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Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 18:50
by James Blast
I was wrong...

Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 19:01
by boudicca
biggy wrote:
Does anything that happens on here hurt anyone's loved ones?

None of it matters, really it doesn't.
Speak for yourself. The answer to that question is in fact an emphatic YES.
A good number of us have or at the very least have had loved ones on here. I do not use that term lightly. Of all the people that have meant the very most to me and played the biggest parts in my life, only a couple aren't HL members - and I'm related to them!

Think that's sad - sue me. I find it sadder when people operate by a different set of rules when they happen to be comminicating with others through this medium - not accusing anyone in particular of this by the way. You are still dealing with people and the people on HL are every single bit as real and as human as those you might meet down the pub.

Above all, many people on here spend tons of time together in real life. I've spent months more time over the past few years actually with Heartlanders than typing on my computer to them. These friendships and relationships are utterly genuine and deserve as much respect as any other - if not more for the way they are maintained despite great distance in some cases.

This place really means a lot to some people. So the way it functions does matter, to me at least. And I know I'm not alone in that feeling.
You are perfectly entitled not to care, as are the couple of others who express a smiliar sentiment. If HL is just an idle distraction to you then fine, enjoy it as such. But remember there are those for whom Heartland is important.

Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 22:27
by biggy
scotty wrote:
Debaser wrote:
BTW, who would play you Biggy?
Image :innocent: :twisted:

Hahaha :lol:

See, it's not hard to have a laugh.

Posted: 06 Jan 2008, 23:55
by biggy
boudicca wrote:
biggy wrote:
Does anything that happens on here hurt anyone's loved ones?

None of it matters, really it doesn't.
Speak for yourself. The answer to that question is in fact an emphatic YES.
A good number of us have or at the very least have had loved ones on here. I do not use that term lightly. Of all the people that have meant the very most to me and played the biggest parts in my life, only a couple aren't HL members - and I'm related to them!

Think that's sad - sue me. I find it sadder when people operate by a different set of rules when they happen to be comminicating with others through this medium - not accusing anyone in particular of this by the way. You are still dealing with people and the people on HL are every single bit as real and as human as those you might meet down the pub.

Above all, many people on here spend tons of time together in real life. I've spent months more time over the past few years actually with Heartlanders than typing on my computer to them. These friendships and relationships are utterly genuine and deserve as much respect as any other - if not more for the way they are maintained despite great distance in some cases.

This place really means a lot to some people. So the way it functions does matter, to me at least. And I know I'm not alone in that feeling.
You are perfectly entitled not to care, as are the couple of others who express a smiliar sentiment. If HL is just an idle distraction to you then fine, enjoy it as such. But remember there are those for whom Heartland is important.
Hello pretty boudicca

I didn't say I thought it was sad to be on the forum, or to make relationships through the forum, or to care about the forum and people on it. I don't think it's sad.
I've made some good friends on forums. I've made friends on here.

The thing I'm trying to get across without people getting defensive is that Winnie posted a link to him talking nonsense on you tube & the protests from the regular members ran for pages. That's not normal behaviour.
If he'd posted a link to horse porn, child cruelty or something I'd understand the reaction. Winnie posting a link isn't important.

The only possible explanation is that although the forum (as most are) is already 90% full of nonsense, it has to be the specific nonsense that fits the mould created by the regulars or else it's not accepted.
If I posted a complaint on every thread that was nonsense I'd be accused of spamming. Yet I'd only be doing what people have done on this thread.

I'll add some :kiss: :kiss: and a couple of :D :wink: so everyone knows my intentions are honourable.

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 01:07
by James Blast
winnie didn't post the link, it was keth's dad, if I'm splitting hairs

now... Get Bent!

and thank you Claire for saying what my mind wouldn't, maybe it's a Weegie thaang....

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 01:10
by boudicca
I can understand what you're saying to a point Biggy... winnie's thread is certainly by no means the most bizarre/irritating/offensive/silly (delete or add to as applicable) thing that's ever been posted here and the number of replies would almost suggest that it had been. Having said that though, in keeping with the general theme of HL, you do realise that less than 50% of those have actually been on topic in any way, shape or form :lol:

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 01:16
by James Blast

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 01:29
by reactiv8
boudicca wrote:
Debaser wrote:24 replies, why not just keep clique-ing away on your keyboards.....

*sigh* Be wary how you are beginning to come across, people....
I really don't think that's fair, Ness. It's the cliqueyness of Keith's dad's posts that is the problem for a lot of people. Almost every thread he has begun (if not all) are simply meaningless to anyone who isn't one of his mates. That's not a comment on him as a person, he may well be a very nice guy - it's just purely that hardly anyone here knows what he's referring to half the time! As he hasn't made any posts directed at "all", it seems more that he's using HL as his personal bulletin board for a select few to read rather than a public forum and a community (which I think would be welcoming to him if he showed any desire to be a part of it).

Now you evidently think many other HLanders (I'll assume I'm included in their number) are no better, but I disagree. Of course we talk amongst ourselves and exchange the kind of daft in-jokes that groups of (often very close) friends often come up with, but there's a big difference between doing that in an inclusive and an exclusive way. I can't speak for everyone but I think most of us try to keep to the former. If we ever stray into the latter, at least it's done after we've made hundreds of posts on here that are open to everyone reading the board. And I think most HLanders' attitude is that other people can always join in.

I'm just unsure if keith's dad has any interest in HL beyond using it as a place to catch up with a very specific group of old mates. Even if that is the case (hardly a crime in itself, I'm here these days for the crack and not the Sisters after all), he could introduce himself a little.
... and Thank You! I couldn't agree more! Apologies, I'm picking up this thread late (as usual), but it is nice to read suchlike! You lot tolerate me (just) as a newbie, so I'm still here and learning (slowly) ... (very) occasionally I do have my own pearls worthy of your attention too! :notworthy: - sorry keith's dad, but I have 'cast my vote' ...

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 01:53
by boudicca
James Blast wrote:eh?
:lol: Well quite.

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 01:55
by reactiv8
boudicca wrote:
James Blast wrote:eh?
:lol: Well quite.
:notworthy: :wink:

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 02:52
by biggy
James Blast wrote:winnie didn't post the link, it was keth's dad, if I'm splitting hairs

now... Get Bent!

and thank you Claire for saying what my mind wouldn't, maybe it's a Weegie thaang....
Who do you think Keith's dad is?
It's not Scotty senior you know?

Now go bendy .... or something

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 02:57
by biggy
boudicca wrote:I can understand what you're saying Biggy... and while I'm on the subject may I just commend you on being the wisest, most handsome member of heartland we've ever had. You should be made king

Thank you boudicca, that's very nice of you to say so. :kiss:

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 07:47
by Ozpat
biggy wrote:
boudicca wrote:I can understand what you're saying Biggy... and while I'm on the subject may I just commend you on being the wisest, most handsome member of heartland we've ever had. You should be made king

Thank you boudicca, that's very nice of you to say so. :kiss:
:eek: :roll:

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 08:13
by Dark
He's just reading between the lines. ;)

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 10:01
by Pista
Pista wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
Pista wrote: Which version?
There about 5 on dime right now

edit. make that 7
the best one...? :innocent:
I think this one ... ?id=176865

But this one ... ?id=177696 comes a close second.

Try 1 track off each (Kashmir for example) & then just grab the one you like the best. ;D
There's 9 now :eek:

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 14:15
by boudicca
biggy wrote:
boudicca wrote:I can understand what you're saying Biggy... and while I'm on the subject may I just commend you on being the wisest, most handsome member of heartland we've ever had. You should be made king

Thank you boudicca, that's very nice of you to say so. :kiss:
:lol: Am I that transparent? Trying to play it cool, you know...

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 21:19
by scotty
I can't believe you're all still on about this :eek: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 21:28
by Brideoffrankenstein
scotty wrote:I can't believe you're all still on about this :eek: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nor can I

Posted: 07 Jan 2008, 22:04
by eotunun
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
scotty wrote:I can't believe you're all still on about this :eek: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nor can I
Me, I'm utterly stunned!

Posted: 08 Jan 2008, 20:35
by Izzy HaveMercy
Debaser wrote:yourself, Iz (who are both Mods - well I know you are)
I'm not. I'm not stupid :twisted: ;)


Posted: 08 Jan 2008, 20:42
by 6FeetOver
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Debaser wrote:yourself, Iz (who are both Mods - well I know you are)
I'm not. I'm not stupid :twisted: ;)
:eek: Then wtf am I even *doing* here?! I was a gifted child, ffs!
Hmmm...well, wait a minute, now - you'd never know it from how I've ended up, so I suppose it's a moot point. Ho-hum.

:P :lol:

Posted: 08 Jan 2008, 20:49
by Dark

Posted: 08 Jan 2008, 20:53
by Andie
this seems to have mutated into one of the more interesting threads around this board...good call everyone!!

*shakes head and leaves for pastures fresh*

Posted: 08 Jan 2008, 22:27
by robertzombie

Posted: 08 Jan 2008, 23:25
by Debaser
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Debaser wrote:yourself, Iz (who are both Mods - well I know you are)
I'm not. I'm not stupid :twisted: ;)

Sorry, I've been known to get things wrong....but don't tell anyone, let's just keep it between ourselves :innocent: