical but I wonder what would happen if Ben decides to walk too, or there is a touring conflict with his other bands. Will Andrew just call it quits? The whole Dylan situation sucks, especially since I saw them for the first time in person earlier this year I could feel the energy and comradery/chemistry on stage between the crew. Whatever the situation was that led to Eldritch physically shoving Dylan off stage, It just sucks that this phase of the band is over. I hope Ben sticks around, however as many people have said on this forum in the past, Ben does a lot of the heavy lifting nowadays. I wouldn't be surprised if the pressure is just too much for him at some point, especially if they don't fill that second guitarist spot...
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I think that's unlikely, Ben is quite committed to the Sisters and Andrew and himself couid probably work things out if there was a scheduling conflict.
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Yeah, I think we're approaching the point that Ben *is* the Sisters guitarist and I don't think there's a band without him.

Not that anybody is irreplaceable exactly but Von will hit a point that starting from scratch would be such an enormous effort that you'd have to think he'd be seriously tempted not to bother and just retire. Ben is there since 2006, making him the longest serving member other than Von and the Dr.

He perhaps doesn't *seem* as important as other guitarists in the past because he's not contributed to the recorded work, but I think that changed significantly when Dylan and the new songs arrived. Now they're basically playing a fourth album now and have been for a couple of years.

The new songs that were written with Ben, Von and Dylan (and possibly Creff, not really clear on that) represent a significant creative body of work, and Ben was around for that. I think his legacy is secure. Also, if he hasn't fallen out with Von by now, then he's probably not going to. Or if he has, it's happened privately and been sorted out privately.

Also, reading massively into what's happened in public here, Ben is posting on social media about being several years clear of booze, and you'd have to think drugs too etc. So he's going to bed sober and waking up sober and doing a stellar job. I don't begrudge anyone a bit of rock n'roll excess, but they're all a bit long in the tooth now to be having tantrums on stage and being difficult to work with. I'd say it's a lot more relaxing to go on tour with a lead guitarist that you know you can rely on.

I think this is the next/last evolution of the Sisters, as mentioned above, and I predict it'll involve a return to a more melodic and less distortion driven sound.
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Todashi wrote: 26 Sep 2023, 10:59 Yeah, All fair comment. I suppose where I'm coming from is trying to imagine how I'd feel walking onto the stage with Von to try to carry off the gig on Saturday night as Ben did.

Like, Chris C is there in the back ground to run the 1s and 0s, but otherwise it's just two people, one of whom is very. . . . idiosyncratic let's just say.

A fair bit of adrenaline involved in that evening I'd say. But you're right, I don't think it would have been possible if Ben wasn't rehearsed to within an inch of his life.
Ben does have first class degree in drama, which would mean having honed the skills of how to work the stage, how to interact with an audience and with others onstage, how to stay composed under pressure and overcome sudden changes far more than most "typical" musicians. This doesn't take away from his muscicianship, I merely mean that he's the most likely to be able to adapt to an unexpected change in how things are being run. He's definitely showed his mettle and his value though, and indeed the band is very lucky to have him. :)
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Ben’s the best guitarist in Sisters history. As simple as that.

I’ll always be a Mr Whammy man though. 😎
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Purple Light wrote: 28 Sep 2023, 21:30 Ben’s the best guitarist in Sisters history. As simple as that.

I’ll always be a Mr Whammy man though. 😎

I agree. I’ve really enjoyed watching his playing develop over the years. Initially I thought he was too “metal,” and trying to do too much - I thought he was overplaying a lot. But he’s really become one of my favorites since then, and the recent unpleasantness really shows what an outstanding musician and performer he is. A real pro that one.
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Not just metal, but really bad, out-of-place metal. It was horrendous at first, and after the 'Motorhead years' of Mr Whammy and Starling the early Ben years seemed like one of Von's sick jokes. Warmed a little in 2011, predominantly by Rain From Heaven, and was completely won over in 2015 with his bits on 1959. Been great since and did indeed transform, in front of our very eyes, into the best guitarist the Sisters have ever had, on stage at the Roundhouse.

Not remotely surprised to learn he has a degree in drama, interesting little snippet of info nonetheless, cheers @godgirl.
If you were asking my opinion then I would say delete that.
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Planet Dave wrote: 28 Sep 2023, 22:01 Not just metal, but really bad, out-of-place metal. It was horrendous at first, and after the 'Motorhead years' of Mr Whammy and Starling the early Ben years seemed like one of Von's sick jokes. Warmed a little in 2011, predominantly by Rain From Heaven, and was completely won over in 2015 with his bits on 1959. Been great since and did indeed transform, in front of our very eyes, into the best guitarist the Sisters have ever had, on stage at the Roundhouse.

Not remotely surprised to learn he has a degree in drama, interesting little snippet of info nonetheless, cheers @godgirl.
Agreed on him growing more and more into his role.
As for the drama thing, I thought it was common knowledge?

I sometimes forget that not everyone remembers the same kinds of bizarre trivia that I do.. like the thing about Von being approached to do Banzai back in the day ought to surely be canon but apparently... it's not? Is it?

Or what I thought was generally known to everyone on the internet until I discovered otherwise: the existence for decades of an entire website of stories about Roy Orbison being wrapped in clingfilm....... ok sorry, that WAS tangential. :lol:
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godgirl wrote: 29 Sep 2023, 00:29 I sometimes forget that not everyone remembers the same kinds of bizarre trivia that I do.. like the thing about Von being approached to do Banzai back in the day ought to surely be canon but apparently... it's not? Is it?
Of course it is, it's on the website
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Todashi wrote: 27 Sep 2023, 09:29 Also, am I imagining things, or are there quite a few new musical embellishments in the backing tracks being played? Check out this video for Genevieve at 0:24 for some glockenspiel I've never heard before, repeated throughout the track, and some 'new' strings at 3:20 and some pipe organ towards the end at about 3:50?

Also here in On The Beach

Listen at 2:31 for more 'new' pads. Possibly these flairs were there all along and are just more clearly audible now because there's only one guitar on top, and no chugging to make the mix sound muddy, or perhaps it's been done deliberately to flesh the sound out more?
Noticed this as well -- the band seems to be on a quick foot when the landscape is changing, and as it was mentioned here, it opens up space for everyone. In Amsterdam, as you see not only on my videos, this worked very well.

But I do object to the thread title -- it's more a "Ben Christo Appreciation Post", and rightly so, he is a machine and at the same time very enthusiastic and connecting on the stage!
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Gonzoid Amphetamine Filth
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H. Blackrose wrote: 29 Sep 2023, 03:35
godgirl wrote: 29 Sep 2023, 00:29 I sometimes forget that not everyone remembers the same kinds of bizarre trivia that I do.. like the thing about Von being approached to do Banzai back in the day ought to surely be canon but apparently... it's not? Is it?
Of course it is, it's on the website
Ah yes, of course. But Ben's drama degree is also, erm, on his LinkedIn profile! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Gonzoid Amphetamine Filth
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Jan wrote: 29 Sep 2023, 09:26 But I do object to the thread title -- it's more a "Ben Christo Appreciation Post", and rightly so, he is a machine and at the same time very enthusiastic and connecting on the stage!
Yeah, I kinda regret that now! I was trying to get the idea across that it seemed to me we were seeing him step up in real time.

Interesting to note that Chris stepping in to be Nurse was at least a few weeks in preparation, according to the podcast in the Reviews section. He mentions going back on tour with the Sisters in that, and it was recorded at least a week before the Roundhouse gigs. (Hope Davey's family situation is working out. Something obviously serious is going down there.)

But yeah, Ben is great. Go Ben!
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I sincerely hope that Dylan returns to the band and joins them soon mid-tour. Without him, the Sisters might have just withered away and ended during the US bioweapon lockdown, instead of returning with a brand new set of fresh songs.
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