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Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 14:13
by Obviousman
markfiend wrote:
MrChris wrote:The kind of stuff that particularly troubled me is when you mix sex and violence.
Yeah. Not a good idea IMO. Some of the American porn coming out these days that's simulated rape I really find disturbing.
It's just their way of earning money, and if they do it volontary their (or our) loss...

Anyway, on rape-porn: Some years ago there were these girls that escaped (nude) from somewhere where they had been kept captured for months to do this kind of filming, in Holland. IIRC they were refugees and had been kidnapped from the asylum... Now that's what I call bad :urff:

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 14:21
by MadameButterfly
What about *snuff* films then....those are scary and talk about a few minutes of fame!! First and last are words that come to mind.

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 15:49
by markfiend
MadameButterfly wrote:the others however are there because of horror stories where passports have been stolen (for example) and they are stuck in this country.
Yeah, that's what I was talking about here;
I wrote:Eastern European women get sold into sexual slavery to work as prostitutes in the West
Obviously it doesn't just happen to Eastern European women, but the way it works is a young woman from a poor country is told "Come with me, I can get you a high-paid job in Europe. Oh I just need to hold onto your passport..." I'm sure you can work out the rest :urff:

Anyway, snuff films:
You're not going to get films of dead people. Surely?

That "alien autopsy" film from a few years back is probably the closest you're likely to get. If (and it's a pretty big if) they were people in that rather than clever special effects.

I don't think a genuine snuff movie* has ever been made. (*A film where someone is killed for, and only for, the purposes of the film) It's just too risky for the film-makers and distributors; who's going to market a film if they know they could be an accessory to murder for selling it?

You can look at slasher-horror films to see just how gory you can make a film-killing look on a low budget, without genuinely killing anyone.

Actually, that "alien autopsy" film reminds me, you can get stuff like autopsy footage and execution footage I believe, but they aren't "snuff-movies" in the literal sense, because the victims aren't killed just for the film. One would hope.

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 15:49
by boudicca
Seems to be a sad fact of human nature that the majority of people's "shock" threshold can be raised simply by something becoming commonplace. Their own free thought on these various matters seems to be overridden by something becoming almost "normal".

For example, people these days can quite easily joke and make light of the various ummm, preferences catered to in your average dose of spam - thanks to the rise of t'Internet, things get shoved down our throats (poor choice of expression, I know! :eek: :oops: ) that only fully paid-up members of the Dirty Mac Brigade would have had access to a decade or two ago. Things that would have required either sneaking into seediest Soho under cover of darkness, even breaking the law.

But as it becomes almost mainstream, it loses its capacity to shock most people. Doesn't matter what it is.
I often think if people started to get pop-ups of child pornography, their attitudes would change to it. I fear we may be headed that way. We're becoming more and more immune. No-one seems to bat an eyelid at bestiality anymore, because of the Internet. Yet every natural human instinct would tell us to be disgusted at it.
I am a strong believer that "morals" are pure Darwinism in action - we think murder, harming children, and for that matter f**king animals is wrong because in the vast majority of cases it does nothing to protect or advance the human species. Sadly I also believe that our complex social psychology can lead to our other basic instincts being overridden when something becomes "ordinary" enough.

It doesn't matter how saturated our culture becomes with pornography, I still find the same things as disgusting as I ever did, no matter how many times I see them :| . I don't consider myself a prude, maybe I'm the only one though...

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 16:00
by MadameButterfly
markfiend wrote:
Anyway, snuff films:
You're not going to get films of dead people. Surely?

I don't think a genuine snuff movie* has ever been made. (*A film where someone is killed for, and only for, the purposes of the film) It's just too risky for the film-makers and distributors; who's going to market a film if they know they could be an accessory to murder for selling it?

"snuff-movies" in the literal sense, because the victims aren't killed just for the film. One would hope.
Sorry to be the one to burst this bubble for you markfiend but I have seen a snuff film and they are out there....I have to wait until my better-half gets home (I am terrible with names) but indeed they DO exsist and the horror story is that the victims are killed in a low production movie. But I will come back on this with the name of the snuff movie I obviously sickened me but I had to see if it was real and trust me it is and woke me up to the fact that it happens and gets seen!
Very scary stuff.

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 16:09
by boudicca
These snuff films... are the people being "snuffed" willing participants (wanting to die, in short) :?:

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 16:15
by Quiff Boy
there's a lot of urban myth about this stuff, but if they do exist then its quite likely that no.

there's a lot of human debris about that mercenary types wouldnt think twice about exploiting.

look at the "human traffic" trade in prostitutes from the eastern block countries? all immigrants into the uk who were led to believe they were heading for a better life.

but then again, people will only both screwing others over if there's huge amounts of cash involved.

i cant see the market for real snuff films beng that large or that fiscally rewarding to be honest. especially when you consider the risks... i reckon its just too niche, and too f**ked up for even the greediest mad bastards to bother with.

dont believe everything you see in "8MM" :roll: :lol:

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 16:25
by canon docre
Quiff Boy wrote: dont believe everything you see in "8MM" :roll: :lol:
... or in the Guinea Pig Serie. :wink:


Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 16:31
by MadameButterfly
boudicca wrote:These snuff films... are the people being "snuffed" willing participants (wanting to die, in short) :?:
NO! I do not think they are willing to die but that is what ends up happening in the end. Very scary to see....

@ QB - yeah I saw "8mm" but that was just a movie about snuff movies..
The urban myth it has been for years already but I did see something that was really scary....I will let you know...I promise. Not to be weird of anything. But I'm now watching the time hoping my man gets home soon. Hate this memory of mine! :roll:

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 16:33
by Obviousman
MadameButterfly wrote:
markfiend wrote:
Anyway, snuff films:
You're not going to get films of dead people. Surely?

I don't think a genuine snuff movie* has ever been made. (*A film where someone is killed for, and only for, the purposes of the film) It's just too risky for the film-makers and distributors; who's going to market a film if they know they could be an accessory to murder for selling it?

"snuff-movies" in the literal sense, because the victims aren't killed just for the film. One would hope.
Sorry to be the one to burst this bubble for you markfiend but I have seen a snuff film and they are out there....I have to wait until my better-half gets home (I am terrible with names) but indeed they DO exsist and the horror story is that the victims are killed in a low production movie. But I will come back on this with the name of the snuff movie I obviously sickened me but I had to see if it was real and trust me it is and woke me up to the fact that it happens and gets seen!
Very scary stuff.
And the girls that had escaped from that shed I was telling about were in a snuff movie as well... They just escaped in time... :urff:

Normally you should've heard about that too MB, was quite big news some years ago in Belgium and Holland

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 16:36
by canon docre
Obviousman wrote: And the girls that had escaped from that shed I was telling about were in a snuff movie as well... They just escaped in time... :urff:
a bit contradictory, innit? :wink:

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 16:38
by MadameButterfly
Obviousman wrote:
MadameButterfly wrote:
markfiend wrote:
Anyway, snuff films:
You're not going to get films of dead people. Surely?

I don't think a genuine snuff movie* has ever been made. (*A film where someone is killed for, and only for, the purposes of the film) It's just too risky for the film-makers and distributors; who's going to market a film if they know they could be an accessory to murder for selling it?

"snuff-movies" in the literal sense, because the victims aren't killed just for the film. One would hope.
Sorry to be the one to burst this bubble for you markfiend but I have seen a snuff film and they are out there....I have to wait until my better-half gets home (I am terrible with names) but indeed they DO exsist and the horror story is that the victims are killed in a low production movie. But I will come back on this with the name of the snuff movie I obviously sickened me but I had to see if it was real and trust me it is and woke me up to the fact that it happens and gets seen!
Very scary stuff.
And the girls that had escaped from that shed I was telling about were in a snuff movie as well... They just escaped in time... :urff:

Normally you should've heard about that too MB, was quite big news some years ago in Belgium and Holland
That's why I am trying to say that I know that snuff movies DO exsist...did you ever see one that was real? We will not start with the stories of things happening here with regards to horror-family stories including fathers killing their kids and wives...scary too!!

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 16:41
by Obviousman
canon docre wrote:
Obviousman wrote: And the girls that had escaped from that shed I was telling about were in a snuff movie as well... They just escaped in time... :urff:
a bit contradictory, innit? :wink:
How? They were kidnapped and forced to take part in such a movie, but it wasn't finished yet... As I said they got away in time...

Anyway regular rumours are that it are only short films of ten minutes or so, mostly hidden on a regular porn VHS

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 17:51
by MadameButterfly
Also just thought of another movie "MUTE" and that was based on a snuff movie....and another scary documentary-movie was "Cannibal Holocaust" and of course the famous "Faces of Death" series....of course not all that is real just not for the sensitive viewer....

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 17:57
by timsinister
Where the hell are we?!


Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 18:01
by Obviousman
timsinister wrote:Where the hell are we?!

Discussing what boudicca is looking at :innocent:

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 18:55
by Planet Dave
Blimey, excellent thread derailment. I guess that's my fault. Heh heh.

Regarding the Dam, how anybody can be arsed attempting to get their rocks off there is beyond me. I had neither will nor capability either time I went, however stunning some of the girls were. And the thought that you're going where the fat yank has been 5 minutes back is the killer. :urff:

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 19:06
by CorpPunk
Planet Dave wrote: And the thought that you're going where the fat yank has been 5 minutes back is the killer. :urff:
Are you calling me fat?!

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 19:34
by MadameButterfly
CorpPunk wrote:
Planet Dave wrote: And the thought that you're going where the fat yank has been 5 minutes back is the killer. :urff:
Are you calling me fat?!
Better not be!!! You gorgeous sleeping on the job lady :wink:

Indeed the fact of going through one of those doors with thoughts of what has been happening in there in the past would put me off too. Although to the ladies defence, most of them do look after themselves in every possible manner although you should look into their eyes...most do not allow you to.

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 20:17
by boudicca
I've never quite understood how these fat sweaty old blokes could um... enjoy themselves... knowing that the woman they're with is most likely repulsed by them. :urff:

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 20:25
by MadameButterfly
boudicca wrote:I've never quite understood how these fat sweaty old blokes could um... enjoy themselves... knowing that the woman they're with is most likely repulsed by them. :urff:
I think that is the beauty of it if that is the right word to use...but those fat sweaty old blokes are only thinking one thing and it usually has to do with the other *little fat bloke* that is then in charge. Most of the time those blokes are either too p!ssed or too high to actually know what they are doing....and the ladies I would assume think "this will be a quicky" and "good earned money for 5 minutes work"....they are quite intelligent when doing the math (the ladies that is) and anyway most *job descriptions* in that field would cover that mental phase.
So I believe....

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 20:29
by boudicca
Hmm, I've always thought that it would be a killer... you might as well be getting jiggy with a hole in the wall for all she wants to be there :| .

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 20:34
by MadameButterfly
Yeah but they are just allowing the lust to take without love is a scary and ugly not think the male involved really cares what happens when he walks out that door...his package is lighter and so is his wallet.... :lol:

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 21:43
by boudicca
MadameButterfly wrote:sex without love is a scary and ugly sport...
It's not the fact that there's no love that bothers me... but there's no lust either. The guy is essentially shagging something that doesn't want him any more than a vacuum cleaner would, so why he doesn't just save his money and stick to a combination of dodgy mags and his Dyson is beyond me.

Posted: 30 Sep 2005, 21:49
by MadameButterfly
:lol: Well done honey!!! :lol:

That I will not even try to understand....mind doesn't allow for such thoughts....maybe someone who has done the deed and is american can inform us on this...

I still love the way your mind works though.... :notworthy:

MB (feeling safe now)