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Posted: 31 Aug 2007, 23:22
by James Blast
an ironing board. a spike. a fish and. a lightbulb

Posted: 31 Aug 2007, 23:22
by 6FeetOver
Dark wrote:Can we have a surreality derailment? Nobody would notice...
Nope, especially if Heartland were to suddenly turn into a teapot...flower...ball of yarn...

Posted: 31 Aug 2007, 23:37
by Dark
While we're on about this sort of thing, can someone explain Dada to me? I've yet to find a good explanation.. Wiki hasn't helped much either.

Posted: 31 Aug 2007, 23:40
by 6FeetOver
Explain it?

Posted: 31 Aug 2007, 23:51
by James Blast
Ask Spike Milligan.

Posted: 31 Aug 2007, 23:54
by Dark
Well, I realise explanation is somewhat difficult, and probably contrary to its very essence, but a general idea of what it is, then...

Posted: 31 Aug 2007, 23:58
by 6FeetOver
1. Read more about Dada and the artists who worked inside that "genre."

b. Look at some examples of Dada-ist work.

pi. Decide for yourself.


Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 00:02
by Dark
I guess I'll just make my own definition. It's always worked for any other art I've tried.
Especially the art for art's sake.

But then, arguably it's not art. And that makes it art. I'm off to go wank my ego in some self-indulgence, I think.

Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 00:03
by James Blast
"wee ur dee bip" as I do believe Marcel Duchamp said, no it wasn't him it was Kurt Schwiterz or was it...

Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 00:05
by 6FeetOver
Dark wrote:I guess I'll just make my own definition. It's always worked for any other art I've tried.
Especially the art for art's sake.

But then, arguably it's not art. And that makes it art. I'm off to go wank my ego in some self-indulgence, I think.

...and ultimately, does it really matter? I like what I like, and that's good enough for me.

Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 00:10
by James Blast
architecture gives me a ... I'll leave it

Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 08:33
by eotunun
:eek: *follows the swing of the toppic from DaDa to architecture and thinks of the word:* "DaDaistic architecture". :eek:

I don't know what it looks like, but I definately don't want to live in such a house..

What is DaDa?

Richard Huelsenbeck: "Dada ist die Sonne, Dada ist das Ei. Dada ist die Polizei der Polizei." (DaDa is the sun, DaDa is the egg, DaDa is the police of the police)

Hugo Ball: "Was wir DaDa nennen, ist ein Narrenspiel aus dem Nichts, in das alle höheren Fragen verwickelt sind." (What we call DaDa is a jester's play out of the void into wich all higher questions are involved)

Apparently the only definition is that there is no definition for DaDa.
It's outside of meaning, stops making sense.
It's white noise of creativity.
as such, recombining what can't be combined, it's creation itself.

In a word: It's bÃœllsh*t.

Edit: And there is DaDaDaism.

Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 15:22
by boudicca
Can't miss a chance to throw in a Half Man Half Biscuit lyric...

"Have you tuned in to Radio Dada?
Every Friday evening, at six in the morning..." :P

Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 16:13
by Jerre
I'm a follower of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

So don't bother, my God has bigger balls than yours anyway...


Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 16:23
by eotunun
Meatballs in his Bolognese coat, you mean? Damn-I didn't have Spaghetti in ages... :twisted: :innocent:

Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 16:23
by James Blast
Pastafarians :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 16:37
by smiscandlon
James Blast wrote:Pastafarians :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 17:03
by 6FeetOver
Yep. ;D

Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 17:19
by Syberberg
I think I believe.

I believe I think.

But what do I think I believe in?

And what do I believe I think in?

Decide on deicide, decadence or destruction.

And the chosen few will always fued

Over who is more chosen,

The chooser, the chosen or the confused?

Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 19:33
by Dark
eotunun wrote:Apparently the only definition is that there is no definition for DaDa.
It's outside of meaning, stops making sense.
It's white noise of creativity.
as such, recombining what can't be combined, it's creation itself.

In a word: It's bÃœllsh*t.
Suits me. Cheers.

Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 19:58
by smiscandlon
Syberberg wrote:I think I believe.

I believe I think.

But what do I think I believe in?

And what do I believe I think in?

Decide on deicide, decadence or destruction.

And the chosen few will always fued

Over who is more chosen,

The chooser, the chosen or the confused?
Sorry, Pastafarians was funnier. ;D

Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 20:05
by James Blast
much funnier, I'm still laffin' :lol: x 25,000

Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 20:38
by eotunun
So James found a new confession.

And me, I'm antipasta now.

Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 23:01
by 6FeetOver
Heeheehee! *Chuckles* ;D

Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 23:22
by James Blast
eotunun wrote:So James found a new confession.
lost in translation