A couple of years back I did a short freelance job for a slash porn site - writing and designing their press release to promote the site.
Needless to say, the first few hours were spent working out what the hell I was meant to be promoting, and what this slash porn thing was all about (I had to write a potted history of slash for the press release so magazine editors could cut and paste it for their readers).
The whole concept of slash seems fine (just like watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and imagining what would happen if Willow came on to Buffy and it wasn't restricted by teatime TV guidelines ... erm ... that's just, like, a random example, yeah
The only disturbing thing was the amount of "non-con" slash that the female readers seemed to enjoy (based on the feedback pages) - "non-con" being non-consenual, and basically being descriptions of male/male rape.