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Posted: 20 Nov 2004, 23:55
by Dark Angel
what I'm 6?

YES!!! I can eat with my hands, have snot running down my face and just run up to complete strangers and start chatting to them

oh and do that random jump up and down thing when dancing, and everyone will just go " awwwww cute" instead of going " ffs look at her" hehehehe :D

Posted: 20 Nov 2004, 23:56
by emilystrange
as i said.. six on some days, 19 on others! NEVER 36.....

Posted: 20 Nov 2004, 23:59
by Dark Angel
lol emily, how right you are :D

ffs think I got stuck somewhere along the line, in fact it musta been a forwards time warp thingy :roll:

Posted: 21 Nov 2004, 00:06
by emilystrange
good place to unstick, here...

Posted: 21 Nov 2004, 00:17
by rian
emilystrange wrote:good place to unstick, here...


I know where to put my stick :wink:

Posted: 21 Nov 2004, 00:22
by Dark Angel
rian wrote:
emilystrange wrote:good place to unstick, here...


I know where to put my stick :wink:

ooooerrrrr! :eek:


Posted: 21 Nov 2004, 00:23
by andymackem
emilystrange wrote:ALL the lads think they're the local wit...
Don't remember anyone else being picked out before, though. I'm very touched. And a bit scared.


Posted: 21 Nov 2004, 00:27
by Dark Angel
and so you should be :twisted:


Posted: 21 Nov 2004, 00:29
by James Blast
emilystrange wrote:ALL the lads think they're the local wit...
how trite

Posted: 21 Nov 2004, 07:04
by Mrs RicheyJames
andymackem wrote:
Dark Angel wrote:lol done with quoting :D

meowww!!! :wink: I'm gonna be Mrs Claus this year :twisted:
Mrs Claus ... isn's she better known as Mary Christmas?

Gets coat. Been a long week :oops:

<helps with the coat> :roll: :lol: