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Posted: 06 Mar 2003, 20:43
by X
Sexygoth wrote:BUT, What the **** does a Drunken panda look/write like? (and all you really funny ****, Don't say you!!!!!!!!)lol
Ok S.G. , Have you got a mirror?

Posted: 07 Mar 2003, 00:58
by Dimehart
I don't want to look like an idiot (but I propably will) but what the heck does LOL and IMHO stand for?

Posted: 07 Mar 2003, 01:06
by Lynchfanatic
Ok. I will squeese in here and say hello. I am new, joined yesterday. I wanted a answer to a question and searched for "sisters of mercy chat" on good old trusty google. I didnt really think any pages would come up.. But it did, woohoo ;)

I was not gonna type anything here, because it started to go away from what this started with. But some still said welcome here and there, so here I am.

Glad to see these pages..

Thank you for the warm welcome ;)

Posted: 07 Mar 2003, 01:07
by Lynchfanatic
LOL is for "laugh out loud" and no, dont look like an idiot ;)

Posted: 07 Mar 2003, 01:12
by Dimehart
Tackar och bockar älskvärda norsk!

Posted: 07 Mar 2003, 01:13
by Lynchfanatic
He he, så du er svensk du? ;)

Posted: 07 Mar 2003, 07:27
by JettBlackUK
At times such as these, I run as fast as can straight in to a wall :?

Posted: 07 Mar 2003, 14:23
by Scardwel
Sexygoth wrote:BUT, What the **** does a Drunken panda look like?

Posted: 07 Mar 2003, 23:13
by Mrs RicheyJames
And I thought you were a mate you sod!!!

Posted: 08 Mar 2003, 13:36
by X
Lol , LMAO , ROTFLMAO ...... Etc etc :notworthy:

Posted: 08 Mar 2003, 15:09
by Mrs RicheyJames
RIGHT <gets out cattle prod>!!! :evil:

Posted: 08 Mar 2003, 16:27
by Thea
Sexygoth wrote:RIGHT <gets out cattle prod>!!! :evil:
ooh! this looks fun! :D

Posted: 10 Mar 2003, 04:05
by cyn
d00mw0lf wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:RIGHT <gets out cattle prod>!!! :evil:
ooh! this looks fun! :D
Gets in line behind Doomy. :P