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Posted: 21 Jun 2006, 22:00
by magic booka
haven't been online for a few days and then suddenly this is in front of me. i didn't know the doc, but had read past posts and after reading through this topic its so obvious what a kind and generous person he was. i feel sad that i will never get the chance to share this.

Posted: 22 Jun 2006, 11:46
by eastmidswhizzkid
awful news usually travels fast but i only heard about this at the weekend-suffice to say that my deepest heartfelt sympathies are sent to the doc's family....what more can i say but rest easy christian -you will be sadly missed. :cry:


Posted: 22 Jun 2006, 12:12
by Dark
Nice to see you back, Lee. Sorry you had to come back to such bad news. :cry:

Posted: 23 Jun 2006, 21:37
by Zuma

Posted: 23 Jun 2006, 22:25
by Johnny M
Posted by Mrs Doc P on
Sandra wrote:Hallo ich bin Sandra, Christians Frau!
Christians Freund Sebastian hat mir gezeigt, wie ich mir hier einloggen kann. Ich wollte mich bei euch einfach mal bedanken. DANKE für die Anteilnahme, DANKE für die vielen, vielen mails!! Ich weiß, Christian wäre genauso überwältigt gewesen wie ich!
Die Zeit jetzt ist ganz schön hart und schwer für mich, aber zum Glück habe ich viele Freunde, die mich unterstützen und mich trösten.

Ich habe gelesen, das jemand von euch bei der Beerdigung war, aber leider hat sich dieser jemand nicht bei mir vorgestellt. Es waren sooo viel Menschen da, um sich von Christian zu verabschieden und viele davon kannte ich gar nicht. Die Masse an Menschen hat mich überwältigt!
Ich habe Christian eine Sisters-Flagge mitgegeben, da ich weiß, das ihm das sehr viel bedeutet hätte und er es so gewollt hätte.

Ich habe aber noch ein Anliegen:
Neben einer erstaunlichen Sammlung an Sisters-CD´s besitzt Christian eine Vielzahl an Sisters T-Shirts.
Es würde mir chwer fallen, diese an jemanden abzugeben, der den Wert nicht zu8 schätzen weiß. Daher wollte ich euch fragen, ob jemand Interesse an einem T-Shirt von Christian hat.
Ich würde mich freuen, wenn ihr euch bei mir melden würdet!!
LG Sandra
Translation by Sabine ...
Sabine wrote:Hallo, I am Sandra, Christians wife!

Christians friend Sebastian showed me how to log in.

I just would like to say thank you to all of you.

THANK YOU for your sympathy, THANK YOU for the many, many e-mails!!

I know that Christian would be as overcome as I am.

This time is very hard and difficult to me, but fortunatey I have many friends who support me and comfort me.

There were sooooo many people who said 'goodbye' to Christian and I didn’t know most of them. I read that some of you were at the funeral, but I understand if you didn’t introduce yourself to me.

I was overwhelmed by the crowd of people!

I gave Christian a Sisters flag (for the coffin), as I know that this would have meant a lot to him. And he wanted this.

I have still one request though:

Besides an amazing collection of Sisters CD’s, Christian was the owner of many Sister’s T’shirts.

It would be very difficult for me to give them to someone who didn't appreciate them.

That’s the reason why I want to ask you, who would be interested in getting one of Christians T-shirts?

I would be be very pleased if you would ask me.

Love Sandra
Sandra is a Top lady. :notworthy:

I still remember turning up at their hotel in Paris with Lucien in tow. And meeting Christian (again) and Sandra for the first time. He'd asked me to buy him the AAE 2CD/1DVD thingy as he couldn't get it in Germany. A swift lift ride to their hotel room, an exchange of euros and he presented me with a PD 25 years 'More' tee. 8)

And the convo went ...

JM: (looking at the tee size label) "FFS Christian, it's XL!"
DP: "Eat more? Grow more ...?"
JM: "... orrrrr sell it on ebay as a Sisters teepee/wigwam?"
DP: "There are Sisters fans who are Navajoes and Apaches? Living on The Reservations?"
JM: "Yep ... as long as they have ebay."
DP: "This is Johnny Bollox, ja?"
JM: "Ja ... let's go back to the girls and Lucien ..."

I wear my teepee/wigwam with pride and love. :von:

Posted: 23 Jun 2006, 22:44
by libby
All my love and respect to you lady Sandra.

Posted: 24 Jun 2006, 10:46
by Obviousman
Top lady indeed, and such a very very strong woman :notworthy:

Posted: 28 Jun 2006, 15:41
by doctoravalanche
Oh my god, I have just discovered this bad news now, I was way from the forum since some days. I am sooooo sad, Christian was so nice in all the pm's he sent me, I was still looking for the Paris poster he asked me to pick up for him ...

I have decided to add something for him on
I hope he can see it from where he is ..

Au revoir mon ami et repose en paix ...

Posted: 29 Jun 2006, 06:40
by Ozpat
doctoravalanche wrote:I have decided to add something for him on
I hope he can see it from where he is ..
That's very nice Laurent! :notworthy:

Posted: 04 Jul 2006, 22:30
by Shadow_Smile
I have not been here for a long time,.......... but i'm sad to read what happend.

" gecondoleerd " en heel veel sterkte aan de fam. !!!

nice one !! @ doctoravalanche -->

Posted: 05 Jul 2006, 10:01
by paul
Christian - The bad news really struck us. You will be sadly missed.

Paul and Donna

Posted: 07 Jul 2006, 23:11
by Black Planet
God rest your soul Christian.

To Christian's wife and family, I am so sorry, this was such a shock.

Christian was a kind soul and I will treasure the brief time he came into the Heartland family and I will especially remember all the avatars of your beautiful daughter. Let her know her Daddy was a beloved man.


Posted: 10 Jul 2006, 18:14
by 6FeetOver
R.I.P., Christian. Very sad news, indeed...

Posted: 14 Jul 2006, 21:26
by dave-kompas
You will be sadly missed here Doc. My sincere condolences to the family of Christian.

Posted: 25 Jul 2006, 18:51
by Ozpat
I wrote an e-mail to Ben Christo last night telling him about
Doc as he had several conversations with him before and after the Cologne gig. He replied my message which I'm gonna forward to
Doc's best friend. He remembered Doc very well and was shocked.

I think it is very kind that he wrote back... :)

Posted: 25 Jul 2006, 19:01
by Quiff Boy
Ozpat wrote:I wrote an e-mail to Ben Christo last night telling him about
Doc as he had several conversations with him before and after the Cologne gig. He replied my message which I'm gonna forward to
Doc's best friend. He remembered Doc very well and was shocked.

I think it is very kind that he wrote back... :)
thats nice :)

i shall endeavour to sort out the collection this week. i guess everyone that's going to contribute has contributed (and a huge :notworthy: to everyone!)

Posted: 25 Jul 2006, 19:06
by Obviousman
Quiff Boy wrote:
Ozpat wrote:I wrote an e-mail to Ben Christo last night telling him about
Doc as he had several conversations with him before and after the Cologne gig. He replied my message which I'm gonna forward to
Doc's best friend. He remembered Doc very well and was shocked.

I think it is very kind that he wrote back... :)
thats nice :)
He's a very nice boy indeed to reply to people's mails :notworthy: Good to have such people in there!

Posted: 09 Aug 2006, 20:55
by Lynchfanatic
Ive been gone for a very long time, did not see it before now.
Sadly I did not know him that well, but my heart goes out to his wife and kids.


Posted: 22 Aug 2006, 20:49
by sisxbeforedawn
very sad news :cry:

Posted: 06 Nov 2006, 22:22
by Christian
November 6th was Christians birthday.

Rest in peace my friend.


Posted: 06 Nov 2006, 22:40
by Zuma
Indeed.... :notworthy: