The audio shifts annoy me.
No worries, happy to contribute!
Belated summary: Salt Lake City knows how to party. Big crowd, very responsive to opener Blaq Audio. Range of young'uns to us 40+ ers. Sister's new material is definitely more well known than last year's tour, from my limited experience anyways. The crowd was enthusiastic across the board, some more into the older stuff still (silent tip of the hat to the excited dude you can hear yelling YEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH a lot in some videos), but the newer stuff got a lot of folks dancing and singing along, and some folks who didn't know the new songs asked others. I wish I was less exhausted for it (eff you, United air), because the energy was so good, but it could have been worse: a younger woman behind us fainted in between bands. The venue was hot, crowded and a lil muggy by that point, and she also seemed kinda nervous so she may not have been used to such big events. Everyone around her made sure she was okay, checked in on her throughout, and she seemed fine when we spotted her while leaving, so all's well that ends well at least, I hope.
I haven't got any of the recent (2019 on) tour shirts until this one. None have grabbed me besides a bootleg one I saw outside the 2019 Mexico City gig but had no cash for at the time. But I really like the Scar... one, it's a better design imho, and the quality isn't the worst (ringing endorsement right here).
Though still on it's debut run, Quantum Baby has been well received. It's
killer live. The fog machine showed up to work early and earned an employee of month badge. Chris still hasn't actually moved at all since SF, and at this point I am convinced that he accidentally got left behind after a show somewhere and what we see is in fact a Madame Tussauds 'seconds' wax model Von bought cheap off a bloke he met in a pub and wheels on stage moments before the lights go up (lighthearted jest only). This tour has really felt different from my previous experiences of them live, which only began in 2012 for reference. Von was in good spirits again for this one, his vocals are better on some songs since the last tour overall; and he clearly adores Kai, affectionately hugging them during the intro of More. We got a little snark at the start of I Was Wrong, as a treat

. This lineup's iteration of ToL is so effing good. The newer songs sound fantastic. They're really enjoying themselves, they obviously work well together technically and onstage, and for me it's culminated in live experiences that have overall been great energy across the board this tour: from the venue sound quality/mixing at the 3 shows I've been at, to the songs and everyone involved; even the crowd's responsiveness at every one so far - frankly, the shows have just been really effing
fun to be at/part of.