Sleazy trendy blokes in trendy clubs in Norwich

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Last night I went out in Norwich for cocktails with some friends which was excellent but afterwards a large majority of them wanted to go to Brannigans(trendy club) which I didn't really care about to be honest so I went just to have a bop with them all...
But I was so shocked at what a bloody meat market it was! I could not go 5 minutes without some bloke coming up to me making some perverted comment or trying it on. The only way I could get away from most of these individuals was to pretend i was so drunk I couldn't stand up while dancing with them, fall over whilst tripping them up at the same time, getting up again then legging it! It really wasn't much fun and I felt like I was just there to please them. This happened to all my mates too and we left after an hour.
I have been to loads of metal/goth/etc gigs and clubs and never EVER have experienced this behaviour from any males at these events(well maybe it's just trendy blokes that find me attractive while wearing beer goggles :lol: ), so I would just like to say a big thank you to all "alternative" males for not behaving like that! :notworthy:

Anyone else had trouble at trendy clubs?
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James Blast
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Tried them a few times in my early twentys, felt like hell on earth.
I don't go there now... :(
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Red Sunsets wrote:hell on earth
Yep! S.hit music, s.hit people! I couldn't believe what some of the girls there were wearing. I wondered what they thought they looked like....
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Amphetamine Filth
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Aren't you a Sheringham lass BoF? After running a pub there for 3 years I always used to be quite grateful to escape to the bright lights, big city of least there's a couple of decent bars there as I remember...

But yeah, mass market cattle bar clubs - ugh. Luckily for me the only time I get dragged to them these days are when some of my sadder colleagues decide to re-discover their youth on work nights out...& the only time I've been sharked in the last couple of years the opening gambit was 'Hello Miss, do you come here often?' But I do recall how much bloody HASSLE it used to be when I was younger to go for a simple goddamned drink & a bop with a few mates without some beered up moron deciding to play 'let's pester the weirdoes'.

Unfortunately, I'm not convinced pretending to be paralytic shakes 'em off - if some bloke is so desperately insecure as to spend all night in a cheeztastic club pestering women who're making it abundantly clear they don't want to know, he's usually figured out he's got more chance with the ones with their beer goggles firmly in COULD try 'whoops, as I slipped my big clumpy/sharp pointy boot seems to have collided with your knackers, I AM sorry' & then hiding behind a friendly looking bouncer...
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To relocate the shoe onto the other foot...

Hurricane's in Glasgow, the Goth/Psychobilly haunt of the mid to late 80s was slap bang in the middle of the main lawyer/solicitor area of Glasgow. It's lunchtime crew were a much different clientele to it's after dark punters.

I remember going in about 8 on a Friday night and some of the lunch/afternoon/early evening crew were still there, emptying the cellar's collection of champers.

When us Goths and Billys started to filter in, neither faction raised an eyebrow. A few inter camp conversations were struck up, it all went swimmingly. As the city gents filtered off, they gave us what was left in their champagne buckets, with a "here, I think you can make better use of this, than I can".

Sorry that was a dull tale, and not what you expect of Glasgow, wasn't it? :oops:

<----- wanders off whistling Ebony & Ivory
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Ah...grown ups, see. Brannigans et al are more sweaty underage townie hang outs...
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Road Kill
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Yer a bit older than me RS. Where was Hurricanes? You see, I spent my teenage years at King Tuts, and llater Dj ing in the Kes club in Rooftops (previously called Nightmoves, history fans)
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:oops: :oops: :oops: think I was only at Rooftops a handful of times, it was Nightmoves for me :D

Hurricanes was in West Campbell Street (runs parallel with Sauchiehall), train station side, called The Living Room last time I looked.
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The Living Room I knew, Colin Barrs pub - did cheap cocktails all day sunday. Nightmoves is showing your age, rooftops is showing mine!
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Colin Barr! that's the chappie :D
knew how to run a good 'shop' never saw any troub. in Hurricanes.
Nightmoves was great too, saw Sex Gang Children (pishBTW), Tones On Tail (knockout), Crazyhead, FotN, The Birthday Party and GBoA & PWEI, I think, it all starts to blur when you hit 40!
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You missed the sisters in nightmoves then (so did I, by about 6 yrs). Then when things moved on, the first onslaught of the madchester bands played there too (ie- the first roses and mondays). Anyway, without wanting to advertise too much, i still dj with my mate from rooftops now and again, and my next turn is next friday (11th June) in the bunker in bath st. mostly new bands,with some old stuff thrown in.

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I just may pop along and check you out, Madam or Sir!
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Carrie wrote:Aren't you a Sheringham lass BoF? After running a pub there for 3 years
Yup, blimey which pub was that?
Carrie wrote:you COULD try 'whoops, as I slipped my big clumpy/sharp pointy boot seems to have collided with your knackers, I AM sorry' & then hiding behind a friendly looking bouncer...
I've tried that before and got in awful lot of trouble :lol:
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It's Sir, and I start at half eight. Dont expect too much darkness, as the management allways have a lot to say, but you wont get a better playlist in a boozer in Glasgow on a Weekend night.
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@ Al Thanks for the heads up, Sir.
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<Aren't you a Sheringham lass BoF? After running a pub there for 3 years

Yup, blimey which pub was that? >

Dunstable Arms, '96 - '99...sold up after my first husband died. Was back in Sheringham visiting friends last weekend - I miss the beach, but I'm sorry to say that's about it! :eek:

Nice town in a lot of ways, but I'm a city girl at heart.
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Carrie wrote:Dunstable Arms, '96 - '99...sold up after my first husband died
I can remember that, sorry to hear that it was you.
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Al wrote:Anyway, without wanting to advertise too much, i still dj with my mate from rooftops now and again, and my next turn is next friday (11th June) in the bunker in bath st. mostly new bands,with some old stuff thrown in.
Very nice bar that!

You weren't the dj on a wednesday night a few weeks ago were you? (sorry can't remember the date) long black hair, black shirt? If so Respect - you're bloody good! :D :notworthy:
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The only places where men tries to pick me up, are in gay bars. So I don't go to those anymore 8)

Trendy clubs in Stockholm are really like hell on earth. You can see who's rich, and who isn't. Scary.
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rian wrote: Trendy clubs in Stockholm are really like hell on earth. You can see who's rich, and who isn't. Scary.
Trendy clubs in London are like that too, or were when I last set foot in one a long time ago. The more visible logos = the less money. Although strangely they seem to think it proves the opposite.

Never again.
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Big Si wrote:
Al wrote:Anyway, without wanting to advertise too much, i still dj with my mate from rooftops now and again, and my next turn is next friday (11th June) in the bunker in bath st. mostly new bands,with some old stuff thrown in.
Very nice bar that!

You weren't the dj on a wednesday night a few weeks ago were you? (sorry can't remember the date) long black hair, black shirt? If so Respect - you're bloody good! :D :notworthy:
sorry, not me. I only do it now and again for a mate. this friday, then the second of july i think.
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Al wrote:
Big Si wrote:
Al wrote:Anyway, without wanting to advertise too much, i still dj with my mate from rooftops now and again, and my next turn is next friday (11th June) in the bunker in bath st. mostly new bands,with some old stuff thrown in.
Very nice bar that!

You weren't the dj on a wednesday night a few weeks ago were you? (sorry can't remember the date) long black hair, black shirt? If so Respect - you're bloody good! :D :notworthy:
sorry, not me. I only do it now and again for a mate. this friday, then the second of july i think.
I might pop in this friday, if so I'll buy you a drink. As you can tell I stand out from the crowd - ... mage_id=16 :twisted:
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i've had a few looks.
but, since i backhanded someone across the face on a dance floor, forgetting i had 2 very large diamante rings on, no one has touched me. anywhere.
I don't wanna live like I don't mind
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