Jars and sex

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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Tuscan Chimaera
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If you fill a jar with a bean each time you have sex in the first year of your relationship, and then a new jar each time you have sex after the first year, at the end of it all the jars will have the same numbers of beans.

Don't feel so sure now, do we?
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.....ermmmmm.......! :lol:
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Thrash Harry
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Go to sleep now, Francis.
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now where can I get myself a Jar?
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James Blast
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Nice clicky Thrash

I know how many beans make 5 though is that any good?
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Someone I once shared a house with thought that sliding corned beef repeatedly in and out of the tin felt just like f***ing.

And, you know, it is. If you use your imagination.
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Gripper wrote:Someone I once shared a house with thought that sliding corned beef repeatedly in and out of the tin felt just like f***ing.

And, you know, it is. If you use your imagination.
:? :? :? :|

Another Shade of You.
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James Blast
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A finger of fudge, is just enough.
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Gripper wrote:Someone I once shared a house with thought that sliding corned beef repeatedly in and out of the tin felt just like f***ing.

And, you know, it is. If you use your imagination.
WHO?? WHO????
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Red Sunsets wrote:A finger of fudge, is just enough.
your coat's in the hall
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jacket, black leather bomber, I never wear a 'coat' ems
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Thrash Harry
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Red Sunsets wrote:A finger of fudge, is just enough.
I've recently downgraded to a finger of fudge from a Boost bar with added glucose for my mid-morning coffee accompaniment. My trousers have been feeling rather too tight.
Go to sleep now, Francis.
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James Blast
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Boost!? mmmmmm
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Thrash Harry
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Red Sunsets wrote:Boost!? mmmmmm
Get thee behind me, Satan!
Go to sleep now, Francis.
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James Blast
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OK calm doon Thrash, help is at hand in the form of...

"And when you start to think about death, you start to think about what's after it. And then you start hoping there is a God. For me, it's a frightening thought to go nowhere".
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Now you're just trying to get your own back for my Young Ones/ Uriah Heep teaser, aren't you? AND you didn't even get my clue.

Get thee in front of me, Felicity.
Go to sleep now, Francis.
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you've made me cry now Thrash :(
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All this talk about jars, Boost bars & corned beef is making me feel a bit iffy after a bottle or 10 of San Miguel.
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Thrash Harry wrote:Now you're just trying to get your own back for my Young Ones/ Uriah Heep teaser, aren't you? AND you didn't even get my clue.

Get thee in front of me, Felicity.
it was SICK (even I got the clue :wink: ) Think it's was Neil, but no idea what the LP was, my video is bust :cry:

a girl I once knew had sex with a sink plunger, but ends :eek: :eek: :eek: don't think she tried the corn beef thing, actually she probably would have if she'd thought of it.
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sisxbeforedawn wrote:it was SICK (even I got the clue :wink: ) Think it's was Neil, but no idea what the LP was, my video is bust
Two out of three ain't bad. Any of these look familiar?

Go to sleep now, Francis.
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Thrash Harry wrote:
sisxbeforedawn wrote:it was SICK (even I got the clue :wink: ) Think it's was Neil, but no idea what the LP was, my video is bust
Two out of three ain't bad. Any of these look familiar?

hmm, let me think now :wink: would it be Look at yourself?
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Thrash Harry
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Much as I hate to concede defeat to a Red Rose, come on down! But where were those rabbits?
Go to sleep now, Francis.
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Thrash Harry wrote:Much as I hate to concede defeat to a Red Rose, come on down! But where were those rabbits?
Yeah you threw them into the fecking audience

Hey they reappeared

Yeah they fecking threw them back
I met a devil woman, she took my heart away
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