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Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 17:48
by Quiff Boy
paint it black wrote:
_emma_ wrote:Can't see the photo. :?
click on the red x, right click properties, copy address into your browser

*no point though; it's all in foreign


Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 18:13
by _emma_
markfiend wrote:Translation pls!
Nothing worth translating, trust me. :lol:

Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 18:28
by lachert
can someone from warsaw will buy me that friday's wyborcza and bring me on monday gig, please? :eek:

alsow, there was a note in poland (today warsaw edition) of the times called "mad cemetery discotheque". thanks to sylwek for letting me know and for the scan :notworthy:
some parts are pretty funny ;D and adam pearson will play in warsaw! :notworthy: :wink:


Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 22:48
by 7anthea7
lachert wrote:...adam pearson will play in warsaw! :notworthy: :wink:
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 23:33
by lszymc
An article from another Polish daily "Rzeczposplita":

Fine picture of AE. Please note that the third TSOM album is titled "The Visio Hing� (almost at the end of the text). I like it, it sounds so mysteriously, almost gothic...

Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 23:45
by lszymc
To complete the review of "going out" sections of Polish Friday dailies: an article from "Dziennik": ... olsce.html

Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 23:49
by 7anthea7
lszymc wrote:To complete the review of "going out" sections of Polish Friday dailies: an article from "Dziennik": ... olsce.html
Love the placement of the lingerie advert... :lol:

Posted: 28 Mar 2009, 00:23
by lachert
lszymc wrote:To complete the review of "going out" sections of Polish Friday dailies: an article from "Dziennik": ... olsce.html
Trzy lata później grupa nagrywa „The Visio Hingâ€�...
:lol: :lol: :lol: i'm dying :lol: :lol: :lol: help :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 28 Mar 2009, 09:56
by Bartek
how journalist~ish how stupid. so a guess there will be no interview for any polish press/tv/radio. at i wouldn't try it if a were Andrew.

Posted: 28 Mar 2009, 13:54
by Spiggythecat
_emma_ wrote:
markfiend wrote:Translation pls!
Nothing worth translating, trust me. :lol:
why don't you translate the last sentence from above mentioned article?

the meaning if it is like
as Warsaw gig has been sold out so quickly, TSOM decided for additional (not planned before) gig in Krakow on Wednesday the 31st March

see you all in Stodola on Monday (i guess):D

Posted: 28 Mar 2009, 14:55
by Bartek
coz i didn't met you so far i leave description of suspicious:
- midget (like Andrew)
- glasses (optical)
- orange jacket (so called soft shell) - that's might be enough :lol:
- bad hair
and Adidas super star on foot.

see you all there

and don't be afraid of my face (mood what it expressed) I'm usually looks that.

Posted: 28 Mar 2009, 18:01
by lachert
i'll be with midget redhead girl and stupid smile on my face, probably very drunk. don't be afraid to come and say hallo ;D

Posted: 30 Mar 2009, 22:04
by Bartek
flood i
flood ii
something fast
vision thing
(in that order; i took a pics of setlist)

bad until arms (in my opinon) or dominion/mr ( like Lachert said). anyway before arms Andrew vocal were barely hear just like Bens guitar, after that great. to be justice i scream so loud (like rest of audience) and had so much fun that i didn't care but yes it was good, i didn't heard what he were saying betwix the songs (not including "thank you") but was good.

:von: turned off one light what was in front of him, thrown a bottel to the audience and made few his strange gestures (mostly pointined Ben when he were palyed "solos")

security was tough this time, they took my and as Lachert said Paulinas camera(s) before the show. but i got my cell/mobilephone ( :P ) so i took a few pics we'll see how they look like on wensday or thursday.

in tickets price were included a free sauna.

boys (all including nurse and Von) seemed to had fun and enjoy the show. well yeah, like in Kraków (2006), mostly because of us.

if not the sound problem during first songs i could say that gig was better than, mentioned, Kraków. btw there were no soundcheck, i mean proper soundcheck maybe because of that sound was s**t.

that for now.

Posted: 30 Mar 2009, 22:09
by straycat
Thanks for the quick info, I'm hoping no such problems occur tomorrow in Krakow.
Any changes to the tshirts available, what's left and what were the prices?

Posted: 30 Mar 2009, 22:18
by Bartek
orange leters band name, c&b lyrics round the new logo, european cities when they will or already play(ed), scarf, no sure in 100% about t-shirts price so i not gonna write here. and NO eurekamachines CD :cry:

Posted: 31 Mar 2009, 11:49
by Kuba

That was very cruel.

Posted: 31 Mar 2009, 12:38
by iesus
For those of us that don't know very good Polish a first draft of translation...
Please add the gaps :P

Translation: Polish » English
Andrew Eldritch: W Sisters of Mercy to ja mówię pierwsze i ostatnie słowo Michał Polański 31-03-2009, ostatnia aktualizacja 31-03-2009 07:34 Wczoraj legendarną grupę oklaskiwał w Stodole komplet publiczności. Zazwyczaj niedostępny lider, kompozytor, autor tekstów i wokalista The Sisters of Mercy przed koncertem znalazł dla nas chwilę. źródło: PAP/EPA +zobacz więcej Ostatnim studyjnym albumem The Sisters of Mercy jest wydany w 1990 r. „Vison Thingâ€�. Dlaczego tak długo czekamy na nową płytę? Andrew Eldritch: Niedługo się ukaże. Utwory, które się na niej znajdą, są już zarejestrowane. Staram się je jeszcze dopieścić. Chciałbym, aby był to w pewnym sensie retrospektywny album, który pokaże zmiany, jakie zaszły w zespole przez niemal 20 lat. I udowodni tym samym, że nie spocząłem na laurach i nie leniłem się, co od czasu do czasu zdają się sugerować media. Media często nazywają cię despotą i dyktatorem, ze względu na liczne przetasowania w składzie zespołu. Mają rację? Dziennikarze zawsze wietrzą sensację w miejscu, gdzie akurat nie powinni jej szukać. Tak też trochę jest z tymi oskarżeniami o despotyzm. Owszem, The Sisters of Mercy to mój autorski projekt i to właśnie ja mówię tu pierwsze i ostatnie słowo. Jednak nigdy nie byłem tyranem, zawsze liczyłem i liczę się ze zdaniemludzi, z którymi gram. Liczne zmiany składu powodowane były raczej różnicami naszych charakterów, a niekiedy było to po prostu „zmęczenie materiałuâ€�. To normalne. Od ponad 20 lat mieszkasz w Hamburgu. Dlaczego zdecydowałeś się opuścić rodzinne Leeds i Wielką Brytanię? Hamburg to moje miejsce na ziemi. Tam czuję się wolny i bezpieczny. Zawsze bardzo lubiłem Niemcy i Niemców. To naprawdę wspaniały kraj i ludzie. A Hamburg to żywe i kolorowe miasto, które nigdy nie śpi. Zawsze dzieje się tam bardzo dużo ciekawych rzeczy. The Sisters of Mercy występowali w Polsce trzykrotnie – w 1991 roku we Wrocławiu, w kwietniu 2003 r. w Warszawie i czerwcu 2006 r. w Krakowie. Jak wspominasz te koncerty? Bardzo dobrze. Zawsze mieliśmy w Polsce rzeszę oddanych fanów, co przekładało się na fantastyczną atmosferę tych występów. Najbardziej utkwił mi w pamięci nasz pierwszy, wrocławski koncert. Pamiętam, że odbył się w starej poniemieckiej hali, przyszło mnóstwo ludzi i zagraliśmy wtedy naprawdę głośno! Życie Warszawy
Andrew Eldritch: The Sisters of Mercy I say first and last word
Michal Polanski 31-03-2009, last updated: 31-03-2009 07:34

Yesterday a group of legendary oklaskiwał barn set in the audience. Usually available leader, composer, lyricist and lead singer of The Sisters of Mercy concert was a moment for us.
source: PAP / EPA
+ see more

The last studio album, The Sisters of Mercy is released in 1990 "vison Thing." Why wait so long for the new album?

Andrew Eldritch: Soon to come out. Tracks on that are, are already registered. I try to be even dopieścić. I would like to be in a sense, retrospective album, which will show the changes that have taken place in the team for nearly 20 years.

And thus it proves that it does not rest on our laurels and do not leniłem, which from time to time seem to suggest the media.

The media often call you despot and dictator, because of the numerous przetasowania in the composition of the team. They are right?

Journalists always wind sensation in the place where it should not just look. Yes it is a little bit with these accusations of despotism. Yes, The Sisters of Mercy is my own design and I say it is a first and last word. But I was never arrogant, always hoping and counting of the zdaniemludzi with which gram. Many of the changes were rather caused by differences of our character, and sometimes it was simply "material fatigue." This is normal.

For over 20 years living in Hamburg. Why you decided to leave the family Leeds and Great Britain?

Hamburg is my place on earth. There, I feel free and safe. Germany has always been loved and Germans. This is really a great country and people. A Hamburg to live and colorful city that never sleeps. Always there is a lot of interesting things.

The Sisters of Mercy in Poland, performed three times - in 1991 in Wroclaw, in April 2003 in Warsaw and in June 2006 in Krakow. How do I mention these concerts?

Very good. Poland has always had many fans total, which przekładało fantastic atmosphere at these performances. Most utkwił my memory, our first concert wrocławski. I remember that took place in the old poniemieckiej hall, lots of people came and then we played really loud!
Zycie Warszawy

;D :innocent:

Posted: 31 Mar 2009, 12:48
by iesus
As of the other review in ... olsce.html

The title is all the money :roll:

Legenda gotyckiego rocka na dwóch koncertach = Gothic rock legend on two concerts

:lol: :lol: That could be propably the main reason, we haven't seen an album for nearly 2 decades :( :cry:

Posted: 31 Mar 2009, 12:55
by Kuba
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it first time in this millenium Von is talking about new album?

Posted: 31 Mar 2009, 13:02
by LouLou
lszymc wrote:Please note that the third TSOM album is titled "The Visio Hing� (almost at the end of the text). I like it, it sounds so mysteriously, almost gothic...
i definitely want a copy of that one :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 31 Mar 2009, 13:03
by iesus
Indeed, i see first time talking about a new album by :von: :eek: :eek: since Vision Thing when i was at school and had hairs in my head :roll: :twisted: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 31 Mar 2009, 15:14
by _emma_
What is more mad:
thinking that a used handkerchief is your most treasured possession, and fiddling with it secretly for hours while others talk about setlists and soundmen and whether the Cure last year was better or not,
having totally made up your mind to go from Poland to Beirut just to experience something that will last less than two hours?
:wink: :notworthy: :kiss:

Oh and I was the first person who got a sip from that bottle. I kept the lid as souvenir, thank you. :D :kiss:

Posted: 31 Mar 2009, 15:33
by LouLou
_emma_ wrote:What is more mad:
thinking that a used handkerchief is your most treasured possession, and fiddling with it secretly for hours while others talk about setlists and soundmen and whether the Cure last year was better or not,
having totally made up your mind to go from Poland to Beirut just to experience something that will last less than two hours?
:wink: :notworthy: :kiss:
both statements do indeed come across as pretty darn mad when you consider them separately :)

but when they come from the same person, they suddenly assume a bizarre consistency which can only be appreciated by people who dig the sisters 8)
_emma_ wrote:Oh and I was the first person who got a sip from that bottle. I kept the lid as souvenir, thank you. :D :kiss:
no, thank you...for making me go green with envy :)

Posted: 31 Mar 2009, 15:49
by lachert
1/3 of show sounds like bad soundcheck (true)it was almost instrumental version of ribbons, i can't hear von's voice, and the band looks like on some funeral party (even ben). no moshpit, maybe a little one on anaconda. for dominion things are going much better. some people jump, some people screm and the band feels that and doing their best.
fine that thay changed setlist, but floorshow should stay :x
i've got doctor setlist but scanner is far away ;D
nice to meet Bartek for the first time and few other people (you know who you are) :notworthy:
we stitting here now in some hostel in krakow, waiting for better gig tonight ;D

Posted: 31 Mar 2009, 16:29
by aims
iesus wrote:The last studio album, The Sisters of Mercy is released in 1990 "vison Thing." Why wait so long for the new album?

Andrew Eldritch: Soon to come out. Tracks on that are, are already registered. I try to be even dopieścić. I would like to be in a sense, retrospective album, which will show the changes that have taken place in the team for nearly 20 years.

And thus it proves that it does not rest on our laurels and do not leniłem, which from time to time seem to suggest the media.
This article was meant to come out tomorrow, right? :innocent:

Not holding my breath, but...:D