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Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 18:29
by 25men
SINsister wrote:
25men wrote:
SINsister wrote:As do I, for more. *Coughs* Mr. Blast? :twisted:
It will do no good asking Mr Blast. He is not a distributor. then, I shall ask *you*, dear Sir! :twisted: :notworthy:
Ask away, tho we tend to deal with requests etc via or our myspace page. But as it's you, what do you want from us?

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 18:34
by Carpathian Psychonaut
25men wrote:
SINsister wrote:As do I, for more. *Coughs* Mr. Blast? :twisted:
It will do no good asking Mr Blast. He is not a distributor.
Then, our mysterious 1/25th, from where would you suggest we sate our obvious desire for more ? Would you have any suggestions from the ether from whence you appear ?

I'm in the same boat: Hear it, love it......want more.


Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 18:40
by 6FeetOver
25men wrote:Ask away, tho we tend to deal with requests etc via or our myspace page. But as it's you, what do you want from us?

I sent a note via not have gone through, no idea.

:eek: Not sure quite how to take that, but I won't be accused of looking a gift horse in the mouth! I want whatever you've got, man. Bwahahaha! :notworthy: :twisted:

(And yes, I'm more than willing to pay for it.) :von:

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 18:46
by James Blast
Yup, me too. Quality product deserves to be supported. :D :notworthy:

ARF! and FGG are in the same category

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 18:52
by Carpathian Psychonaut
James Blast wrote:Yup, me too. Quality product deserves to be supported. :D :notworthy:

ARF! and FGG are in the same category
Never a truer word........!

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 19:12
by 25men
Tonight 4 tacks are available for download @ $1.50 each :

Are You Receiving Now
Everything I Enjoy
Return Of The Pigs
Plains Of Utah

available from

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 19:17
by scotty
Carpathian Psychonaut wrote:
James Blast wrote:Yup, me too. Quality product deserves to be supported. :D :notworthy:

ARF! and FGG are in the same category
Never a truer word........!
Thirded :notworthy: 8) :notworthy:

I'll download the tracks tonight.

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 19:24
by James Blast
It is accomplished

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 19:29
by James Blast
Plains of Utah

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 19:32
by 6FeetOver
WORD UP. \m/

Can't wait 'til I get home tonight - which'll technically be tomorrow, in your neck of the planet, I believe. Hope the files'll still be available by then (hint, hint)!

Thank you, kind sir. You *rock*. :notworthy: :kiss: :von:

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 19:43
by 25men
SINsister wrote::eek:
WORD UP. \m/

Thank you, kind sir. You *rock*. :notworthy: :kiss: :von:
from side to side and back to front.

Hope you all enjoy them. Thank you

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 19:46
by Carpathian Psychonaut
Top stuff - bought and currently slapping on my Zen.

Oh, and no - that's not a euphemism.

Not on this occasion, anyway. 8)

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 20:50
by Zuma
Lovely 8)

Posted: 22 Mar 2007, 20:58
by Izzy HaveMercy
25men wrote:Tonight 4 tacks are available for download @ $1.50 each :

Are You Receiving Now
Everything I Enjoy
Return Of The Pigs
Plains Of Utah

available from
For those of us that 'd rather spin one of those silver shiny thingies in our car CD system, is there something in the pipeline? And available in Belgium? (tho online stores will do...)


Posted: 23 Mar 2007, 21:16
by Big Si
25men wrote:Tonight 4 tacks are available for download @ $1.50 each :

Are You Receiving Now
Everything I Enjoy
Return Of The Pigs
Plains Of Utah

available from
Will be purchased on payday! :notworthy:

Posted: 23 Mar 2007, 21:41
by paint it black
27 04 07 25 men ba1 1qr: k/o

Posted: 23 Mar 2007, 22:08
by James Blast
thanks Suzie

Posted: 23 Mar 2007, 22:15
by paint it black
James Blast wrote:thanks Suzie
FaCT: as i believe we're prone to write

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 18:22
by Arch Deviant
Having prefered 4080peru to 25men, 'Plains Of Utah' is definately the track for me. It's beautiful

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 18:28
by Carpathian Psychonaut
Arch Deviant wrote:'Plains Of Utah' is definitely the track for me. It's beautiful
You're not wrong there !!

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 19:43
by Arch Deviant
I may be wrong about 25men - just listened to 'Everything I Enjoy'. My God I don't need anything to smoke!!!

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 22:59
by paint it black
i like the new mellower version of 'are you receiving' 8) :notworthy:

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 16:56
by Arch Deviant
paint it black wrote:i like the new mellower version of 'are you receiving' 8) :notworthy:
I think it's much LESS mellower. Was that spurious?

Posted: 06 Sep 2007, 13:15
by 25men

Posted: 06 Sep 2007, 13:41
by Obviousman

Is that pure coincidence? :lol: