The Hitchhiker Movie

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A Trailer: ... 97&tid=214

Be warned: The servers seem to be very depressed at the moment :urff:
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Amphetamine Filth
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since DNA was never able to agree a satisfactory film outline or script, i suspect that his death has just allowed the studio to make their own film, so god only knows what we'll be getting.

better still though, from the same website, the original cast are making a third radio series for broadcast on R4 in sept/oct 2004. well, deadlines are meant to be flexible but sometime soon anyway....
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Doesn't really tell you much, does it?

I guess there's going to be a film, though. And probably I won't like it, because the film in my imagination will always seem better. Hey ho.

Ho hum.

And all that.
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The radio series was originally gonna be broadcast months ago but due to an exclusivity clause in the contract with Disney (who are making the film) it had to be put on hold. It's now gonna be broadcast starting Sept 21 (Radio 4) with the final 2 series in Spring'05. There's a trailer on the bbc site (as well as a "making-of" video thing) and it sounds like it's gonna be rather good.

The film might not be as bad as people are expecting. Disney seem to be keeping their stinking interfering American fingers ;) out of it and have basically left it up to the production people. The screenplay was written by Adams before he died and has some new parts written by him especially for the film before he died, so if you see some new bits don't get annoyed at the changes 'cos Adams wrote them. In fact Adams cut a lot of parts from his script for timing purposes, some of which are now being added back in. It still has the potential to be crap, but it might not be.

That said I'm looking forward to the radio series much more than the film.
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Dan wrote: The film might not be as bad as people are expecting. Disney seem to be keeping their stinking interfering American fingers ;) out of it and have basically left it up to the production people.
If the production company are American (and they may well not be. All I know for sure about this film is that it's being made as everything else seems to be in constant flux) then I fear they may unintentionally lose some of the Englishness which, while not by definition a disaster, may well result in a film to English for the mass American market, and too American for the English fanbase.

Or, it could be great.

I'll go back to lurking now. Sorry for the stupidly long run-on sentence that you didn't bother to read.
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