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Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 08:51
by wintermute
i thought the smoke ran out early

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 09:03
by wintermute
but all involved (in all 3 bands) deserve congratulations

top night

mrs wintermute particularly liked sid's bass playing (she's used to 4-stringers standing quietly at the back)

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 09:04
by wintermute
isn't anyone else up yet ?

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 09:24
by emilystrange
yes, but having got in at 3, i'm not sure i should be, never mind at work.

was drinking benylin out of the bottle again

sorry couldn't stay till the end, but it was soo good to see you/wave at you/speak to you as appropriate.

red bull and pro plus at the ready

ms goth... it was a pleasure, gorgeous.

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 10:25
by Francis
Excellent night out. Thankyou to all who made it worth the drive and staying sober.


Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 13:06
by emilystrange
paddy has a lot of making up to do.... :evil:

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 13:15
by Francis
emilystrange wrote:paddy has a lot of making up to do.... :evil:
Did you miss them doing Some Kind Of Stranger? Outstanding. Thought about dragging Pam onto the dancefloor for a bit of a smooch. Then I realised that was on of those daft ideas brought on by lack of alcohol.

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 13:21
by hallucienate
why hasn't anybody posted a proper review yet?

you know, set list, photos, mp3 downloads.

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 13:29
by emilystrange
Francis wrote:
emilystrange wrote:paddy has a lot of making up to do.... :evil:
Did you miss them doing Some Kind Of Stranger? Outstanding. Thought about dragging Pam onto the dancefloor for a bit of a smooch. Then I realised that was on of those daft ideas brought on by lack of alcohol.

:evil: yes.

though that one makes me cry. oh well. i saw some of it.

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 13:30
by Quiff Boy
feeling very, very hungover toiday. didnt realise i was so pi$$ed! :o

apologies to francis and pam for what must have been some incredibly tedious drunken ramblings during the journey home (mucho thanks for that btw! :notworthy: ) :urff:

what a gig! first time i've seen exploding kid. tres cool - not what you'd expect but refreshing for it 8)

rhombus. what can i say. getting better and better. love the new stuff - really taking full advantage of scardy's presence now, writing definitve lead & rhythm geetar lines that are very groovy (and sound huge!). also, the material is sounding very mature and developed now, and you're kicking arse in a major way. ROCK! :notworthy: :lol: (some beautiful goff delay effects there too, rob ;) )

and the smurphs. what can i say!?! they used more smoke than the sisters at the blank canvas (really!) and made such a noise that i really do have those funny popping sounds in my head as if god and all his angels have been stomping about inside my frontal lobes.

bloody marvellous.

the inintial fog was the most amusing thing i'd seen in years. most punters in the limelight didnt know what to make of it :lol: carry on gothing, as it were.

damn shame it was sid's last gig. them's very big boots to fill and i dont envy mr new eldritch's position! :o (he seemed like a nice chap though, but he really does need to start smoking if he's going to be authentic :lol: )

in short, wow. bloody great night and i feel privileged to have witnessed it. to all concerned: :notworthy: :von:

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 13:32
by emilystrange
well you were very chatty, qb... bless. what a nice boy.
cute, too....

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 13:37
by Quiff Boy

:lol: ;)

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 13:41
by Quiff Boy
set list? cant remember the order but i do remember most of the songs:

kiss the carpet
first & last & always
good things
damage done :lol:
walk away
this corrosion
some kind of stranger

and the encore:

vision thing
temple of love

umm, paddy? :?:

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 13:42
by Francis
Quiff Boy wrote:drunken ramblings
After what you told me last night, you'll never be able to ban me now. :lol:

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 13:48
by hallucienate
Quiff Boy wrote:set list? cant remember the order but i do remember most of the songs:

kiss the carpet
first & last & always
good things
damage done :lol:
walk away
this corrosion
some kind of stranger

and the encore:

vision thing
temple of love

umm, paddy? :?:
:notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 13:54
by Francis
hallucienate wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:set list? cant remember the order but i do remember most of the songs:

kiss the carpet
first & last & always
good things
damage done :lol:
walk away
this corrosion
some kind of stranger

and the encore:

vision thing
temple of love

umm, paddy? :?:
:notworthy: :notworthy:
Anaconda was in there as well I think. Oh and Body Electric. 8)

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 16:06
by Mrs. Snowey
All I can say about last night was:

Woo-hoo :D :D (in a Homer Simpson stylee)

Mr. Snowey is currently transferring the MD's to CD's as I type. All three band's sets will be put up as a weed in the very near future (I hope we're not treading on anyone's toes here?)

But tough! :D It's going out!! Complete with QB's drunken outbursts at no extra charge :lol: :lol: :lol:

P.S. Paddy PM your addy over. Sid too. (Scardy/Ed, we've got your number, so look out for Postman Pat)

P.P.S. If anyone out of Rhombus or Exploding Kid would like to send us a set-list, feel free :D :wink:

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 16:09
by Mrs. Snowey
Quiff Boy wrote: the inintial fog was the most amusing thing i'd seen in years. most punters in the limelight didnt know what to make of it :lol: carry on gothing, as it were.
What dry ice? :eek: I didn't notice anything. :lol: :wink:

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 16:20
by emilystrange
i was wondering if the Neph had turned up, but there was no 'dust'. Mr S says he saw the Sisters in brighton and the whole thing was much the same. v. authentic, lads.

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 17:08
by The Grinn Reaper
Cool Cool night ears still ringing and feet still sore from all that dancing. Definetly worth the effort of going over there. Where' s the next one Pads with the new Aldritch, cos i think we'll be there.


Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 17:17
by Mrs. Snowey
The Grinn Reaper wrote:Cool Cool night ears still ringing and feet still sore from all that dancing. Definetly worth the effort of going over there. Where' s the next one Pads with the new Aldritch, cos i think we'll be there.

Didn't he used to play/manage for Tranmere? :eek: Oh hang on, that was John Aldridge :lol:

Actually, I quite like the idea of Von managing the Mighty Rovers :lol:

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 17:24
by RicheyJames
Quiff Boy wrote:set list? cant remember the order but i do remember most of the songs:

not a bad effort quiffy. according to my (signed) setlist:

kiss the carpet
first & last & always
body electric
good things
damage done
walk away
this corrosion
some kind of stranger

vision thing
temple of love

great venue. great bands. great night.

that backing singer was pretty cute too :wink:

now, who do we see about getting a copy of the recording???

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 17:29
by Thea
Bloody hell.
It was fatastic!
Proper rockstar jumping-offa-things (so proud...) and Plenty of smoke and... err.. more smoke. gotta love that emo bloke who refused to stop dancing - him and his townie mates seemed a bit too happy to hear "Some Kind Of Stranger" if you ask me...
Nice to see so many HL-ers (remembered the URL yet QB?) and all 3 bands sounding great ;D

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 17:39
by snowey
RicheyJames wrote: that backing singer was pretty cute too :wink:

now, who do we see about getting a copy of the recording???

PM your addy but more importantly do you want (and I quote) "YOU FAT BITCH" (Copyright Lordy?) as the start of the gig or not.. :D :D

Thus ends the sales pitch for

So that's 6 copies of this gig to do now... :roll:

Posted: 23 Aug 2004, 17:43
by The Grinn Reaper
Mrs. Snowey wrote:
The Grinn Reaper wrote:Cool Cool night ears still ringing and feet still sore from all that dancing. Definetly worth the effort of going over there. Where' s the next one Pads with the new Aldritch, cos i think we'll be there.

Didn't he used to play/manage for Tranmere? :eek: Oh hang on, that was John Aldridge :lol:

Actually, I quite like the idea of Von managing the Mighty Rovers :lol:
Ok, Ok The Hangover is still wearing off, and i had about 4 hrs sleep last night so you've got to excuse the typo.
