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Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:22
by Johnny M
You're so sexy when you're angry ... :lol: :kiss: :? :roll: :oops:

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:23
by boudicca
Motz wrote:Warning heeded :von:
Indeeded... :von: Image


Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:25
by aims
Is that smiley scared of Quiffy, or just the fact that he's sitting next to :von:? :lol:

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:25
by Quiff Boy
Quiff Boy wrote:@ Dark: very well put. thank you :notworthy:

i dont want to have to start deleting stuff that will start a heated debate... thats ridiculous. but i will not put up with crap designed to start fights. be it posted from the standpoint of an aggressor or of a victim.

there is no xxxxxphobics on here. we have always managed thus far to have intelligent debates. and i like it because people generally leave their disagreements at the door, that is we may disagree on one thread about a given subject, but we are all mature enough to not take it personally and still be pleasant on the next thread.

any comments perceived as negative seem to have come about as a result of posts that are deliberately antagonistic.

and i'm f**king sick of this, so no more.

madam butterfly does not run this place, regardless of what delusional nonsense she may post. i do. and she does not have the power to "zap". i do.

from now on if i see something posted that looks designed to start "something" negative then i will trash it. without explanation, for this is my forum and i dont need to explain my actions to anyone.

if i find myself having to trash a lot of posts by any particular user, they will get a warning. if they continue, they will be banned.

you are warned. all of you.
and in case it gets lost in the melee, i've repeated the post here.


Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:28
by emilystrange
Johnny M wrote:You're so sexy when you're angry ... :lol: :kiss: :? :roll: :oops:
he always WAS cute..... :oops:

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:49
by markfiend
If I can make a serious attempt to talk about transsexualism here:

I can't remember the figures, but I have read that a large proportion of post-op transsexuals consider that the operation was the worst mistake they've ever made.

I've also read that it is at least possible that transsexualism is not in fact a gender/sexuality related issue, but a form of body dysmorphic disorder (like Anorexia and Bulimia) where the sufferer fixates on gender (rather than physical size) as what is "wrong" with them.

I do know that there is a large spectrum of people that consider themselves transgendered or transsexual, and it's probably impossible to generalise about them all.

I don't know what point I'm trying to make here actually... :lol: I have only ever met one transsexual (that I know of ;)) and she seemed like a perfectly normal person. Image

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:50
by boudicca
Motz wrote:Is that smiley scared of Quiffy, or just the fact that he's sitting next to :von:? :lol:
Mostly Quiff... :wink:

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:52
by boudicca
markfiend wrote:If I can make a serious attempt to talk about transsexualism here:

I can't remember the figures, but I have read that a large proportion of post-op transsexuals consider that the operation was the worst mistake they've ever made.

I've also read that it is at least possible that transsexualism is not in fact a gender/sexuality related issue, but a form of body dysmorphic disorder (like Anorexia and Bulimia) where the sufferer fixates on gender (rather than physical size) as what is "wrong" with them.

I do know that there is a large spectrum of people that consider themselves transgendered or transsexual, and it's probably impossible to generalise about them all.

I don't know what point I'm trying to make here actually... :lol: I have only ever met one transsexual (that I know of ;)) and she seemed like a perfectly normal person. Image
The words "red flag" and "bull" spring to mind...

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:55
by aims
You mean he's talking Socialist Rubbish? :innocent:

On a serious note :von:

You make some very valid points Mark :notworthy:

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:56
by andymackem
I'm pretty sure there's a difference between not finding transsexuality attractive or desirable and murduring (or even implicitly condoning the murder of) transsexuals.

But suppose for example I have a deeply held belief that our bodies are given to us by God, and that to mutilate and change them is a crime against God, does that not give me good grounds to find a transsexual offensive? According to my own beliefs, if not according to yours.

It wouldn't give me the right to kill someone, but it would give me every right to disagree with a lifestyle choice they have made.

Don't confuse a different opinion with an attempt to destroy the ground on which you stand. You're in a for a long and lonely life if you really feel that way.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:57
by boudicca
Motz wrote:You mean he's talking Socialist Rubbish? :innocent:
Wot, Quiff, Mark, or :von:?

You're confuzzelating me now.... :urff: :roll: :lol:

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 11:58
by boudicca
andymackem wrote:I'm pretty sure there's a difference between not finding transsexuality attractive or desirable and murduring (or even implicitly condoning the murder of) transsexuals.

But suppose for example I have a deeply held belief that our bodies are given to us by God, and that to mutilate and change them is a crime against God, does that not give me good grounds to find a transsexual offensive? According to my own beliefs, if not according to yours.

It wouldn't give me the right to kill someone, but it would give me every right to disagree with a lifestyle choice they have made.

Don't confuse a different opinion with an attempt to destroy the ground on which you stand. You're in a for a long and lonely life if you really feel that way.
He said what I wanted to say but wasn't articulate enough to.
:lol: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Accusations of XXXXphobia are all too easy to throw around... and often do more to oppress people (and their right to free debate and thought) than the so-called "phobias" themselves.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 12:01
by aims
boudicca wrote:Wot, Quiff, Mark, or :von:?
All 4 of them, maybe? :lol:

I actually meant Mark, since it was his post that you replied "red flag" + "bull" to. Which I then proceeded to take horribly out of context :innocent:

andymackem, if you're going by Christian doctrines, then it gives you a right to find their actions offensive, but not the person. I believe that when God is mentioned as feeling hate at various points in the Bible, he's said to hate what has been done, not the persons by whom it is done.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 12:02
by markfiend
andymackem wrote:But suppose for example I have a deeply held belief that our bodies are given to us by God, and that to mutilate and change them is a crime against God, does that not give me good grounds to find a transsexual offensive? According to my own beliefs, if not according to yours.
Good point; I know that the Jehovah's Witnesses hold this belief, to the extent that they believe piercing and tattoos to be "against God".
That's me fooked then.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 12:05
by aims
If you've ever partaken in the use of substances various (tobacco included), then you're fooked anyway on the grounds of "your body is a temple" ;)

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 12:06
by boudicca
Motz wrote:If you've ever partaken in the use of substances various (tobacco included), then you're fooked anyway on the grounds of "your body is a temple" ;)
I'm guessing he's double fooked then... :lol:

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 12:08
by aims
boudicca wrote:
Motz wrote:If you've ever partaken in the use of substances various (tobacco included), then you're fooked anyway on the grounds of "your body is a temple" ;)
I'm guessing he's double fooked then... :lol:
I'm sure the Bible has something against that too, unless you're a Mormon :roll:

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 12:21
by Izzy HaveMercy
Motz wrote:I'm sure the Bible has something against that too, unless you're a Mormon :roll:
Oh, how I hoped to see a typo in THAT sentence :lol:

For the rest: good to have you back Quiffy, what took you ;)

At no-one in particular: starting threads in order to hurt people of to 'see some heated reactions' are very much frowned upon. On all forums.

I said a/some thing(s) in the past, too, that were not intended as being racist but afterwards could have been interpreted as such.

I apologised, Quiff deleted said passage(s) and we got on with it. Quite simple.

You can hate everyone you like. It's more difficult to love everyone.

So that's easy way out for people like you (again at no-one in particular)

Be fair. Be tolerant. Be nice. Have fun.

And I'm no mod so don't take MY word for it ;)


Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 12:24
by aims
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Motz wrote:I'm sure the Bible has something against that too, unless you're a Mormon :roll:
Oh, how I hoped to see a typo in THAT sentence :lol:
It's been done to death, trust me ;)

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 12:24
by markfiend
Leviticus wrote:11:10 And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you:
11:11 They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination.
11:12 Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.
God hates clams, shrimp, lobsters, octopus, squid, mussels; pretty much all seafood except actual fish. So if you've ever eaten any of them, you're a gonner.

If you carry on further down in Leviticus, it lists the birds that are "abomination" (which includes the bat! :lol:)

There's weird stuff about haircuts too...
Leviticus wrote:19:27 Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard.
And I guess this is the tattos/piercings one then? :lol:
Leviticus wrote:19:28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.
Does anyone actually read this crap?

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 12:27
by aims
In short, no.

Many modern translations put Levicitus in a small font and warn that it's not very relevant, one even goes as far as to omit it.

Heaven help teenagers if Leviticus was taken at face value. You'd be ritually unclean for life thanks to Acne, Sexual Confusion and Wet Dreams :lol:

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 12:30
by Quiff Boy
Motz wrote:You'd be ritually unclean for life thanks to Acne, Sexual Confusion and Wet Dreams :lol:
"my life in catholic hell" :lol:

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 12:33
by boudicca
markfiend wrote:Does anyone actually read this crap?
There's this place called America... :roll: :lol:

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 12:35
by markfiend
Motz wrote:In short, no.

Many modern translations put Levicitus in a small font and warn that it's not very relevant, one even goes as far as to omit it.
:lol: Check out The Skeptic's Annotated Bible:
Leviticus for Skeptics

I wouldn't read Leviticus if I were you. No one else does.

Instead, I'll summarize it for you: Get an animal, kill it, sprinkle the blood around, cut the dead animal into pieces, and burn it for a "sweet savor unto the Lord."

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 12:42
by boudicca
Well I clicked the link, Mark... fascinating stuff! :lol:

But they promised to tell me "What to do if any man's seed of copulation go out from him."

:oops: It's important to know these things!

And what did I get? "This page cannot be found". :lol: :evil: :roll: :lol: