Sisters Images game. Deluxe edition

THE place for your Sisters-related comments, questions and snippets of Sisters information. For those who do not know, The Sisters of Mercy are a rock'n'roll band. And a pop band. And an industrial groove machine. Or so they say. They make records. Lots of records, apparently. But not in your galaxy. They play concerts. Lots of concerts, actually. But you still cannot see them. So what's it all about, Alfie? This is one of the few tightly-moderated forums on Heartland, so please keep on-topic. All off-topic posts will either be moved or deleted. Chairman Bux is the editor and the editor's decision is final. Danke.
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Suleiman wrote: 03 Jan 2024, 18:55
Eighthcircle wrote: 03 Jan 2024, 15:21 "And the mist will wrap around us"?
We have a winner!
Keep it going?
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Road Kill
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Ah sorry, this had completely slipped off my radar! Will come up with something in the next 48 hours...
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Amphetamine Filth
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"where the voice you hold don't make no sound"?
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Road Kill
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Suleiman wrote: 26 Jan 2024, 12:11 "where the voice you hold don't make no sound"?
Winner! Was obviously easier than I thunk...
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"In space no one can hear you scream"

Please bear with me while I think of something.
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Suleiman wrote: 27 Jan 2024, 14:24 Image
I canceled my trip to NYC last year because of that pic...!

Run around in the radiation
Run around in the acid rain
- Black Planet
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Amphetamine Filth
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Sorry to hear that Electrochrome,

I have been in sandstorms that have looked a lot like that (Sandstorm is an instrumental, so it's not that).

It's not from Black Planet either.
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Suleiman wrote: 27 Jan 2024, 14:24 Image
Yellow, sunset yellow
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The Final Floorshow - My Own Sisters T-Shirt Shop
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Afraid not Husek.
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Sand stretch far away - Dominion
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Suleiman wrote: 27 Jan 2024, 14:24 Image
"in clouds of dust erupting"?
Amphetamine Filth
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Neither of those
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Oh no. Have I killed this thread?

Do you want a clue or a different image?
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A clue, please ... :) ...
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Being645 wrote: 08 Feb 2024, 15:53 A clue, please ... :) ...
It's not sand, it's not dust. I could keep counting.
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A white house in a red square ... :) ...
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Conting the days In the haze around you?
If you were asking my opinion then I would say delete that.
Amphetamine Filth
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Planet Dave wrote: 09 Feb 2024, 16:15 Conting the days In the haze around you?
You got it.

Over to you Planet Dave
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Suleiman wrote: 09 Feb 2024, 19:50
Planet Dave wrote: 09 Feb 2024, 16:15 Conting the days In the haze around you?
You got it.

Over to you Planet Dave
I got it, I just couldn't type it right :lol: :innocent: right, giz a short while to sort a suitable image...

... and duly sorted, fresh off my PS5...

If you were asking my opinion then I would say delete that.
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Get ahead, go figure, go ahead and pull the trigger?
If I told them once, I told them a hundred times to put 'Spinal Tap' first and 'Puppet Show' last.
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mh wrote: 10 Feb 2024, 00:29 Get ahead, go figure, go ahead and pull the trigger?
Aww it kinda shoulda been that, I'm afraid it's even less subtle than that though :lol:
If you were asking my opinion then I would say delete that.
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Going to need a hint here...
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Planet Dave
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Ooo soz for the delay, erm, well, Doomguy is very fond of his BFG ;D no overthinking required, that's a pic from Doom Eternal, no room for subtlety whatsoever.
If you were asking my opinion then I would say delete that.
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