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Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 21:42
by Arch Deviant
mh wrote:
scotty wrote:
Arch Deviant wrote:[quote="scotty
Huh!!!, one Mile, that's almost inner city, our nearest street lamp is SIX miles away :eek:
It's only one light, an adapted gaslamp. Though why it's there by it's self is anyone's guess.
Oh dear.

It's not near a dark forest, and it kinda snows and stuff all the time?
No, it's near a very pleasant woodland and it rarely snows due to global warming ( or so they say)

Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 21:44
by robertzombie
Arch, is your avatar an illusion or something? I can see a swan and a dove(?) anything else?

Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 21:46
by Arch Deviant
You don't see me?

Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 22:08
by Planet Dave
Arch Deviant wrote:
Planet Dave wrote:
Arch Deviant wrote: @ Planet Dave - Thank you, though not sure if you know the Deb I know.
Not sure if I do, but the Deb I know is an amazing girl, and that's more than good enough for me. :notworthy:
The Deb I know is also amazing, though I'm quite positive they're two different girls. 'My' Deb lives in Shaftsbury.
Oh right. Ignore me, easily confused, you see.

Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 22:18
by mh
Arch Deviant wrote:
mh wrote:
scotty wrote: It's only one light, an adapted gaslamp. Though why it's there by it's self is anyone's guess.
Oh dear.

It's not near a dark forest, and it kinda snows and stuff all the time?
No, it's near a very pleasant woodland and it rarely snows due to global warming ( or so they say)

I was getting seriously concerned for a moment there. A bit too close for comfort...



Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 22:19
by Andie

I take a couple of days off...and i'm late for the party (again)

Awlright!!...welcome from darkest essex