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Posted: 23 May 2005, 21:42
by emilystrange
someone go and get some more. nothing is too good for sinny.

Posted: 23 May 2005, 21:54
by 6FeetOver
:eek: *HUGS* You always know how to cheer me up, Ems! ;D

Posted: 23 May 2005, 21:56
by emilystrange
;D :von:

my pleasure. :kiss:


Posted: 24 May 2005, 01:13
by Ocean Moves
I'm tempted to say that the majority of you are
being rather cynical about finding
a partner and being happy;
(there's alot of "don't bothers" about)
but its probably just because your being
more realistic and thoughtful than the
average blonde found pouting in the
HA HA Bar on saturday night.
Its my opinion that we should all get out
there and give oppertunities a shot in life;
you only get one life, and it goes bloody fast.
Soon we'll be old, and I don't think any of us
would want to be sitting around, regretting
what we havn't done.
"its better to have loved and lost than to have
not loved at all"
timsinister wrote:all of these conflicting opinions and experiences are amalgamated into a guide to avoiding pain and pursuing pleasure.
Hummm... sounds abit like a Sisters record to me!

Posted: 24 May 2005, 01:35
by Black Biscuit
I agree with Ocean Moves' attitude as it basically sums up my own outlook. Life is for the living, and there's no shame in bombing out now and then. It'll happen anyway, whether you like it or not.

I was listening to a radio report about teenage depression once - how it's on the rise and all that. At the end of the report, the DJ comes back on and says, 'When I was growing up, all my old man said to me about such issues was: "Life's tough. Get over it." '

Not everyone will agree with his view, but he has a point. Bounce back quickly, if you can - although there's probably a difference between bouncing back (with emotional fortitude) and not giving a feck that it's over!

Feeling sorry for yourself for the next six months/years/whatever can be counter-productive. God, there are people onto their third marriage.

Posted: 24 May 2005, 01:42
by Black Biscuit
andymackem wrote:
Black Biscuit wrote:Anthony Robbins, the peak-performance coach and author, says "if you're not in a relationship, you've chosen not to be hurt". End of story.
Which is a bit like saying ' if you're not sitting with your hand in the fire, you've chosen not be hurt'.

The logic of that is being in a relationship is choosing to be hurt, which I think was pretty much Christophe's point.

Self-help gibberish. Or self-pity as it should be properly known. Put it in the bin and live your own life, right or wrong.

--- If you knew me, you'd know I'm not one for self pity. Happy-go-lucky is more like it.

My interpretation of Robbins' comment is quite different to your own. It's more about risk, not that relationships are invariably painful or hurtful.

"Once Bitten, Twice Shy", I think he's saying. :wink:

Posted: 24 May 2005, 03:01
by Ocean Moves
Black Biscuit wrote:I agree with Ocean Moves' attitude as it basically sums up my own outlook. Life is for the living, and there's no shame in bombing out now and then. It'll happen anyway, whether you like it or not.
I think that as a child we learn from our mistakes, and that is an accepted means of learning, (we learn to talk by not talking, we learn to walk by not walking...) but when we reach
adulthood there is sense that somehow we should know exactly what
we are doing now, which I think is ridiculous. ....... we still
make mistakes as we go, probably more so, and have to learn from them.
Sometimes we need to screw up now and then to learn how best to
do things, take choices, relationships etc..

Posted: 24 May 2005, 05:48
by Black Biscuit
Yeah, it's called the "University of HK" - the school of hard knocks!

Once in a while in hockey I've taken hits where I could barely pick myself up from the ice. But it's always my aim to get up real fast.

Watching kids skate or fall, and then watching adults who are learning to skate, you see such a difference. No adult wants to look like an idiot. But when people learn to skate, they think the barrier around the outside of the rink is the safest place to be. In hockey you recognize that it's the least safe place to be. To achieve anything in life, you've got to push past your boundaries by coming out of your comfort zone. It's the only way.

So then, how should guys approach girls? It's usually the guy who approaches first, although there's wisdom in getting the girl interested, rather than chasing her too hard. What else do guys do wrong?

Re: re:

Posted: 24 May 2005, 06:46
by timsinister
Ocean Moves wrote:...your being
more realistic and thoughtful than the
average blonde found pouting in the
HA HA Bar on saturday night.
Well, that's the other extreme. It depends a lot on the perspective of the Observer, my definition of Extreme Isolation and Extreme Attachment probably differs wildly to other Heartlanders...
ocean moves wrote:
timsinister wrote:all of these conflicting opinions and experiences are amalgamated into a guide to avoiding pain and pursuing pleasure.
Hummm... sounds abit like a Sisters record to me!
That is what happens when the soundtrack to your life is a Sisters album in your walkman twenty-four-seven.
black biscuit wrote:Yeah, it's called the "University of HK" - the school of hard knocks!
Too much Terminator...I read that as Hunter-Killer!
black biscuit wrote:What else do guys do wrong?
You're asking that in range of Ems, boudicca, SIN and the rest? Are you quite suicidal?

Posted: 24 May 2005, 07:26
by Black Biscuit
I take too many risks, yes. I live on adrenaline.

Re: re:

Posted: 24 May 2005, 10:38
by Delilah
Ocean Moves wrote: you only get one life, and it goes bloody fast.
Soon we'll be old, and I don't think any of us
would want to be sitting around, regretting
what we havn't done.
yes, that is my attitude right now. I don't regret anything I have done so far, even if it was a mistake I have learnt from it. I am slightly cynical about the whole marriage thing. don't think it is necessary to get married, it makes life more complictaed (and yes, I have that ring on my finger). I am even more cynical about getting involved with married men (or women in guys case) - what a waste of time!
I made a few silly things in the past, but I really never thought I shouldn't have done them. My life is very intensive in every way and that's the way I like it.
"its better to have loved and lost than to have
not loved at all"
yes, even if this love lasts for 30 minutes! :wink:

Good subject, Ocean Moves!

Posted: 24 May 2005, 10:40
by Delilah
Black Biscuit wrote:I take too many risks, yes. I live on adrenaline.
same here :twisted: But at least I'm not bored!!!! :D

Posted: 24 May 2005, 11:47
by boudicca
SINsister wrote:
boudicca wrote:I'm afraid there is only one person on HL for me. And I hate to spoil the party, but it's not a lady. :innocent:

Which brings us back to the original thingummy of the thread. ;D
:eek: Boudy has a boyfriend! Boudy has a boyfriend! ;D :kiss:
... more of a "gentleman caller", I'd say... :innocent: :wink:

...long distance information...

Don't get too despondent, Sinny - I'm sure your Mostess-ness will ensnare some poor defenceless young man in the not-too-distant future! :notworthy: 8) :twisted:

Posted: 24 May 2005, 12:22
by lazarus corporation
boudicca wrote:
SINsister wrote:
boudicca wrote:I'm afraid there is only one person on HL for me. And I hate to spoil the party, but it's not a lady. :innocent:

Which brings us back to the original thingummy of the thread. ;D
:eek: Boudy has a boyfriend! Boudy has a boyfriend! ;D :kiss:
... more of a "gentleman caller", I'd say... :innocent: :wink:

...long distance information...
why do I get the urge to listen to the song Long Train Coming? Must be the title...

:innocent: :lol:

Posted: 24 May 2005, 12:26
by boudicca
*nudge nudge, wink wink* :innocent: :wink:

Posted: 24 May 2005, 14:54
by Delilah
boudicca wrote:*nudge nudge, wink wink* :innocent: :wink:
Are you going to join the party then? Of HL dating agency? :wink:
I've decided I prefer meeting people in more traditional way :innocent: :wink: But it is a LONG TRAIN coming for me too... :oops: :innocent: :D

Posted: 24 May 2005, 15:35
by boudicca
Delilah wrote:But it is a LONG TRAIN coming for me too...
:eek: Goodness! He must be a busy man, if that's the case... :innocent:

Posted: 24 May 2005, 15:53
by Delilah
boudicca wrote:
Delilah wrote:But it is a LONG TRAIN coming for me too...
:eek: Goodness! He must be a busy man, if that's the case... :innocent:
No, it is not like that! My Long Zug is coming from a different direction ( :wink:) ;D ;D

Posted: 24 May 2005, 16:00
by boudicca
Delilah wrote:
boudicca wrote:
Delilah wrote:But it is a LONG TRAIN coming for me too...
:eek: Goodness! He must be a busy man, if that's the case... :innocent:
No, it is not like that! My Long Zug is coming from a different direction ( :wink:) ;D ;D
Still a Trans-Europe Express though innit? :wink:

Posted: 24 May 2005, 16:17
by Delilah
boudicca wrote:
Delilah wrote:
boudicca wrote: :eek: Goodness! He must be a busy man, if that's the case... :innocent:
No, it is not like that! My Long Zug is coming from a different direction ( :wink:) ;D ;D
Still a Trans-Europe Express though innit? :wink:
well, yes! :lol: :lol: :lol: Hopefully we are not talking about the same seat reservation number! ;D

Posted: 24 May 2005, 16:25
by boudicca

I should have to come round and pull your hair out, hit you with my handbag, and so on... :twisted: ;D

Posted: 24 May 2005, 16:42
by Delilah
boudicca wrote:Indeed.

I should have to come round and pull your hair out, hit you with my handbag, and so on... :twisted: ;D
cat fight? I am sure the boys would love that! :twisted: :lol:
Maybe I should rather stick with planes :wink:

Posted: 24 May 2005, 16:50
by Delilah
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:after swearing that I would be single forever and ever amen I am now in a relationship (after being accused of selling out by my single girlie friends) and I have to say I have never been happier
and you guys are such a lovely couple!!! :lol: Am very happy for you both! :kiss: I'm starting being happy again too, which is a very nice feeling... :innocent:

Posted: 24 May 2005, 19:25
by timsinister
...I'm getting a bloody migraine. Anyone else?

Posted: 24 May 2005, 21:06
by smiscandlon
timsinister wrote:...I'm getting a bloody migraine. Anyone else?
Double vision. It's the only way to live.