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Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 16:58
by Bartek
mh wrote:Buying them can help convince the record industry that the Sisters remain a viable prospect. More sales = more recognition = a better chance of the missing stuff being reissued and a better chance of new stuff eventually seeing the light of day (at least so far as the record industry side is concerned; :von: is another matter entirely).
you know it's a bullsh!t and yet you still writing this.

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 17:04
by James Blast
I LOLd :lol:

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 17:07
by christophe
Faith brothers, have faith :P

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 17:30
by mh
Bartek wrote:
mh wrote:Buying them can help convince the record industry that the Sisters remain a viable prospect. More sales = more recognition = a better chance of the missing stuff being reissued and a better chance of new stuff eventually seeing the light of day (at least so far as the record industry side is concerned; :von: is another matter entirely).
you know it's a bullsh!t and yet you still writing this.
One has to have irrational hopes to cling to. ;D

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 17:38
by Being645
Quiff Boy wrote:
Amazon wrote:Label: Warner Music International
i doubt warner care if they are a viable prospect or not, they're just milking out the last bit of cash they can from their ageing cash cow before it ceases to yield anything :(
Oh, we know this point of view, but who is Warner? A record company just
giving proof they see some profit come their way by another release of
stuff they've sold a few times before already ... and they are so sure of their
profit, they don't think it necessary to add some incentive for possible buyers ... they KNOW it will sell ...

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 18:16
by _emma_
mh wrote:
Bartek wrote:
mh wrote:Buying them can help convince the record industry that the Sisters remain a viable prospect. More sales = more recognition = a better chance of the missing stuff being reissued and a better chance of new stuff eventually seeing the light of day (at least so far as the record industry side is concerned; :von: is another matter entirely).
you know it's a bullsh!t and yet you still writing this.
One has to have irrational hopes to cling to. ;D
:lol: You know, I think that hoping that The Sisters will ever release anything new is a lot like hoping that an alcoholic spouse will stop drinking (and I've been through both so I am in th position to compare): one just has to go through all those hopes and dreams and wishful thinking and bitterness and tears and illusions and disillusionments etc. before one finely finds peace in oneself and discovers that:
1. what there is is all that there is
2. things are the way they are
3. one has no power to change things and one finally has to face it
4. being demanding, expecting, blackmailing etc. has worsened the state of things a lot because
5. love is the key, the clue, the answer and the core of it all and
6. if one had started with love instead of demands, expectations, blackmailing etc. things would be different and probably much better today
7. but one couldn't, then, so
8. it's OK, the way it is. :)
;D :kiss:

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 19:22
by MadameButterfly
Well said _emma_ !!! Couldn't agree more.

I love :von:
I love TSOM
I love the music
I love the feeling it gives me everytime I hear it
I love dancing to this music when ever I hear it
I love that this is the band I love regardless.

That's true love. ;D

** Oh and I love HL the people I have gotten to know and to love within these walls as members or mods or admin. The whole global loving of people in all places in the world and being in their cyber lives like them in mine, just gives a wonderful loving feeling. That should also be said. :wink:

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 20:13
by James Blast
nah, cunts that treat us like cattle

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 20:29
by MadameButterfly
James Blast wrote:nah, cunts that treat us like cattle
*grabs you by the ears and washes you mouth out with soap no water*

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 20:38
by James Blast
I hit girls, and I am way bigger than you

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 21:12
by Being645
Big does not necessarily mean fast ... and you could be in the minority ... :D ...

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 21:14
by James Blast
but you're a total menace or git as we say :|

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 21:20
by MadameButterfly
not now not here take it to PM please. :roll:

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 21:38
by Being645
James Blast wrote:but you're a total menace or git as we say :|
,,, ;D ...

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 21:45
by James Blast
Get Bent!

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 21:53
by MadameButterfly

take it to PM you two. forfuckssake fullstop

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 23:06
by _emma_
Is that the HL effect in full bloom? :lol:
Well, "love" is a cap that fits all. Mine is small and can only cover myself, my cats, and Von. :?

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 19:25
by MadameButterfly
Must be the very long cold winter we are all having!

If ever a time of love or new songs to be written or thought about I would guess in this time of cold. The pondering and wondering. Next step is the love in bloom when spring will appear and then spring the beginning of the next six months of hopefully jolly weather for some when shades are on and the weather outside is nice and bearable. That kind of thing.

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 20:22
by James Blast
what the hell are you blathering on about?

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 20:33
by MadameButterfly
seasons and feelings and stuff.

Posted: 26 Feb 2010, 23:26
by Ghost
Bleh, saw them for sale about a week ago here in Portugal at a Fnac store. It was in a display along similar packs for other bands with that "original album series" brand.
Nevertheless, for anyone new to them it's great value and way cheaper than the remasters box.

With this late noughties emo vampire overbombing, surely some fresh g0ths will want to check this band. This is assuming new generations would even consider buying cds, of course.

Posted: 27 Feb 2010, 00:35
by Being645
... or be interested in music rather than killing ...

Posted: 27 Feb 2010, 14:34
by robertzombie
Has any remastering been done? Which version of F&L&A is in the pack?

Posted: 27 Feb 2010, 19:13
by Garbageman
Mr Blast,I love reading your posts mate!!!!

Posted: 27 Feb 2010, 19:29
by James Blast
I say as I see ;D