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Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 14:14
by markfiend

Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 14:38
by James Blast
I see your holiday hasn't done you any good

Posted: 15 Aug 2007, 09:09
by paul
Tidal, please stop with this lyrics fishing thing... You're killing the mysticism of the songs! :?


Posted: 15 Aug 2007, 10:33
by frederik
Tidal, you should think seriously about getting laid...

Posted: 15 Aug 2007, 11:55
by Dark
paul wrote:Tidal, please stop with this lyrics fishing thing... You're killing the mysticism of the songs! :?

He is? Well then, I'm converted. Tidal, keep dissecting these songs.

The sooner I can start enjoying them again for just being good songs without being forced to remember that there "has to be" some deeper meaning (about which I really couldn't care less) within, the better.

Posted: 15 Aug 2007, 12:17
by markfiend
Dark wrote:The sooner I can start enjoying them again for just being good songs without being forced to remember that there "has to be" some deeper meaning (about which I really couldn't care less) within, the better.
TBH I largely think that's the best attitude to have. 8)

Posted: 15 Aug 2007, 12:41
by Dark
Well, that's the main reason I stopped enjoying TSOM. Eldritch's attitude aside, it's the assurance that there has to be something more to the songs and that there's something wrong with me for either not seeing it or not caring. :|

Posted: 15 Aug 2007, 16:59
by Tidal
:?: I don't understand what you guys are :cry: / :? / :evil: / :| about.
If it's the quality of my "fish" of Slept then there's little to say but that Andy's voice quility on both versions I heard was extremely bad, near unhearable- so that's not something you can blame on me- I had to guess most of the words...
If it's the content of my interpretation- well, sorry if you're offended, but it's not me that's singing it, it's our man :von:!

If it's that mysticism- well, I'm not DOING anything to the song- I'm just trying to reveal the true text that is connected to the song, the true lyrics- that should only allow more wondering about what Andy could mean... Why would anyone want to hear a song and keep on wondering "what the hell is he singing, these lyrics sites are all shít so I can't find out!"?

About getting laid; everyone has his hobbies and interests. I got mine. This.

I'm doing nothing to the meaning of the lyrics! I'm only trying to show you all what the lyrics really are!

But, off to the present; I put my hands on Come Together, and had a good fish. Thanks to Robertzombie and his Mumbles I got a push in the back with the lyrics. I have to say Come Together was very, very much easier than Slept. Although still a little difficult, but not that much of a challenge. I only doubt if I have the last couplet right.

Come Together

"A little child and a cold Messiah
On a white-cold bliss that black Maria
Some wild idea and I head back home
Swing the gold sweet Jesus, come to carry me
Carry me home
Swing along
Carry me home

Come together
Come together

Carrion angel
No-one can harm you now
Though your fins
Though your fins be scarlet

Come together
Come together

A face in the parting cliffs, see the fall
Just you that ran
Seven of the years we spent in the hard way
Though your fins
Though your fins be scarlet

Come together
Come together

There are some uncertainties here, which are these;

-"cold Messiah" because it rhymes with Maria.

-"On a white-cold bliss that black Maria"
I thought it was "white-hot blister" at first, but then heard the "c" and "l"
in "cold", and the "a" in "that".

-"Swing the gold" could be "cold" aswell.

-"Carrion angel" not "Carry on angel", it's one word.

-"Clip seed of all"
This was the hardest. It sounds like "clipsee of ol.." but I don't know what
a "clip seed" is. But I could think of something more fitting. "Glyph sea"
maybe? (UPDATE: I just thought of "parting cliffs, see the fall"..?)

-"years we spent in the hard way"
Could be "years we spinning the highway" but that doesn't make sense.

All in all, a rather well- fishable song!

BTW Dark, I have that too- I have not a f*cking clue about what Eldritch means when he sings, even though some say they can interprete his lyrics for what they mean- but for now I think I will learn more about the Sisters in time and maybe then maybe be able to make something out of it... and I guess I also need a little more experience in life to understand :von:

Posted: 15 Aug 2007, 17:02
by Ozpat
Keep going Tidal. :lol: :wink:

Posted: 15 Aug 2007, 17:20
by James Blast
More power to you, young man!

this a community here and we have plenty of room for good people

Don't take our (mine especially) asides as us being nasty, we aren't, it's just that some of us find it curious and or amusing your obsession with finding hidden meanings. Hell! I have a lot of passions I go on about that others just don't get it. Doesn't mean we're bad people.

Enjoy the hell outta yo'self, Get Pished, Destroy!

Unkle Jam~es :D

Posted: 15 Aug 2007, 19:28
by Tidal
I am pleasantly surprised. ;D

(But why do people think I'm trying to find hidden meanings?? :| )

Posted: 15 Aug 2007, 21:19
by James Blast
Tidal wrote:But why do people think I'm trying to find hidden meanings?? :|
c'mon, that doesn't need an answer :|

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 01:24
by shivarising
Tidal wrote::?: I don't understand what you guys are :cry: / :? / :evil: / :| about.
If it's the quality of my "fish" of Slept then there's little to say but that Andy's voice quility on both versions I heard was extremely bad, near unhearable- so that's not something you can blame on me- I had to guess most of the words...
If it's the content of my interpretation- well, sorry if you're offended, but it's not me that's singing it, it's our man :von:!

If it's that mysticism- well, I'm not DOING anything to the song- I'm just trying to reveal the true text that is connected to the song, the true lyrics- that should only allow more wondering about what Andy could mean... Why would anyone want to hear a song and keep on wondering "what the hell is he singing, these lyrics sites are all shít so I can't find out!"?

About getting laid; everyone has his hobbies and interests. I got mine. This.

I'm doing nothing to the meaning of the lyrics! I'm only trying to show you all what the lyrics really are!

But, off to the present; I put my hands on Come Together, and had a good fish. Thanks to Robertzombie and his Mumbles I got a push in the back with the lyrics. I have to say Come Together was very, very much easier than Slept. Although still a little difficult, but not that much of a challenge. I only doubt if I have the last couplet right.

Come Together

"A little child and a cold Messiah
On a white-cold bliss that black Maria
Some wild idea and I head back home
Swing the gold sweet Jesus, come to carry me
Carry me home
Swing along
Carry me home

Come together
Come together

Carrion angel
No-one can harm you now
Though your fins
Though your fins be scarlet

Come together
Come together

A face in the parting cliffs, see the fall
Just you that ran
Seven of the years we spent in the hard way
Though your fins
Though your fins be scarlet

Come together
Come together

There are some uncertainties here, which are these;

-"cold Messiah" because it rhymes with Maria.

-"On a white-cold bliss that black Maria"
I thought it was "white-hot blister" at first, but then heard the "c" and "l"
in "cold", and the "a" in "that".

-"Swing the gold" could be "cold" aswell.

-"Carrion angel" not "Carry on angel", it's one word.

-"Clip seed of all"
This was the hardest. It sounds like "clipsee of ol.." but I don't know what
a "clip seed" is. But I could think of something more fitting. "Glyph sea"
maybe? (UPDATE: I just thought of "parting cliffs, see the fall"..?)

-"years we spent in the hard way"
Could be "years we spinning the highway" but that doesn't make sense.

All in all, a rather well- fishable song!

BTW Dark, I have that too- I have not a f*cking clue about what Eldritch means when he sings, even though some say they can interprete his lyrics for what they mean- but for now I think I will learn more about the Sisters in time and maybe then maybe be able to make something out of it... and I guess I also need a little more experience in life to understand :von:
It's "cold missile" not cold Messiah.

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 07:37
by Tidal
Tidal wrote:-"cold Messiah" because it rhymes with Maria.

And he holds the syllable for too long for it too be "missile", you don't say "misaaaail", but "missail."

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 09:01
by The Green Lantern
Tidal wrote:
Tidal wrote:-"cold Messiah" because it rhymes with Maria.

And he holds the syllable for too long for it too be "missile", you don't say "misaaaail", but "missail."
But he's singit it, not saying it.

Pity it never got recorded properly, it's a good song.

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 12:28
by _emma_
The Green Lantern wrote:Pity it never got recorded properly, it's a good song.
:notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol:
That'll be the quote of the week on HL.

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 13:02
by The Green Lantern
@ emma: Thank you *bows with a flourish*

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 18:17
by 6FeetOver
C'mon, kiddies - if you don't care for Tidal's obsessive (and I'm not using that word as an insult, my good chap!) forays into speculation and minutiae, don't read his posts! Good grief, silly people... :P :roll:

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 20:07
by itnAklipse
i hate ppl who just wanna enjoy good songs, in general. Seriously.

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 20:09
by itnAklipse
But generally the best way towards understanding Eldritch lyric-writing is reading a lot and thinking a lot.

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 20:12
by 6FeetOver
itnAklipse wrote:i hate ppl who just wanna enjoy good songs, in general. Seriously.
...but maybe they, in turn, don't give a rat's arse what you think about them, eh? :P ;)

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 20:22
by itnAklipse
Probably, but they could think about their own lives for their own benefit.

But hey, anyone wants to spend their life in the throngs of escapism, that is their business...i still don't need to like them.

Though...ignorance, stupidity and futility are a threat to all life and perhaps that's why i find them downright offensive.

How much of the earth has been raped for the sake of idiot's entertainment? Far too much, in my opinion. How many potentially good people these same idiots have turned into likes of themselves because they are a horde and for most sensitive people an unsurmountable obstacle in pursuing a life that would be purposeful and meaningful? Far too many.

In my opinion.

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 20:25
by _emma_
itnAklipse wrote:But generally the best way towards understanding Eldritch lyric-writing is reading a lot and thinking a lot.
I'd add: living a lot, and feeling things in life intensively.
Then again, I've read and thought and lived intensively and I still don't have a clue, most of the time. :lol:

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 20:29
by itnAklipse
_emma_ wrote:I'd add: living a lot, and feeling things in life intensively.

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 20:41
by 6FeetOver
itnAklipse wrote:Probably, but they could think about their own lives for their own benefit.
...and it's quite possible that they do, too! An appreciation of something doesn't have to be excruciating, all of the time. Not even music. :eek: :P ;)