Don't hate me because I'm American

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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RicheyJames wrote:
Black Planet wrote:I am still going to say you can kiss my Arizona sun burnt to a crisp yankee ass.

I am not a Bush hater. I voted for and support the man. He has something most world leaders do not have.


In english...that means balls.
yeah, it takes a real man to murder thousands prosecuting an illegal war...
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Only a paand.
Road Kill
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Black Planet wrote: I am not a Bush hater. I voted for and support the man. He has something most world leaders do not have.


In english...that means balls.
Actually..."cajones" means balls, and I disagree that Bush has them. What's so brave about waging a war, when you know you and your buddies aren't at risk?

If he had any balls, he'd step up and take responsibility for SOMETHING once in a while. This country has gone to SH*T during his four years, and he'd have you believe that his administration and policies had nothing at all to do with it.

How much longer are the Bush supporters going to blame everything on Bill Clinton?

I have no respect for them...actually it's funny that Black Planet is from Arizona, because Senator John McCain (R-Ariz) is the ONLY conservative politician for whom I have respect any longer. I will proudly vote against Bush in November. Just like I did in 2000.
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markfiend wrote:Heh. Bush strikes me as having the attitude of "If it's good for American business, then the rest of the world can go f*ck."

This may go down well with certain sections of the American public, but the rest of the world finds it a little tiresome.
More like "If Dick Cheney tells me it's good for American business." Bush couldn't run a lemonade stand.
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Uh, excuse me...President Bush does have balls. They're in Dick Cheney's pants.
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WWAD, CP, thanks for showing that not all americans are to be hated.

BP: thanks to you for sending all those lovely, much needed, jobs to a third world country like mine. Now if you wouldn't mind just keeping the ocean out of my backyard...
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CorpPunk wrote:Uh, excuse me...President Bush does have balls. They're in Dick Cheney's pants.
Nope. They're in Condoleezza Rice's pants :innocent:
Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?
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H-o: Is that why she's always got that lopsided grimace on her face?

Hal, you should have seen the anti-administration tirade I wrote before I replaced it with a lame balls joke instead. Always going for the larf, I am.
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CorpPunk wrote:H-o: Is that why she's always got that lopsided grimace on her face?

Hal, you should have seen the anti-administration tirade I wrote before I replaced it with a lame balls joke instead. Always going for the larf, I am.
My friend flew back from NYC a couple of days ago (boy were his arms tired) and from what he saw he said the whole city was anti-Bush. Which is nice.

What's this about the fire fighter and police casualties from 9-11 been left off the wall of rememberance? That sh1t is fuct, as they say in USA.
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Oh, right...did everything go all right for him?

New York is traditionally a Democratic state, so there isn't much worry that we'll be on Bush's team this November. Of course, you just never know...

In my opinion 9-11 has become, sadly, part political poster child and part commercial venture, so I'll leave commenting on memorials to the families. What can I say?

Gawd, I'm such a bleeding-heart liberal these days! :wink:
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My friend was in NYC for 10 days and had a great time, he took in some broadway shows and shopping. Said it's a great place but felt a bit lonely.
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hallucienate wrote:Said it's a great place but felt a bit lonely.
I hear that . :(

For all it has to offer (if you can afford it, that is), New York is a very difficult city.
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Oopsie, and not to get too far off the original topic, here's yet another reason to not hate all Americans.

I lifted this off Teresa Nielsen Hayden's blog (an editor for Tor Books):

"Rumsfeld won’t resign, and Bush won’t sack him.

"I believe this is the first time I’ve seen George miss an opportunity to distance himself from failure and blame. The atrocities at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere will still have happened on his watch, so he’ll still have ultimate responsibility—hey, that’s what it means when you take on a command position—but firing Rumsfeld would at least have given him a cut-out, a figleaf’s worth of cover. It’s the minimum price for having anyone believe his apologies.

"But no. He means to keep Rumsfeld, and so necessarily endorses him; which means the blame flows straight up through Rumsfeld and attaches to Bush. That’s so unlike him. All these times, we’ve watched him dodge responsibility; yet now, when the charges are so foul that any sane man would want to distance himself from, Bush is right in there saying 'Bring it on.'

"This pretty much nails down his title as the worst President in American History, except for the matter of his not having been legitimately elected. I don’t know. Maybe this will be a trick question in future presidential trivia quizzes:

'Worst President ever?'
'That’s easy! —George W. Bush.'
'Is so.'
'Is not, it’s James Buchanan.'
'Got you! Bush was never elected. He was acting chief executive, or something.'
'Jeez, what a rip.'

Like that."

Well said.
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CorpPunk wrote:Uh, excuse me...President Bush does have balls. They're in Dick Cheney's pants.
Baad girl. :lol:

M'lady. :notworthy:
Loki was never worshiped as the other Gods,
Which is quite understandable.
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Black Planet
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Johnny Boy wrote:
CorpPunk wrote:Uh, excuse me...President Bush does have balls. They're in Dick Cheney's pants.
Baad girl. :lol:

M'lady. :notworthy:
Soz last time I was up on PA avenue I got a look in Bush's pants.


:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

I do work in DC for Uncle Sam. Who wants to guess who I work for? :?:
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Black Planet wrote:
Johnny Boy wrote:
CorpPunk wrote:Uh, excuse me...President Bush does have balls. They're in Dick Cheney's pants.
Baad girl. :lol:

M'lady. :notworthy:
Soz last time I was up on PA avenue I got a look in Bush's pants.


:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

I do work in DC for Uncle Sam. Who wants to guess who I work for? :?:
:lol: *snort* :lol:

If you say the FBI, I'm going to leave. If you say the CIA, I'm going to advise everyone else to leave. If you say the IRS, I'm going to ask you to do my taxes.
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Black Planet wrote:Soz last time I was up on PA avenue I got a look in Bush's pants.
But was he also *ahem* up on Pennsylvania Avenue?

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Black Planet
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@ CP.. omg...your IRS comment has hit a nerve. But I do not work For them. I AUDIT them!!!! LOL LOL LOL Good catch girl

Hey I had 7 years of auditing pols...the only nice one was from Boston Paul Tsongas. He had problems namely embezzelment, but they disclosed it to us and I sent the guy to jail. Tsongas is ace in my book. Got an autographed copy of his book. god rest his soul. He should have been president in 92.
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Black Planet
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Petseri wrote:
Black Planet wrote:Soz last time I was up on PA avenue I got a look in Bush's pants.
But was he also *ahem* up on Pennsylvania Avenue?


:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Just call me Monica. :wink:
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Black Planet wrote:
Petseri wrote:
Black Planet wrote:Soz last time I was up on PA avenue I got a look in Bush's pants.
But was he also *ahem* up on Pennsylvania Avenue?


:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Just call me Monica. :wink:
In other words, you saw bush on Pennsylvania Avenue? :eek:

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Black Planet wrote:@ CP.. omg...your IRS comment has hit a nerve. But I do not work For them. I AUDIT them!!!! LOL LOL LOL Good catch girl
You AUDIT the IRS?!?!

You know, I paid a significantly higher percentage of my income in taxes than Dick Cheney last year, but I only earned about 2% of his income. I reckon it's cos he can afford a better accountant than I can. You think you can sort that out for me, BP? ;D
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Black Planet
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Petseri wrote:
Black Planet wrote:
Petseri wrote: But was he also *ahem* up on Pennsylvania Avenue?


:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Just call me Monica. :wink:
In other words, you saw bush on Pennsylvania Avenue? :eek:

LOL I have never seen bush. I did see quayle a long time ago, and he was very very cute. sorry, I am not gonna dis cute guys for there politics.

I also say Maggie T on K street once. That was cool.

Also saw king and queen of Sweden and a huge volvo escort.

Mubarik of Egypt....caused a huge riff between me and Mr. when he was late to get me for a date Mubariks motorcade,...clogged trafic... I was angry as all get out for being slighted,,, god this was before cell phones,.... :eek: :eek: a phone call would have squared it all.
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Black Planet
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CorpPunk wrote:
Black Planet wrote:@ CP.. omg...your IRS comment has hit a nerve. But I do not work For them. I AUDIT them!!!! LOL LOL LOL Good catch girl
You AUDIT the IRS?!?!

You know, I paid a significantly higher percentage of my income in taxes than Dick Cheney last year, but I only earned about 2% of his income. I reckon it's cos he can afford a better accountant than I can. You think you can sort that out for me, BP? ;D
No I cant' fix that for you. That's a real problem here, the tax gap in terms of percentage of income. Theresa Heinz, Mr Kerry's wife paid only 14% of her income in taxes this year...I paid around 40 and I am wondering how these uber rich get away with it?????????????????????

I thankfully do not deal with taxpayer info...or that side of the IRS audit. I deal with what they put on their 6 financial statements in terms of presenting fairly without material misstatement,,,,,

OH GOD.................... I am So the accountant. :D :D :D I am acutaully proud of myself. 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) In case you are wondering, I am your equivalent of your NAO.

PIB... do you really think a true nutter could maintain a NAO equivalent job or Better for 15 years or more?

Andy..Happy Birthday love.l :kiss:
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Black Planet
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Last edited by Black Planet on 15 May 2004, 14:43, edited 1 time in total.
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i felt the same until i moved onto the biscuits with cheese :kiss:

yes i know. and yes you can be - innocent until proven over that fine line one too many times
Goths have feelings too
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Black Planet
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@ PIB...there is nothing innocent about me. Ask Burn, she will tell you.
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