Why are men so freaking fickle?

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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andymackem wrote:Izzy: that kind of sums up why I have wonderful friendships and a **** sex-life. Well put :notworthy:
Indeed, well put Izzy.
Butt it’s difficult to Judge someone on this subject.
I’m not going into detail but I have witnessed the exact opposite, and it destroyed the lives of more than 1 or 2 people.
On the other hand I fully agree with you, I even see I’m not always doing the right things.
Perhaps you are very lucky you can write this, there are a lot of people out the who truly want to say the same but simply can’t…
Another Shade of You.
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Gonzoid Amphetamine Filth
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Didn't realise this topic would generate so much response - I just had to have a rant all unto myself but it's been very interesting reading everyone's points of view and, dare I say it, comforting to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. The chip butties did it for me - thanks for that !
one day at a time
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lucretia wrote:The chip butties did it for me - thanks for that !
You're welcome. Lend me a tenner. :wink:
And you know that she's half crazy but that's why you want to be there.
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Gonzoid Amphetamine Filth
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Francis wrote:
lucretia wrote:The chip butties did it for me - thanks for that !
You're welcome. Lend me a tenner. :wink:

I doubt that R10 would be enough to purchase a couple of slices of bread to make a chip butty in the UK (although now the Rand is stronger maybe it would ... :?: ) Er, note -
"So close I could almost... loan you money"
one day at a time
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Almiche V
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Izzy HaveMercy wrote:Start talking to each other. It will make the world a better place in general.
I couldn't agree more Iz. And as for people being secretive and evasive.......:evil: They don't seem to realise you can spot it a mile off.
To not know and to ask a question is a moment of embarrassment; to not know and not ask is a lifetime of shame.
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Black Biscuit
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lucretia wrote:comforting to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel
Is there? better read this before you start thinking so: http://capetowncorp.com/flash/marriage.html with its comments like "If you're single, things are as good as they're ever going to get" are another persepective for you to consider....
.... there is no semblance of rock 'n roll around here!
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