Well I arrived back, and still alive... but had an indigestion and a cramp in my leg for days (thanks the gig for this second one

) some additional high school, and felt too tired for a long report... sorry for being late.
The bright side of the passed day: Eldritch!!! I saw and heard the TSOM!
Everything else went wrong (see above).
I arranged to meet sziamiau and others before the show, so I set off earlier than planned. However complications occured in the form of a train-substituting bus, a petulant railman, another belated train and a 9:30 awaiting time for the metro, so I didn't even reach the ship in time. Fortunately as I read the posts I arrived for the end Detonation Boulevard which means the loss of hearing two songs only.
After the leave-taking from Artemovsk my unseen companionship had to go because someone felt ill and I tried to catch up with sziamiau... she suggested to take a tram so I took a look at my map and instantly assaulted the putatively shortest way. Only when she became a bit impatient and called me I succeeded to find an orange line on the top of the orange line of the road...

Afterall she missed the metro because of our talking... seems my bad luck with mass transport is virulent.

no doubt in the course of time I reach the meeting point but I was already so exhausted and dejected I told her to go. Maybe next time
Despite this streak of bad luck I had a good time, and the gig was far above my expectations, which was already a high one (nonetheless some stuporous youtube users uploaded bad quality vids and commented bad things

). No, the songs were loud and clear and all of them could been recognized in the very first moment.
The stage hall was very crowded and those who had enough space for transposing their weight from one leg to the other were lucky but noone concerned it.
I found myself in the middle of the cheer when I entered and my mind still protested against the fact that the blurry figure in the smoke is Von himself and not a gruff-voiced hungarian actor when the first beats of my all-time favourite tune of Alice had sounded and from this moment there was no stopping till his final bow. So I started singing and jumping early

It's such a good song Eldritch didn't have the need for changing it significally. I should have to been in the first row, but I get a fair position at the end.
Well, I only worried what if the B-versions of the old classics are disappointing compared to the original but I didn't have to. I think the FALAA on FALAA album is better than the remake still the rockier version has merits, and liked the new Marian too.
I was looking forward to hear the new song Far parade but it wasn't on the setlist... Nevermind, some day I will.
I have to agree with Pista; howling of the Flood were the highlight of the gig. Like Eldritch wanted to compensate us for the postponing and to prove to his audience he regained his voice. He proved it. It's unforgettable.
As the time for hits came we were getting more and more vivid until the floor waved like the Danube itself. Vision thing, Lucretia and they still had such energies like some kind of power plant has.
I tried to catch every moment so desperatedly at the end I realized why Temple of love is the last song every time; because we need them, but it won't last long from now... like they were apologizing for their farewell. Well, we'll run for an other.
Especially if they will surpass themselves once more.
And thanks for the archives - far better than the videos of mine