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Posted: 02 Apr 2007, 20:51
by eotunun
You probably saw the european contingent of Stearmans.
May I introduce to a former family member? Rescued from the axe by my fathers very own hands.. :D

Posted: 02 Apr 2007, 20:52
by scotty
lisabiker wrote:Image

me and my baby 8)
:eek: ouch, a cesarean I hope :innocent: :twisted:

Posted: 02 Apr 2007, 20:59
by 6FeetOver
LOL @ scotty!

Posted: 02 Apr 2007, 21:03
by Obviousman
eotunun wrote:You probably saw the european contingent of Stearmans.
May I introduce to a former family member? Rescued from the axe by my fathers very own hands.. :D
Nice :notworthy: :notworthy:

And might well be, was something about a Stearman club or so IIRC

Posted: 03 Apr 2007, 19:57
by Obviousman
weebleswobble wrote:Do The Hoff
Here ya go :lol:

Posted: 04 Apr 2007, 01:06
by weebleswobble
Obviousman wrote:

Here ya go :lol:

Quick, we need a whip round-I'll even stick a Merciful Head on the bonnet :lol:

Posted: 04 Apr 2007, 13:42
by bushman*pm
streamline wrote:
wild bill buttock wrote:Its bloody true though.In all my years on bikes all Harley riders were Hells angels/ backpatch clubbers or schoolteachers/accountants having a middle aged crisis.
...or were me. None of the above - just following the family tradition!
Me old dad always said that he'd never buy "Jap Crap" and that has passed on to me. Who wants a bike that is fast, handles well, stops superbly, is well built, is relatively inexpensive and looks nice? Not me! I'll take a clattering old warhorse like a Harley (which I always view as the 2 wheeled version of my basic old Landy). Handles badly, stops eventually and doesn't go fast enough to kill anything (especially me!).

No comparison between modern bikes and Harleys (which I view as being 2 completely different beasts). I ride my Harley because I love it, I love the chrome, the black paint, the noise, the riding position and the feel of it. I don't ride fast (the Harley won't let me :oops: and I've never been a speed freak)

I just do my own thing, I don't mix with the other Harley riders (too much facial hair and way too much lording it over any other make of bike, and too many accountants in the midst of a midlife crisis :roll: )

Riding a bike is meant to be fun. End of.
I love riding mine.
Harleys are not for everyone, but my God they are for me! :D
not being too personal but were we seperated at birth? Harleys & Landys etc!
i cant disagree with one thing you've just said!
My old 'Iron was a b!tch bar steward, satin (not matt for once!) black with a twin filler tank, +6 deg yokes, 2" overs, mid-bob rear guard, hammerite black with red detailing wheels and the crowning glory was the twin '59 Cadillac tail lights!
If I find a photo and am brave enough I'll post it!
It was a FCUKIN DOG tho!

Posted: 05 Apr 2007, 19:36
by psichonaut
Huuuuuuuuu....Harley.....I'm dreameng of you....But when i'm out with my girl-friend and i need make's rainin and can i do by motorbyke


Posted: 05 Apr 2007, 21:51
by Never Land
Silence is platinum wrote:Ghostriders or the dukes of Hazard?

i don t like mercedes and i don t like cadillac
everything else goes
especially when it has only 2 wheels
Although I like The Dukes,
I use my 18 th 2 wheels, think I'll keep this one :innocent:

Posted: 26 May 2007, 21:36
by Obviousman
As this is the latest cars topic: This morning, as I walked the dog all of a sudden I saw this:

A bunch of well camouflaged pre-production test cars. Probably the new Jaguar S-type, as they were being followed by an XKR and had UK number plates. Looked rather good if I may say so. :notworthy: Shame I was so shocked to see this in the centre of Antwerp that I couldn't even move as to reach for my telephone/camera :lol:

Posted: 26 May 2007, 22:20
by bushman*pm
Obviousman wrote:As this is the latest cars topic: This morning, as I walked the dog all of a sudden I saw this:

A bunch of well camouflaged pre-production test cars. Probably the new Jaguar S-type, as they were being followed by an XKR and had UK number plates. Looked rather good if I may say so. :notworthy: Shame I was so shocked to see this in the centre of Antwerp that I couldn't even move as to reach for my telephone/camera :lol:
hang around if you can and get some pictures, then sell them to a motor magazine, you'll get a few bob out of it!

Posted: 27 May 2007, 20:10
by Obviousman
bushman*pm wrote:
Obviousman wrote:As this is the latest cars topic: This morning, as I walked the dog all of a sudden I saw this:

A bunch of well camouflaged pre-production test cars. Probably the new Jaguar S-type, as they were being followed by an XKR and had UK number plates. Looked rather good if I may say so. :notworthy: Shame I was so shocked to see this in the centre of Antwerp that I couldn't even move as to reach for my telephone/camera :lol:
hang around if you can and get some pictures, then sell them to a motor magazine, you'll get a few bob out of it!
Thought they'd given up on that! I'll try to think of that next time then! :lol: I do have some home made death valley spy pics of an early nineties Merc somewhere, if anyone's interested :lol: They were probably heading for Ford test grounds in Lommel, which isn't too far away...