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Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 16:48
by mh
The Red Book standard only guarantees playability up to 74 mins 44 secs. But then, quite a lot of CDs from major labels nowadays aren't Red Book standard anyway (copy protection/etc).

The whole CD-R/CD-RW thing is a totally different set of standards, so what can be accomplished with them doesn't necessarily apply to a standard audio CD.

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 17:10
by Pat
You could quite easily get over 80mins onto a double vinyl album. :innocent:

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 17:15
by radiojamaica
I am just very happy to see any movement in the Sisterscamp :D

An early version of Some Kind of Stranger :eek: a full length Never Land! Almost too good to be true... almost.

About a vynil release: YES PLEASE :wink:

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 17:16
by VonOben
streamline wrote:However, do Floodland and VT actually need remastering? To me remastering is a means to compensate for shoddy production and I think that there is nothing wrong with the production of these two albums
Unfortionally remastering these days don't normaly mean better sound, more the other way around; add noise cleaning, add too much noise cleaning, eq the stuff to fit with the trends of today, and the ruin the whole damn thing even more by putting it through a couple of compressors and limiters... make sure there are absolutley no dynamics left in the final result. :roll:

But I hope this won't be the case with these releases... :twisted:

(Good example: The latest Depeche Mode album, it's awsome but it's not even enjoyable on good stereo equipment due to the excessive use of compressor. The outcome is more square than sinus in it's waveform. This will make it sound better on tiny radios, or in your car with lots and lots of background noise. But it's rubbish on a proper stereo.)

For more info on this subject, google for "The loudness race"... or see for exmple

Edit: VT definitely don't need remastering. It sounds awesome the way it is. A 7.1 DTS surround release on the other hand... :twisted:

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 18:31
by eotunun
Badlander wrote:I wouldn't be that much surprised if the Girls were offered a contract one of these days. :von:
That´s one of the possible strategies we suggested when the siver bullet tour started, if I remember correctly.. :wink:
Maybe this actually was the task of this BIG tour? Bringing the band back into the game before it is late?

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 18:39
by robertzombie
let's hope so :D

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 18:42
by CellThree
Well I've just ordered all three albums. It'll be nice to have the FALAA B-Sides on CD as the only one that has been on CD is Blood Money (Tour Thing 91 Promo CD).

I never thought much to the official release of Emma. Much prefered the Peel Session version and it was even better live on some of the Black October gigs. Pity they're not putting on Sandstorm/Untitled as well.

I never got round to recording the WYDSM and Doctor Jeep B-Sides from the vinyl onto CD so it'll be nice to have them.

I'm kinda hoping that the whole "remix" side of it will be that it'll be in 5:1 sound. But probably not.

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 18:43
by theyoungbrain
perhaps, someone like sanctuary would be the best bet! they seem to be into signing the 'older' artiste. would they be BIG nough for von though?

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 20:26
by mcalldp
Sanctuary would be a solid choice and they are big enough. Of course after so many years with0out contract it's a mystery as to weather Andrew is still holding out for the same deal he could have gotten for the sisters in the prime years. I mean, he may still slog off anything less than a 3 million $ contract.....
Still, law od deminishing returns and all, eventually the sisters have to do something. Having been so long my logic says it's over but Andrew has a lot of years left to live on monies coming in from back catalog.....

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 20:41
by Dark
CellThree wrote:I never thought much to the official release of Emma.
I can't fault the instrumentation, but I can't say I find the vocals that convincing.

And releasing it on Dominion, which is, to all intents and purposes, a "Let's write songs about deserts" single, always seemed a bit odd.

Sure Patricia didn't play bass on it?

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 23:36
by Grison
I read this thread with mixed feeling, I´d rather see one CD with the "rare" tracks only.
But will I go out and buy them, if the story´s true?
I guess so.

Posted: 22 Sep 2006, 23:53
by Karst
I though the point of the tour was to make money. I seem to remember a BBC report from a while back that said there was more cash to be made there then releasing actual records. So who needs them...

Btw. I thought the reason for the size of the otur was that promoters were offered two option, one a slimmed down version another the full show. Many went for the former?

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 00:03
by Nic
Grison wrote:I read this thread with mixed feeling, I´d rather see one CD with the "rare" tracks only.
But will I go out and buy them, if the story´s true?
I guess so.
Yeah a rare tracks CD would have been a better option.

I was to a TKU gig in Söderhamn six days ago btw... :wink:

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 01:50
by sultan2075
Does anyone know if these are available through anything besides the link? I've looked on Amazon, etc, and found nothing. Does anyone know of an American retailer with these listed? I don't mind, in theory, paying for shipping from the UK, but...I'd rather spend that money on beer. Shiner Bock, specifically (which tastes even better since I've quit smoking), which I'd imagine most of you've not been exposed to, save perhaps Pikkrong.

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 02:04
by nick the stripper
The only one I'm getting is FALAA for all the b-sides on proper CDs... I'm not quite sure what to make of this.

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 05:05
by davedecay
seems like a red herring...

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 08:29
by weebleswobble
The Cure and The Banshees are doing interesting re-issues but the difference being they are involved.

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 08:42
by Obviousman
weebleswobble wrote:The Cure and The Banshees are doing interesting re-issues but the difference being they are involved.
But they've been busy in the last 15 years whereas our man hasn't been doing much (release-wise), so I guess they'd find it easier to get access to re-issueing? Even the way Overbombing was put together wasn't :von:'s choice, and I can't see why they'd give him more a say so many years after.

So let's just hope this brings something good on us :wink:

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 09:28
by weebleswobble
Obviousman wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:The Cure and The Banshees are doing interesting re-issues but the difference being they are involved.
But they've been busy in the last 15 years whereas our man hasn't been doing much (release-wise), so I guess they'd find it easier to get access to re-issueing? Even the way Overbombing was put together wasn't :von:'s choice, and I can't see why they'd give him more a say so many years after.

So let's just hope this brings something good on us :wink:
Not impressed so far....... :urff:

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 09:35
by Badlander
weebleswobble wrote: Not impressed so far....... :urff:
Oh well, me neither. But it's better than nothing, I s'ppose... :wink:
I for once think that VT could do with a bit of remastering. The CD version has always sounded a bit thin to me actually. :|

But I do know there're people around here who aren't and won't be interested in VT, remastering or not. :innocent:

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 10:54
by robertzombie
I'm going up town today so I'll see if they're on HMV and Virgin's databases.

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 11:15
by Dark
Badlander wrote:The CD version has always sounded a bit thin to me actually. :|
You're not alone in that.

The sound just lacks punch. Give it some bass, and maybe some of the final mixes instead, and it'd probably sound better.

Though I always believed that the "Remix" of WYDSM was the final mix, and the VT version was just an earlier take. If you listen closely, some of the guitar parts (which are different in the single version) and the extra synth flutters are just audible at times in the VT version.

Maybe it's just my ears, but I stick by that theory.

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 12:48
by DerekR
Whats with all the calls for 5.1 or 7.1 remixes? I've got a lovely 7.1 Denon surround sound receiver but music should be heard in stereo and stereo only god dammit! Subwoofers and rear speakers have no place in music.

Rant over.

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 12:51
by Obviousman
DerekR wrote:Whats with all the calls for 5.1 or 7.1 remixes? I've got a lovely 7.1 Denon surround sound receiver but music should be heard in stereo and stereo only god dammit! Subwoofers and rear speakers have no place in music.

Rant over.
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

(not to mention I would have to go out to look for a decent replacement for my ancient Onkyo as that one doesn't do surround :lol:)

Posted: 23 Sep 2006, 13:19
by Dark
Wot, no mono? :lol: