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Posted: 14 Nov 2006, 15:47
by drumbot
Well I finished listining and the only difference i can tell between this cd and my really old one is the clarity of the first and last and always song. The doctors drumming is much clearer. Besides that couldnt really tell the difference.

Posted: 14 Nov 2006, 19:33
by Mr. Wah
Just got home tonight after three weeks away, and found all three reissues waiting for me.

My copy of FALAA has no spacing errors on the spine.

The mix is definitely different to the previous CD version... FALAA and ARAAHP are very noticeably different, in particular. It's so long since I've heard the original 1985 vinyl that I'd forgotten that this version of the title track has a different intro and you can hear the tune that features in Marian/Red Skies Disappear in the pre-chorus section.

Yes, the bonus tracks are louder than the album tracks, as many have pointed out already.

And I did enjoy SKOS (early), even though Andrew sounds drunk!

All in all, very happy with this one.

Posted: 14 Nov 2006, 20:43
by RetroGoth
Mr. Wah wrote:My copy of FALAA has no spacing errors on the spine.

And I did enjoy SKOS (early), even though Andrew sounds drunk!
No spine typos on mine either.

Does Andrew sound as Drunk as Patricia Morrisson did on her awful Reflect On This album? Now that was a f**king awful album!

Posted: 14 Nov 2006, 21:34
by mh
drumbot wrote:Well I finished listining and the only difference i can tell between this cd and my really old one is the clarity of the first and last and always song. The doctors drumming is much clearer. Besides that couldnt really tell the difference.
Listen again. The title track is a fairly different arrangement. You're bang on with the clarity, although I'd extend that to all of the songs.

Posted: 15 Nov 2006, 00:46
by Karst
Next will be a 2CD version with the rest of the demoes added? Been listening to it now for a few days and it indeed sounds clearer but the production remains 'iffy'.

Btw. listened to the vinyl singles and Poison Door just sounds loud after SKOS IMHO.

Posted: 15 Nov 2006, 00:57
by James Blast
I really wish you would all just relax. :|

Posted: 15 Nov 2006, 11:51
by drumbot
Relax? This is the first new(and i use the term loosely) sisters product in ages, its bound to come under close examination.

Posted: 15 Nov 2006, 12:40
by Purple Light
I only got my FALAA yesterday thanks to a delivery f*ck up.

Only had one listen so far so I've not noticed anything major yet.
Two things though, I love the sound of Bury Me Deep, Blood Money & Poison Door. My Some Boys CD is wearing a bit so its nice to hear those clearly. & SKOS (early) is great. Not too keen on Andy's singing either though.

Posted: 16 Nov 2006, 13:20
by markfiend
Who is doing the backing "singing" on SKOS (early)? :lol:

Posted: 16 Nov 2006, 16:25
by bismarck
markfiend wrote:Who is doing the backing "singing" on SKOS (early)? :lol:

Do you mean the "weeping guitar"?

Posted: 16 Nov 2006, 16:40
by markfiend
That's a voice, not a guitar, surely?

Posted: 16 Nov 2006, 19:35
by Mr. Wah
I'm listening to it right now... it's a guitar. And Andrew still sounds pissed.

Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 13:50
by markfiend
Mr. Wah wrote:I'm listening to it right now... it's a guitar. And Andrew still sounds pissed.
On second listen, yes, it's a guitar. :oops: Chalk it up to crap speakers on my computer (and listening very quietly in the office.)

Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 14:33
by markfiend
I thought it was something like the weird backing vocals on the Peel Session version of No Time To Cry.

Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 15:52
by mh
markfiend wrote:I thought it was something like the weird backing vocals on the Peel Session version of No Time To Cry.
Von's testicles getting a good squeeze there! :lol:

Posted: 20 Nov 2006, 17:22
by Purple Light
Right, I've had lots of listens now. I think this is incredible.
I don't have FALAA on vinyl. Only have the CD, so to hear this 'proper' version with all the little differences here & there is great. Can't be bothered listing all the things I've noticed as it'd be boring for you lot & you'll all be aware of them anyway.

But, the title track deserves a mention. Not overkeen on the start but I adore the fact that (as already stated) it has the little Red Skies twiddly melody on it. :notworthy: (I've always played FALAA on my guitar with the tune included so at least I sound right now!)

This one totally kicks the crap out of the other two re-issues* (barring the extended Neverland, naturally) & I'm well impressed. :D

*After reading this line I realise I sound like a 10 year old, but its staying in for stupidity value. :lol:

Posted: 20 Nov 2006, 18:57
by mh
Purple Light wrote:*After reading this line I realise I sound like a 10 year old, but its staying in for stupidity value. :lol:
It's also true. :D

Give it a few months, let it grow on you, get used to the LP sounding that way, get so you forget about how the remixes sounded, then go back to them. It'll give you an idea of how a lot of us old codgers felt when we heard them first, and why we raised such a stink over them. :lol:

Posted: 21 Nov 2006, 01:38
by Badass
RetroGoth wrote:
mandrake wrote:Wow, SKOS demo is weird but wonderfull. That "weeping" guitar in the back ground is a bit weird. I thought there was someone crying at first. Very strange guitar indeed, otherwise great demo.
I thought that guitar sound was amazing. If Mr Marx views this forum, I'd love to know how he came up with it (I am right in saying it isn't hussey? Dosen't sound like him to me).
Yes, i found the guitarsound on SKOS amazing too. I am very happy with the new FLAA :D

Posted: 21 Nov 2006, 05:29
by RetroGoth
With some decent headphones and turned up to the max, this reissue sounds superb - except for the levels of the B-sides tracks being higher than the rest but as we all know, it's been done on the cheap with not much effort going into it by the record company.

Posted: 21 Nov 2006, 05:39
by weebleswobble
RetroGoth wrote:With some decent headphones and turned up to the max, this reissue sounds superb - except for the levels of the B-sides tracks being higher than the rest but as we all know, it's been done on the cheap with not much effort going into it by the record company.
Bunch of Cnuts!!! :lol:

Seriously though SKOS (early) is a clear indication that the drugs don't work :twisted:

Posted: 21 Nov 2006, 07:08
by RetroGoth
weebleswobble wrote:
RetroGoth wrote:With some decent headphones and turned up to the max, this reissue sounds superb - except for the levels of the B-sides tracks being higher than the rest but as we all know, it's been done on the cheap with not much effort going into it by the record company.
Bunch of Cnuts!!! :lol:

Seriously though SKOS (early) is a clear indication that the drugs don't work :twisted:
Depends on the drugs, I suppose. Maybe von needed some cough medicine or something for his throat.

I think hussey must have consumed a lot of laxative pills for the s**t he comes out with though :twisted:

Posted: 21 Nov 2006, 07:28
by weebleswobble
The geetar on SKOS (early) does sound like a moggy being burned alive, I initially thought it was more out of tune backing vocals like markfiend, now I wish I just hadn't heard it....

Posted: 21 Nov 2006, 07:46
by Multifaceted
Before I even put the CD in, the handwriting on it stuck out. For some reason it struck me as looking very elegant... and almost feminine. I showed it to someone who knows nothing about The Sisters (or that stupidly funny thread that was here once) and she said, "yeah, it does look feminine." And, after a pause: "is he gay?" :lol:

Anyway... No Time To Cry was the first Sisters song that I ever heard, and I never really liked it. A little bit later I realized it was because of the crappy remastering--it made it sound so much duller than it really is. It's nice to have it sounding better again! The other songs sound better, (some with much clearer vocals), although you don't really notice it if it's just playing as background music.

...And, I think I might be the only person missing the new Red Skies/FALAA connection. :oops:

Some Kind of Stranger, well, has always been my most favorite song in the world, because of the guitars and the way it's sung. The early version is lacking vocally (and the lyrics are different, of course), but I still love the guitars! It really does sound like weeping--like weeping that just morphs into a guitar playing.

The vocals on the "new" SKOS are odd; at points I almost feel sad because it sounds tortured, and at points I have to laugh, because--it finally dawns on me--it sounds like someone is on some kind of crazed trip. :lol:

Posted: 21 Nov 2006, 16:13
by Nada
My 3 “precious� have endured a hard, hard time to across the ocean in order to arrive here last Friday. Where? Brazil! Far, indeed!

Must be my medication… however, SKOS (and Driven like… and, believe me! Ribbons) sounded to be talking about God… or at least, some sort of fallen angels… for the first time, I was not so sure if “come here, I think you’re beautiful� was a “narrator’s� statement – as I used to assume when I shared the common opinion it’s about a broken heart - but, on the contrary, direct to him (it? her… whatever…)…
And those guitars at the back? Are they wolves??? Got scared!.... :lol: as I said, must be my medication…

Can only say for sure: sex in the sky! F*** good to hear it! :notworthy:

Posted: 27 Nov 2006, 13:44
by Norman Hunter
Advert for reissues on back of latest Bizarre magazine - will scan and submit ASAP.