2009-06-02 - ARGENTINA

Gig reviews, set lists, thoughts, comments and observations on the 2008/2009 Sisters tour, including the Autumn/Winter 2008 U.S. and European 2009 legs.
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body_electric wrote:I finished the playlist with the best available clips in order
http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... 5CDC5D9551
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
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there are so much videos from this, let's say, great gig, that all we need now is a good full audio recording and one magician who'll compile an awsome argentina 2009 dvd ;D
long live rock'n'roll
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... for example, yeah ... ;D :D

And I wish to add that after having seen this I never ever want to recall that f**king concert
they played over here in Cologne [apart from a few facts and, of course, I'm still glad they did it at all].

Nor do I need any further audio of any long ago gigs I may have attended ... :eek:
... those where I have not been are clearly the better ones and - above all - those they are doing now.

N E V E R . E V E R . L O O K . B A C K . T H I S . W A Y . A G A I N, hopefully.
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Hello there! As my Argertinian brother I was also at that gig and please, before you accuse me of being a negative bastard read on because it seems that we were at different gigs. I've decided to comment on the Argentina gig. (that is, if my english is up to it!). First, I have been a fan for 24 years so my credentials are valid which of course doesn't mean my opinion is to be shared by everyone. Tears were rolling down my eyes when the band appeared. I had seen them before (Boston 99) but never in my home country. So the show was quite emotional and it is only now I can write something more balanced about it. I loved the chance of seeing the band again but they are far from convincing. At least this 2009 circa. Guitars are strident, boring, pentatonic and lacking in interest. You could do so many things with these songs... anyway, Andrew's voice is more high pitched and there are more "slurs" (you fans understand what I'm saying)... there are places he can't get to and places he shouldn't go. The band sounds thin... this is hard to explain but it has to do with the sound of the "drums" and their decision to trigger the bass (complete musical suicide) from a notebook!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, the bass from the band that owes its reputation to basses. This is impossible for me to understand. Keyboards should be present again, in my opinion, maybe not with long pads of uninspired sounds (2007 tour) but with more musicality ala floodland. In short, I am an absolute fan of this band (also a film composer) and not a day goes by without me listening to them but live they are disappointing and what gets me down is that they could easily sound so much better because the songs are incredible, the power is still there (or the idea of it) and eldritch is by far my favorite frontman... I would call this leg of the tour "the Shadow of our dark intentions" tour.... anyway, great forum... interesting people. If you want to know more about the Argentina gig (ALL MUSICAL DETAILS!) let me know. Sorry for my english! Cheers