You are not an expert on the incredibly complex middle east situation, you do not know the motives of Bush and Blair, yet you assume that their only motives are to kill and make money- you shouldn't jump to conclusions like this! In this crises there has been propaganda both pro and anti-war.
Yes, The Americans have said some very stupid things in the build-up to war (e.g. calling the French 'cheese-eating surrender monkeys!'), yes, Bush is a bad public speaker, but it doesn't mean he is stupid, or a bad bloke. Stephen Hawking is a bad speaker, does that mean he is stupid as well?
Hmm, I don't really see how Saddam Hussein, an atheist leader of an atheist regime, who has had hundreds of thousands of Muslims killed, can ever be a martyr.dead inside wrote:
What the States are doing, not giving ENOUGH chances to diplomacy, is TURNING SADAM INTO A MARTYR!
That's what will happen if they have the misfortune of killing him. Sadam will become a martyr for the islam. It's time Americans would realise how islam works - but why bother, it's a different culture, right?
So turning a dictator into a martyr is the most stupid thing anyone can do. And the States are losing that war - worldwide.
Maybe they realise this too late as usual, one day something forces the States to look further then their bellybutton...
Well, he will be a martyr, but only in the same way that Hitler is a martyr to some people; Saddam (like Bin Laden) will only ever be a hero to people who are insane. Anyone who sees the attack on Iraq as an attack on Islam must already be absolutely barmy.
Anyways, I too am glad that there has been such passionate debate on this, it is heartening to know people are so concerned about this terrible crisis. It warmed my heart to see one million protesting in London- I don't agree with them, but I am very glad they all came out and spoke their minds.