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Posted: 10 Mar 2007, 04:48
by Ahráyeph
bushman*pm wrote:
Ahráyeph wrote:
boudicca wrote::lol: My oh my you're in for a disappointment. Par excellence.

James Blast wrote:I concur :(
Well, I should cancel my ticket then, shouldn't I...
....especially if you're flying with Ryanscare or Easycrash
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yup, the former. Oh well, they got me there and back when we were flyin' to Spain, so I guess Glasgow won't be much of a prob either. I might just dare to cross over to the north of the island anyway, who's to say...

Posted: 10 Mar 2007, 05:10
by 6FeetOver
Hey, ARF! I played your "Summer" on my station tonight. Ace! And you're welcome. :wink: :P ;D

Posted: 10 Mar 2007, 15:44
by bushman*pm
boudicca wrote:"Sweeeeeeeet Car-o-line..."

:oops: :lol:
oh sweet jesus, nnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
that MUST be payback for the Aquafresh barber shop ditty!


Posted: 10 Mar 2007, 17:02
by Ahráyeph
SINsister wrote:Hey, ARF! I played your "Summer" on my station tonight. Ace! And you're welcome. :wink: :P ;D
So here's where I should have said 'Thanks' but since you already assumed that there's no need for it anymore, is there? ;D ;) Seriously, I'm glad you like the track! :notworthy:

Posted: 13 Mar 2007, 01:04
by Ahráyeph
On the Internal Jukebox all day (probably work related, mhehe) the line 'The Domination, Radiation' from The Neph's 'Preacher Man'...

Posted: 13 Mar 2007, 13:03
by mh
For some reason, it's been Will I Dream lately, which is rather upsetting cos I loathe the bloody thing. :evil:

Posted: 04 Jun 2009, 17:19
by Petseri
No that I loathe the track by any means, but We Want More DT64 has been going through my head on and off for a couple of weeks. Oddly enough, I have not listened to it in over a decade, but I did box it up recently, so seeing the record must have triggered the response.

Posted: 04 Jun 2009, 17:38
by boudicca
Another fine thread necro courtesy of Martin :notworthy: :lol:

I can't get the background music from The Apprentice out my head today... you know, the stuff they play when they're trying to create some tension. It's making me tense!

Posted: 04 Jun 2009, 17:43
by Petseri
boudicca wrote:Another fine thread necro courtesy of Martin :notworthy: :lol: !
:oops: To be honest, I did not think that the thread had been dormant for so long. I suffer from Internal Thread Reminders....

Posted: 05 Jun 2009, 01:58
by 7anthea7
Petseri wrote:
boudicca wrote:Another fine thread necro courtesy of Martin :notworthy: :lol: !
:oops: To be honest, I did not think that the thread had been dormant for so long. I suffer from Internal Thread Reminders....
Over two years is 'not long' in your universe? :eek:

As for me, the IJ is hyperactive at all times, but today is most happily stuck on never pass this way again, by the late and much lamented perfume tree, of Vancouver BC...

Posted: 05 Jun 2009, 02:21
by Petseri
7anthea7 wrote:
Petseri wrote:
boudicca wrote:Another fine thread necro courtesy of Martin :notworthy: :lol: !
:oops: To be honest, I did not think that the thread had been dormant for so long. I suffer from Internal Thread Reminders....
Over two years is 'not long' in your universe? :eek:
"not dormant for so long" in the sense that I thought that it had been active more recently than that.

Posted: 05 Jun 2009, 06:53
by James Blast
Pale Shelter ~ Tears for Fears

I don't even like them

Posted: 05 Jun 2009, 07:07
by splintered thing
Ooh I'm pleased to see this thread back - I had forgotten it!

I have been suffering from Kate-Bush-itis lately. (thanks to another thread...)
The most astonishing medley which results in sudden outbursts of flightly and sometimes alarming singing at work. :)

Posted: 05 Jun 2009, 13:42
by LouLou
vaya con dios - i don't want to know

oh but i do! i want to know how on earth this song, which i haven't listened to in ages, made it into my internal jukebox. :? :lol:

Posted: 05 Jun 2009, 22:29
by 7anthea7
LouLou wrote:vaya con dios - i don't want to know

oh but i do! i want to know how on earth this song, which i haven't listened to in ages, made it into my internal jukebox. :? :lol:
Didn't you know that your IJ is run by capricious (and frequently evil) demons? :lol:

Posted: 05 Jun 2009, 22:59
by James Blast
7anthea7 wrote:capricious (and frequently evil) demons? :lol:
so terribly true... brrrr so cold as the Boss says

Posted: 06 Jun 2009, 01:42
by Nadia81
the guitar solo from Bodhisattva-Steely Dan

Posted: 06 Jun 2009, 15:23
by paint it black

keeping me up all night, but that's not a bad thing right

Posted: 06 Jun 2009, 20:36
by LouLou
amy whinehouse - you know i'm no good.

it was playing at the cornershop when i popped in to buy a pack of ciggies.

i won't be going there again. :|

Posted: 11 Jun 2009, 21:41
by 7anthea7
Haven't made it downstairs yet (ah, the dubious joys of unemployment...), so have been 'listening' to a loop of Some Kind Of Stranger, On The Wire, and..erm...Rosebud In June. WTF??? Must've been dreamin' about goin' down t'pub wi' the morris... ;D

Posted: 11 Jun 2009, 21:44
by James Blast
OK, I ken the first two, do I need tae ken the last one?

Posted: 11 Jun 2009, 21:47
by 7anthea7
James Blast wrote:OK, I ken the first two, do I need tae ken the last one?
Erm...trad, as popularsied by Steeleye Span.


Posted: 11 Jun 2009, 22:16
by James Blast
I've heard them, is that any good?

Posted: 11 Jun 2009, 22:21
by 7anthea7
James Blast wrote:I've heard them, is that any good?
It's done pretty straight, but the harmonies are awesome. (If I'm recalling correctly, it's a capella.) And it's a crazed tune - main vocal line covers a couple of octaves. (But I can still sing it...on a good day. ;D )

Posted: 18 Jun 2009, 13:50
by LouLou
duran duran - union of the snake ;D