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Posted: 12 May 2006, 06:30
by randdebiel²
HisWimmNess wrote:20th time I saw them.

I was afraid (GF for the first time present) because I had read much bad reviews lately.

But, this was the best gig I ever saw of them. Brilliant. Good sound, goood smoke. Nice version of Lucretia, btw.

Thanx for the lovely evening, I should say :D
you were the guy next to us? you were with 4 people?

Posted: 12 May 2006, 08:19
by Obviousman

This gig was abso-f**king-lutely brilliant! 8) :notworthy:

Tonnes of energy, enourmously lovely crowd (for it was crowded in there!) and quite a nice support band (though I think there were only about 5 of us enjoying it, very heavy guitar stuff :lol:).

First time I was in the mosh pit and very much enjoyed it, took me lots of energy but definately was worth it :notworthy:

Top moment: Neverland, Still, Alice, Giving Ground, Burn (:!:) actually all of it :lol:

Very nice to meet some new HLers: Frederik and his lady, libby and Joerie (get yourself on here! :P) and for just a moment Ghostrider (who'd brought along my weeds :notworthy: Ace people, especially enjoyed the after-gig drink :D

Obviously - as ever - it was an absolute pleasure meeting the 'old' crowd (Koen, christophe, Andrew S, Eva, ...) was great too, always a pleasure to meet you guys! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

(I'll be getting a proper review and pics online anytime soonish, when I'm past the after-gig high :lol:)

Posted: 12 May 2006, 09:04
by paul
Great show, good atmosphere!

I loved Burn and F&L&A!!! The crowd was even more eager than last time in Brussels.

Nice to meet some of you people again, Eva, Andrew, Obviousman, etc (except for the bald-headed moron with the Suicide Commando shirt)

Paul & Donna

Posted: 12 May 2006, 09:39
by christophe
Now this was a perfect ending of mine Sisters month.

I don’t really have anything to add to the past reviews, the sound was louder as last time and maybe a bit less smoke but according from people you couldn’t see anything from a distance. (that’s why I never go there) :lol:
As mentioned before they played very relax and looked like they where glad to bring something different for a change. Vons voice Was better than the earlier shows I’ve seen this tour, + he was giving rather plenty comments.
Last time the crowd was rough but this time they even topped that. I think I never been that active during a gig before :lol:

It again was a pleasure to meet all those familiar faces and meet new ones, I’m going to miss you people. :notworthy:
thx RadioJamaica for driving me home and thx libby for offering the same.

Oh yes, and it seems that This war is wrong

Posted: 12 May 2006, 10:05
by Ghostrider
good morning all..

just dropping by to present you with the quality of prommised to Obvious and Christophe

low quality mono sample.. have to go over it with my 24bit cristalizer tonight...and put it in stereo...


Flood I

Posted: 12 May 2006, 10:08
by mrgreen

Posted: 12 May 2006, 10:10
by itnAklipse
Thank you both for the samples!

Oh my God...the guitars in Flood I are just getting better.

Posted: 12 May 2006, 10:13
by kazamel
many thx for the snippets guys
makes a friday at work a bit less dull :D

Posted: 12 May 2006, 10:15
by doctoravalanche
Thnaks so much for the tracks !!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 12 May 2006, 10:30
by Obviousman
doctoravalanche wrote:Thnaks so much for the tracks !!!!!!!!!!!
Indeed 8) :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 12 May 2006, 10:53
by Ghostrider
well.. what do you guys think of the quality...need improvement? or fine like it is?

was recorded from the 3rd row, underneath the can't clean it out entirely

@ itnAklipse: why do you think i put up Flood as a sample.. :D it's an amazing version!

just to show how much Ben rocked on the guitar last night..

Posted: 12 May 2006, 10:57
by itnAklipse
Ghostrider: Fine choise :) As for the recording quality, i listen to worse ones on daily basis...

Posted: 12 May 2006, 11:00
by Badlander
Thanks to all for the tracks. :notworthy: :D 8)

Posted: 12 May 2006, 11:16
by streamline
Thanks for sharing these tracks! :notworthy: :notworthy:

A storming version of Still - it's growing on me...... :D 8)

Posted: 12 May 2006, 11:19
by Ghostrider
for the ones who want it.. another low quality preview:

off to work now... :P

Posted: 12 May 2006, 11:20
by HisWimmNess
randdebiel² wrote:
HisWimmNess wrote:20th time I saw them.

I was afraid (GF for the first time present) because I had read much bad reviews lately.

But, this was the best gig I ever saw of them. Brilliant. Good sound, goood smoke. Nice version of Lucretia, btw.

Thanx for the lovely evening, I should say :D
you were the guy next to us? you were with 4 people?
Don't think so.
Were on the first floor balcony. Me and the girlfriend and another guy...

Arrived fairely late in Brussels, so no time to mingle.

Posted: 12 May 2006, 11:25
by HisWimmNess
Ozpat wrote:
HisWimmNess wrote:
girlfriend recognised 3 songs
:eek: Which ones?

When I took my girlfriend to the Cologne gig she only recognised "This Corrosion" :lol: :lol:
Dominion/mother Russia

HEr comment: it sounds better live than on CD. Some statement, if you ask me ;D But off course this was after she asked if I could see the drummer anywhere in the fog :innocent:

During Alice I phoned to a friend to rub it in (he couldn't come, because of work) He was really impressed :D

Posted: 12 May 2006, 12:33
by itnAklipse
Ghostrider: Thank you again!

And btw, Still sounds already even stronger than when it premiered...

And i'd love to hear Ben & Chris playing CN-SKOS...Sisters guitars haven't sounded this good since Overbombing tour in Dec. 93.

Posted: 12 May 2006, 13:27
by Ozpat
HisWimmNess wrote:
Ozpat wrote:
HisWimmNess wrote:
girlfriend recognised 3 songs
:eek: Which ones?

When I took my girlfriend to the Cologne gig she only recognised "This Corrosion" :lol: :lol:
Dominion/mother Russia

HEr comment: it sounds better live than on CD. Some statement, if you ask me ;D But off course this was after she asked if I could see the drummer anywhere in the fog :innocent:

During Alice I phoned to a friend to rub it in (he couldn't come, because of work) He was really impressed :D
:lol: :lol:

@ Ghostrider: great job! Thanks! :notworthy:

Posted: 12 May 2006, 13:31
by Bejito
Thanks a lot for sharing those samples...
It seems everyone was extatic about last night's show and rightfully so. I have been humming Suzanne, Dominion, Alice ... the entire day.
Just a shame that i didn't get to meet any of you guys yesterday. I had to wait for my friends to arrive (they had the tickets), so i was sitting outside the concert hall during the first 2 songs :cry: but that was soon forgotten when i got inside.
I'm curious as to what the news papers are gonna write this time round. I'll show them that pain can look great on other people if they give another bad review ;D

Posted: 12 May 2006, 15:20
by Obviousman
Picture time ;D


(Blutch - the support)







More here

Posted: 12 May 2006, 15:28
by Ozpat
Nice Z! :notworthy:

Posted: 12 May 2006, 16:11
by radiojamaica
Man alive! That was an ace show :D :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

No, more like an ace day, all together!

I arrived pretty early for my doing (around 6.30) and spotted Christophe right away. Joined him and had a very nice Trappist in the sun 8) Then Zeno came along and I briefly met Frederik. While I was utterly enjoying my trappist, everybody wanted to get inside the venue to secure good places on the frontlines... so I let them do that while I stayed in the sun, waiting for dave-kompas to arrive. It became later, more people showed up, but no Dave yet :( . Around 7.30, I couldn't wait any longer and I entered the place. Very calm, not too many people there and no problem at all to walk straight into the first row... Heavy DUB on the soundsystem once more :notworthy: and some more chatting and meeting. Hi again to Frederik & his girl and hi to Libby & her fella :D

Then came the best support band I ever saw with the Sisters: BLUTCH. HEAVY!!! SLOW!!! Made me think of an old Melvins tape I have somewhere. The Heartland crew really showed their appreciation :wink:
WOW, who were we coming for again?!

After Blutch the crowd kept coming in very fast & in big numbers :eek: hell, if you ask me I'd say more crowded than the previous (sold out) Brussels gig! Always nice to see Robbie & Sharon popping in and big respect to Sharon for being one of the few ladies in the pit AND wearing high heels :notworthy:

oh yeah, the Sisters...

The minute Crash & Burn kicked in, I was covered in beer and what more, it seemed to come from all sides and no James Ray in sight to protect me either :innocent: Actually there was nobody Gangwar-related at all in the house :eek: You lot missed something here...(and therefor no TGGI part 2)
Halfway C&B when the big subbassy thing takes over, it's like a gateway to another dimension right there (and no, no drugs for me last night, in case anyone wonders) Let the good times roll!

Ribbons was brilliant. As always.

Then strange things happened! The setlist changed :eek: and not for the last time! Will I Dream & especially Flood I got me going, big time and then... the moment I had been waiting for from the first time I experienced a Sisters show in 92: BURN! BURN! BURN! I lost it in the pit, I lost it in my head and then it's gone. Phew... I needed a break now, really. I headed for the bar outside during Suzanne and I had a laugh seeing the foyer covered in smoke :lol: Nobody there anyway, nobody leaving early. That's more like it. I tried to get back in, but almost couldn't because of it being so crowded. I cruised through the venue, patiently and everywhere people where moving & grooving & singing along. Sound was very good all over and the big bearded fella was doing the PA. I went upstairs to the 1st and then to the 2d ballcony. Couldn't see a thing there but smoke. Blue smoke, then red smoke, then yellow :lol: Better to get downstairs again and sing along to Dominion / Mother Russia with some strangers who really were digging the show.
Still has to grow, but is promising although Andy shouldn't take it too easy. Alice & Anaconda are a lovely pair and Belgium loves them a lot :wink: During these chooons I headed for Z & Christophe in the pit again. Not an easy thing to do...

What started there and then cannot be put down in words. Neverland has always been top class, but it's getting better and better and better. Every time! And then I Was Wrong. Heartfelt & Brilliant :notworthy: As it wasn't hot enough already, the good Doctor boosted the FaLaA extravaganza. The Sisters burned the place down. Down to the ground.

Encores anyone? Well, why not.
Benny Christo's solo in Something Fast is just soo nice, him in the spotlight, feeling that song as it's his or so it seemd to me. And Lucretia is another fine example of the Sisters New Groove: WOW :notworthy: :notworthy: Even if it's short, it's a dum dum bullets kind of affair. Effective is the keyword.

Top Nite Out is funny as always and perfect to get the adrenaline pumping for the last encore and another big surpise: Vision Thing in all of its rawk & rolling beauty! Andrew screaming like a youngster and now that I mention it, he was having a great time on stage last night. He seemed to enjoy it big time, getting the people to sing along to Dominion while he stood there, smiling. He was very talkative to the crowd, but I couldn't understand a word he mumbled. And about his singing & his presence: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Chris & Ben are wonderful as Sisters. The new Sisters have a lot of power!

After the gig the Heartland crew posted in the small café in the back of the AB and I enjoyed myself very much. When is The Cult playing in Tilburg again, Joery? :innocent: We did another search for dave-kompas but still without result. Well, see you next time, dave :wink:

The Antwerp / Zoersel branch of Heartland eventually left the AB around 1 (I guess) to see the Sisters tourbuss already gone. I hope they give Barcelona what they need: the next one ... ina fine style!

Posted: 12 May 2006, 16:31
by Ozpat
Very nice review Koen. :notworthy: :notworthy: :D

Posted: 12 May 2006, 16:58
by James Blast
many thanks to mrgreen + Ghostrider for the sounds, Z for the pics and Koen for the review, top work fellas :notworthy: