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Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 14:33
by radiojamaica

says more about you than me, Iz :wink:

Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 14:37
by Ahráyeph
I had girlfriends like that once...

Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 15:40
by Ahráyeph
Lest I forget : one copy goes to BillyBadBreaks...

Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 15:41
by mh
And seeing as they're different from the ones I found elsewhere...

Is it too late to scrounge a CD?

Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 15:43
by Ahráyeph
No it isn't. One to mh...

Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 15:50
by mh
PM Incoming

Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 16:16
by Obviousman
Any left still? :innocent: :wink:

I had an excuse, I was busy studying ;D

Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 16:28
by Ahráyeph
Yup, seven more to go, if I counted right. Make that six? ;)

Posted: 26 Jan 2007, 16:29
by Obviousman
Sure thing ;D

Posted: 02 Feb 2007, 16:37
by weebleswobble
As previously seen on Dawnrazor :wink:


While the Girls cover was top notch I honestly liked the original songs.

Going on the MP3 player for those depressing journeys to work!

It'll help with the whole 'kill everyone' mood that generates :wink:

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 04 Feb 2007, 14:32
by Ahráyeph
Three copies left, as I've gotten some outside offers and Andrew S just requested a copy. Get 'em while you still can! Or not, of course... ;)

Posted: 05 Feb 2007, 19:03
by Ahráyeph
Seond before last goes to radiojamaica. One down, two to go. Excitingggg... ;D

Posted: 06 Feb 2007, 09:40
by Ozpat
Ahráyeph wrote:Seond before last goes to radiojamaica. One down, two to go. Excitingggg... ;D
You did count me in didn't ya?! :D

Posted: 06 Feb 2007, 09:48
by MadameButterfly
@ Ozpat - You have already been included!
Ahráyeph wrote:Make that ten now, because the next copies are going to :

- Ozpat
- Debs
- Jürgen
- The Planet we call Dave
- orfmfdmrush
(I hope I typed that correctly, mhehe)
So give a shout when you receive yours then I can camp out at my mailbox! :wink:

Posted: 06 Feb 2007, 10:01
by Ahráyeph
To avoid confusion, I usually send out all the CD's at once. I can't now, because I've had no time to get to the post office before it closes and the person who normally does it for me is recovering from surgery. Sorry for the delay, I hope I can send them out real soon!

Posted: 07 Feb 2007, 00:31
by Ahráyeph
There has been a website update, which, for some reason, might be interesting to y'all...

Posted: 07 Feb 2007, 01:15
by James Blast
Nice work, Sir! and aw shucks :oops:

Posted: 07 Feb 2007, 08:41
by Ozpat
MadameButterfly wrote:@ Ozpat - You have already been included!
Ahráyeph wrote:Make that ten now, because the next copies are going to :

- Ozpat
- Debs
- Jürgen
- The Planet we call Dave
- orfmfdmrush
(I hope I typed that correctly, mhehe)
So give a shout when you receive yours then I can camp out at my mailbox! :wink:
Thanks Debs. I need to get out soon.... :)

Posted: 07 Feb 2007, 09:06
by MadameButterfly
Ozpat wrote: Thanks Debs. I need to get out soon.... :)
You are welcome! Yes, I know and you will but just not on this thread. :wink:

@ Ahráyeph - I never cause confusion. :innocent: And a lovely update on your website sir! :notworthy:
Also we are used to waiting patiently for good things and again thanks for allowing HL this opportunity! 8)

Posted: 07 Feb 2007, 22:54
by Izzy HaveMercy
Ahráyeph wrote:There has been a website update, which, for some reason, might be interesting to y'all...
And another mention for James! :notworthy:

It turns our WE are becoming YOUR fanboys, James! ;D

(oh, and I see a FGG mention as well ;) nice pune or play on words there ;D)


Posted: 07 Feb 2007, 22:56
by Ahráyeph
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:(oh, and I see a FGG mention as well ;) nice pune or play on words there ;D)

Knew you'd be pleased, Birthday Boy... ;)

Posted: 17 Feb 2007, 18:43
by Ahráyeph
There's something wrong with the pic I use for an avatar as of today : we've gotten ourselves a new band member. Exit Doktor ARFvalanche (well, not entirely), welcome Steve, our very real live drummer (but you'll have to wait until after the album's done to hear him). So there's five of us today...

Posted: 17 Feb 2007, 19:07
by boudicca
I'm waiting for it to be played to me when I'm in the RAFmobile next weekend, then I reckon I'll just nick someone else's copy when they're not looking :wink: :twisted:

Posted: 17 Feb 2007, 19:27
by Ahráyeph
And here I thought I'd do you a favour and play you my copy of 'Volven' en route to Antwerp. But since you asked for it, consider it done... ;D (and by the way Claire, I still have two copies left in case you'd deem the songs nick- worthy ;))

Posted: 17 Feb 2007, 20:47
by boudicca
Ahráyeph wrote:And here I thought I'd do you a favour and play you my copy of 'Volven' en route to Antwerp. But since you asked for it, consider it done... ;D (and by the way Claire, I still have two copies left in case you'd deem the songs nick- worthy ;))
Ya beauty! 8)

I would very much like a copy, yesh... :notworthy: