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Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 20:45
by GC
Problem is Heartlanders do scrutinise the f**k out of The Sisters so in the end it's always going to be a little disappointing. I love going to see the Sisters, but I do agree that their sound/voice quality is terrible; but because of who they are I forgive them.

An example of this is when I took my girlfriend too see them. She had no prior knowledge of them and thought they were the worst concerts in terms of sound quality she'd ever seen. ( her favourite song was Top Nite Out - which says a lot) Both times I took her too NMA, (even though she's no fan) she could enjoy the concert.( as a musical experience).

By the way do you think it hurts AE to read all this criticism?

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 21:01
by Planet Dave
Gollum's Cock wrote: By the way do you think it hurts AE to read all this criticism?
:lol: :notworthy:

No. I think he'll be perfectly content to still be on Masterplan A, currently at the 'fleece gullible fools for as long as possible by gigging' stage of the Operation. :von: :twisted: :lol:

And next time they roll into Yorkshire, he'll fleece me some more. ;D :P

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 21:41
by H. Blackrose
Dr. Moody wrote:Nope, I want a 21st century revitalised sisters with new songs, if that means a dubblackmetalfolkcountrysalsa album then so be it. ;D the horse is dying cos its been flogged too much.
Let me give you an analogy. I am a fan of several 70's prog rock bands. Which do I prefer: the ones who "reinvented themselves for the 80s" (Yes, Genesis etc) or the ones who disappeared for a decade or two at a time when they had nothing really stonking to say to the world (King Crimson, Van Der Graaf Generator)? I think you can guess by the way I framed the question. Sure, the first group of bands made big bucks and mainstream success. But at what price?

To take this metaphor more closely, the problem is not that there is no new album, or that the Sisters aren't sounding good on tour, but that they are touring at all and thus devaluing the experience. Considering that the girls will never come to my neck of the woods, ever, quite frankly I agree with Von that they need to get out less.

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 22:07
by Big Si
Aye that's the question. Artistic Integrity or Crass Commercialism?
Garth Algar: Uh, Wayne?
Wayne Campbell: Yeah?
Garth: Do you ever get the feeling Benjamin's just using us?
Wayne: Good call. It's like he wants us to be liked by everyone. I mean, Led Zeppelin didn't write tunes everybody liked. They left that to the Bee Gees.

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 22:10
by Badlander
Gollum's Cock wrote: By the way do you think it hurts AE to read all this criticism?
I'd be much, much more surprised he wasn't able to find out on his own. He's supposed to be a clever man, isn't he ? :innocent:

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 22:36
by EmeraldSignal
My theory is he's probably working on something else, something entirely unconnected with music........he just does the concerts for the dosh. Because for someone who is a perfectionist to not really try just dont make sense.

Either that or he's bored 'cos he got himself stuck in a rut.

Or he's not well.

Mid-life crisis perhaps????????????

Posted: 09 Jun 2007, 18:47
by jenzi-benzi
OK. this time it seems that it wasnt the Sisters fault of having a bad sound. The PA did some strange noises when they wanted to enter the stage, monitor boxes were broken, and more. So they had to stop during Ribbons.....

Posted: 09 Jun 2007, 21:29
by pikkrong
well, my review... sorry to be so late but sometimes I have busy days between gigs...
first of all - it was nice again to see you friends (you know who you are, all of you :)) and to meet first time Diego and Ganith (and I misherad your nam eas well :oops: ) :)
about the festival:
Stranglers were great. :notworthy:
when they visited my country back in '91 (and I missed it - unfortunately) I heard whining about them: "it's a shadow of the Stranglers" etc. after Lorca I can't understand it, they rocked as a band should.I had no expectations, by the way.
Suicidal Tendencies - I went to search shelter from the sun when ST started and missed most of their show but then I wnet closer to the stage again during the end of their set and I quite liked that madness. didn't notice how it happened but in the end the stage was full of fans who behaved similar to the band and at least one person did something more. showed someting. without pants.
Ill Nino. I have never liked nu metal, just went closer to the stage to get a place in the first rows before Sisters set (which was quite desperate idea, I have to say) but then... I quite liked instrumental and metal / hardcore parts of their music - to my big surprise. typical nu metal vocals ruined it again for me.
(missed the first 2 bands and unfortuantely didn't miss Dark Tranquillity :( )
The Sisters. I think the band was great :notworthy: whatever you say. but those technical problems - a gap of silence right in the beginning and songs when I practically couldn't hear Ben's guitar and could see his face which didn't seem happy at all - those technical problems were much more remarkable than in general, during Sisters gigs (yes, I haven't been at their gigs in 80s and not even in 90s). but inspite of this I still enjoyed it. can't explain :)
but there was one more thing. some of you mentioned good crowd. I will state my different opinion in this point. too much people who had came maybe already in the morning (OK, I respect that loyalty) to see Mrs Manson. they were sitting or standing in the first rows and didn't let anyone ahead. some of them turned their back to the stage, sit down and close their eyes during Sisters set. and shouted "mansoon, mansoon" when Sisters started to play. I reached to the 2nd row and believe me, I wasn't violent myself, didn't tried to push away young girls in front of me - c'mon, one of them seemed to be as yound as my own older daughter (who has turned to a fan of a goth(?) artist Emile Autumn), I'm not such a bastard. but when I just clung to the barrier, just stretched my left hand to hold it - because I didn't want to been carried away from the 2nd row by the struggling crowd, in the moshpit (that's how I was thinking before the Sisters set) one of them started to push me away, pressing spikes of her wrist-belt to my flesh. don't think my hand, holding the bar was danger to her place in the first row. I got quite p!ssed off. and later, on my way back, I was angry on myself - how could I got angry on those kids like my own daughter - maybe she would behave the same way, waiting for her Emilie in the audience... but I still hope that she wouldn't. being a fan doesn't mean not respecting others. I hope so.
lady Manson... I heard her 1,5 first songs and wasn't impressed. then my friends asked if we should drive back. I didn't argue. and don't regret.
pity about Turbonegro, maybe they were worthy. can anyone tell me?
again about the Sisters - standing there, in the 2nd row I saw through the curtain behind the stage the silhouette of Chris jumping up, before Sisters started. and when they all run to the stage, it was like napalm flowing to the stage :notworthy: until the first gap :| about the behaviour of Eldritch . he started to throw his coctails to the audience when they had that forced pause, so he seemed rather friendly. sorry that I didn't understand his onstage ramarks this time :(
Ben and Chris were in good mood as well when I briefly met them befor e the show (not just bfore coming to the stage, it was earlier).
sorry that everything didn't go as well as it could.
PS since I didn't take my camera with me, I got so baa-aad photos with my moble phone that in the case I would upload them, you'd think everything was more bad as it really was :twisted:

Posted: 09 Jun 2007, 22:08
by pikkrong
ormfdmrush wrote:
doctoravalanche wrote:
ormfdmrush wrote:who's the soundman btw?
I think it is Jürgen Jansen from the s.h.i.t.t.y german electro dark band called Project Pitchfork ...
I think the Sisters need to get a new one or they will loose the trust of promoters (festivals, big venues ...).
seen him in Moscow in 2004 (pic from there)
his MySpace says he also engineers Nitzer Ebb sound
thanks, you solved my personal mystery! :notworthy: :lol:
I saw N Ebb last year in Sweden and noticed their sound engineer wearing Sisters 2006 official tee (the 3rd version, the black and white one which they sold only at Eastern European gigs and in Finland - so, not in Sweden).
am I a trainspotter? :)

Posted: 13 Jun 2007, 23:45
by Flood
jenzi-benzi wrote:I still have the opinion they should try another soundman and those in-ear monitoring. Vons voice wasnt that bad on Saturday.
i thought Von uses to have one in ear monitor for feedback?

doesn't he?

Posted: 14 Jun 2007, 00:05
by James Blast
pikkrong wrote:am I a trainspotter? :)
I think we all know the answer to that :innocent: