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look for me

Posted: 06 Mar 2006, 01:35
by stefansonic
Petseri wrote:I will be at the gig, but not up front this time; I doubt that my brother-in-law who lives in New York wants to deal with a pit. Besides, it will be nice to compare the light show from farther back to other gigs.

I will try to hook up before the gig, but it may not work out for me.

Some may want to take a peek at Heartland Breweries, but this should notbe taken as an endorsement.

I look forward to seeing some of you there. :notworthy:

Martin: look for me, I'll be in camo pants and black leather jacket with spotted fur print on the back, I'll be on line outside...or inside like in the middle of the floor, or maybe a little closer...Stefan Sonic

Posted: 06 Mar 2006, 01:39
by bismarck
Martin and Stefan. why don't you both come for pre gig drinks at Nevada Smith's? A good chance to meet before the gig...

Posted: 06 Mar 2006, 02:18
by stefansonic
bismarck wrote:Martin and Stefan. why don't you both come for pre gig drinks at Nevada Smith's? A good chance to meet before the gig...
Thanks for the invite, although I don't drink I will stop by to show myself and say's been 7 years since SoM have played New York, I'm looking forward to this event!

How long is the show?

Posted: 06 Mar 2006, 03:00
by stefansonic
Does anyone know how long they play for? 80 minutes? 90 minutes? I'm sure you can all figure out why I am asking this question...quick responses please before tomorrow night. Thanks.

Posted: 06 Mar 2006, 05:04
by davedecay
not sure if i'll arrive in time to join you all for bevvies ahead of time, as i get off work at 5pm and must drive to NYC, probably takes around 2 hrs plus time to change clothes after work. ;D

most likely i'll be wearing a black t-shirt with a large blue handgun screened on the front. if i change my mind, it might be my Distance Over Time shirt instead.

ooh, less than 24 hrs to go...

Posted: 06 Mar 2006, 05:26
by EvilBastard
Looking forward to seeing The Posse in Nevada's tomorrow night - old bikie jacket, , Tune In etc. on the back, if I can't find a lary Hawaiian shirt tomorrow it'll be long-sleeve black knock-off shirt from 97.
Rise & Reverberate, my droogies! :lol:

Posted: 06 Mar 2006, 16:49
by Francis
bismarck wrote:Who is Francis?

Francis is a little pissed, in the New York sense, having just discovered that the Hoboken Historical Museum, source of the Sinatra Walking Tour, is shut on a Monday. Hence he's wasting his valuable sight-seeing time on here, while he decides which buildings to stare up at today. On the up side, google informs me that there are a few smoker-friendly bars in the vicinity of Webster Hall. Karma, Liquids and Bar None to name but three. I take my alcohol with nicotine, and lots of it.

Posted: 06 Mar 2006, 17:01
by Obviousman
Francis wrote:
bismarck wrote:Who is Francis?

Francis is a little pissed, in the New York sense, having just discovered that the Hoboken Historical Museum, source of the Sinatra Walking Tour, is shut on a Monday. Hence he's wasting his valuable sight-seeing time on here, while he decides which buildings to stare up at today. On the up side, google informs me that there are a few smoker-friendly bars in the vicinity of Webster Hall. Karma, Liquids and Bar None to name but three. I take my alcohol with nicotine, and lots of it.
But Francis, Monday is the day every museum - all over the world - is closed :eek:

Glad to hear you're still in one piece though, now get back into town :wink:

Posted: 06 Mar 2006, 17:07
by radiojamaica
Obviousman wrote: But Francis, Monday is the day every museum - all over the world - is closed :eek:
even most good record shops are closed on mondays! What kind of world... :wink:

Posted: 06 Mar 2006, 17:23
by EvilBastard
Obviousman wrote:Glad to hear you're still in one piece though, now get back into town :wink:
I must concur with Obviousman - New Jersey in general and Hoboken in particular is no place to be spending a Monday. Hustle back into New York and go to the Museum of Sex at 27th Street and 5th Avenue - it IS open on a Monday (11.00 - 6.30), and if you go to their website
you can print out a $5 off admission coupon. Woo!

If you don't have access to a printer, give me a call on 917-318-7554 and I'll print it out so you can stop by the office (Wall & Water, if you're taking the PATH over the river it's about 10 minutes away from WTC) and pick it up.

Posted: 06 Mar 2006, 17:47
by No_Mercy
See you guys tonight at Nevada Smiths

Posted: 06 Mar 2006, 18:14
by Planet Dave
Have a stonking time tonight everyone, especially Francis Beagle Boy. :lol: :notworthy:

Sisters in New York. Christ I hate being skint. :evil: :urff:

Posted: 06 Mar 2006, 18:17
by davedecay
may i suggest Dumpling Man for very tasty food?

red monster sauce makes 'em KICK, and there's veggie for you non meat-eaters as well!

Posted: 06 Mar 2006, 19:45
by EvilBastard
Lary red Hawaiian shirt...DENIED! So it'll have to be the Distance/Time shirt - about time I got it out of mothballs anyway.

Incidentally...if you have a mothball in your left hand, and a mothball in your right hand, what do you have in front of you?

A. A fcuking big moth! ;D

Posted: 06 Mar 2006, 20:21
by magicmonkeyman
enjoy tonight :von: ...reports, photos and sound-desk recordings by the morning :innocent:

Posted: 07 Mar 2006, 01:00
by Francis
EvilBastard wrote:If you don't have access to a printer, give me a call on 917-318-7554 and I'll print it out so you can stop by the office (Wall & Water, if you're taking the PATH over the river it's about 10 minutes away from WTC) and pick it up.
Thanks for the offer but I went for a walk in the park instead. And then onto Times Square, where I wished I'd bought my sunglasses. Will try to squeeze Hoboken in tomorrow if I get up in time. :lol:

Anyway, off to get drunk and rowdy with a bunch of dodgy coffin botherers. Be jealous you bastards. This is costing me a lot of money.

Posted: 07 Mar 2006, 01:06
by Gripper
Francis wrote:Be jealous you bastards. This is costing me a lot of money.
Jealous I am, oh spectaculared one. Hope it was great. Hangover, hangover and out. See you soon.

Posted: 07 Mar 2006, 07:58
by lachert
Still no dvd from show to download? :eek: :lol:

Posted: 07 Mar 2006, 09:01
by davedecay
ok you sods, 5 piccies and i'm off to slumberland...

Image Image Image Image Image

(click thumbnail to make 'em bigger, 666x444)

i had 2 large Guinness Stout draughts at Nevada Smiths, from 8-8:30 while the shiverers stood on line outside.

Posted: 07 Mar 2006, 09:03
by lachert
thanks :D

Posted: 07 Mar 2006, 10:52
by Planet Dave
Cheers for the pics. Were you hanging from the rafters when you took them? :wink: :lol:

Good gig?

Posted: 07 Mar 2006, 14:05
by davedecay
there's an upstairs balcony at Webster Hall, reminded me very much of the old Ritz downtown from the 80s, if a bit smaller.

in brief: the star of the evening was the fog machine. loads and loads of it, all night long. von's vocals were a bit low in the mix, imho. he sounded good.

the overabundance of new songs takes away from an otherwise great show. the newer material, frankly, isn't as good as the older stuff. it's dull and lifeless, with a lack of real melody or hooks. the middle of the show bogged down as a result.

it seems to me that without a release to support new songs, and not having toured here in 8 years, that more of the classics should have been included. again, just my opinion.

i did like hearing Giving Ground and Never Land live.

Posted: 07 Mar 2006, 14:24
by Brad
Do you have a setlist?

Posted: 07 Mar 2006, 14:31
by Ozpat
Methedrome wrote:Do you have a setlist?

Thanks for the pics! :D

Posted: 07 Mar 2006, 14:37
by Booslham

The City that never sleeps..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!