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Posted: 30 May 2007, 13:08
by mh
Just gonna jump in here and say that of course the new songs are not the best that they can be.

There are a number of reasons for this.

For a very large part, we are comparing songs that exist in fully realised studio versions with songs that have only ever been heard live. This is definitely not an "apples with apples" scenario.

With the FALAA songs, most of them were not played live before they were finalised in the studio. Of those that were, or at least were reasonably contemporary in both incarnations, the studio versions are remarkably similar to the live versions. But check the live versions of tracks like Stranger, Nine While Nine, Possession, etc vs their live incarnations.

With Floodland, check TC studio vs TC live - biiiiiig difference. Dominion and Lucretia are less so, but it's still there and still very noticeable.

Also, it's always been a part of the Sisters manifesto that live and studio are 2 completely different mediums (media?), so this is only to be expected.

So I don't really think it's fair to judge the new songs until such a time as we can hear fully realised studio versions of them.

Posted: 30 May 2007, 13:21
by markfiend
mh wrote:So I don't really think it's fair to judge the new songs until such a time as we can hear fully realised studio versions of them.
Do you think that's ever likely to happen?

Posted: 30 May 2007, 13:48
by Badlander
PipoTheClown wrote:Just out of curiosity: you think the new songs are the best they can be?
Hard to tell until you've heard properly produced studio versions. Some of them have huge potential : We are the same, Susanne, Crash and burn, War on drugs...
I won't be silly and say it's the best Sisters songs ever, but there is potential there.

Edit : Mark, we may have an issue there. :lol:

Edit (bis) : Maybe the problem is that the Sisters are now more potential than actual achievement. :?

Posted: 30 May 2007, 13:49
by mh
markfiend wrote:
mh wrote:So I don't really think it's fair to judge the new songs until such a time as we can hear fully realised studio versions of them.
Do you think that's ever likely to happen?
Maybe someday, about 10 years after they finally knock it on the head and the "great unreleased tapes" or something like that surface.

Otherwise, nope.

Posted: 30 May 2007, 21:33
by nitestorm
If you can get three people on stage, to sound like a 128+ channel recording studio, then show me that band...... because i am working on some music that i wrote with friends years ago, so for this argument, one channel is the same as one band member, i have to sing (one channel), do backing (two channels) Play bass (three channels) Play lead (four channels) Play rythem <-bad spelling (five channels) Program drums (one channel for each drum) Play keys (32nd channel) oops, i ran outta band members... the polyphonic spree got their sound with lots of members..... I know why they sound like a three piece.

Posted: 30 May 2007, 21:59
by James Blast
no, just some bad whitebread gospel choir

Posted: 30 May 2007, 22:57
by nitestorm
but whet i was getting at was, if you want a big noise, have a big group/band/popular beat combo.
listen to the mi55ion, they still sound bad, worse than they ever did, and they got loadsa members.
Pink floyd have tapes, drummer, another drummer, guitarist, another guitarist, keyboards, another keyboard(ist), three 'backing' singers, and a bassist, just to make them sound like a record.

Posted: 31 May 2007, 00:28
by biggy
Motorhead have three members. They have a big sound and sound as good live if not better than on record.

The Kills have two members, they sound better live than on record.

Guy Davis is solo. He's a blues player and sounds better live than on record. He sings, plays lead and bass at the same time on his guitar, uses taps on his feet and plays harmonica. His sound is huge live.

There are loads of examples of bands sounding as good/ better live with few members.

The Sisters Of Mercy now have some of the sound on tape to help them when they play live, yet they're still a terrible live band these days.

That's what happens when:
a/ your voice is f**ked
b/ you hire the cheapest band possible

Number of band members has nothing to do with it.

Posted: 31 May 2007, 02:07
by robertzombie
nitestorm wrote:listen to the mi55ion, they still sound bad, worse than they ever did, and they got loadsa members.
Sorry but The Mission were rocking my socks off about four hours ago, they have four people in the band and they sound fantastic live.

Wayne: "Can you hear us?"

Posted: 31 May 2007, 11:52
by hellboy69
amen to that zombie, they sounded fantastic last night, especially that there bass geetar.

Posted: 31 May 2007, 13:59
by doctoravalanche
biggy wrote:The Sisters Of Mercy now have some of the sound on tape to help them when they play live, yet they're still a terrible live band these days.
That's what happens when:
a/ your voice is f**ked
b/ you hire the cheapest band possible
I would rather say that their sound engineer is crap and that's the biggest problem for the Sisters nowadays when they play live ...

Posted: 31 May 2007, 14:46
by PipoTheClown
mh wrote: So I don't really think it's fair to judge the new songs until such a time as we can hear fully realised studio versions of them.
Ok, that might be true. Me thinks that mr. E had had PLENTY of time
creating at least one fully realised studio version and releasing that
on the official web site. I suspect that he lacks creativity, or creative
compagnions or he is just lazy. BTW: I suspect both!

Posted: 31 May 2007, 17:22
by Ghostrider
i totally love the sisters.. their singels periode 81-85 was their best.. the other cd's have some nice material, but i miss a lot of the originality of their unreleased stuff in it.. it seemed that as of 85 they stopped making demo's, which is a shame..

for the new stuff.. there are some pretty sweet songs inthere (crash and burn) and some of the edited older songs they play these days have a bigger rock 'n roll feel to them imo.. (cfr. that incredibly mean version of flood they played in brussels may 2006)
if they release a cd now with all their new stuff it could be their best cd imo.. depending on how they would record the studio versions (hopefully not too clean, as i always prefered the live stuff over the clean versions)
btw: under the gun is a fine song.. they have worse :p

Posted: 31 May 2007, 17:27
by psichonaut
so i love SOM...BUT I PREFERE their first album,old live shows and ep...and i think they were they are lost....but never s**t

Posted: 01 Jun 2007, 14:48
by nick the stripper
TSOM aren't even worthy of being called a pub band, their live shows have gotten so bad. I remember being floored when I saw a live show from 1983 on YouTube and it had to be one of the greatest performances I had ever seen. I have to agree then that TSOM hit their peak around 1983 as a live band.

When I first got Floodland, I considered it a masterwork - and I still do - but now I generally go through phases where I listen to FALAA and SBWBM or SGWBM. I seldom listen to anything from the Vision Thing era onward, although I do like 'Ribbons', 'I Was Wrong', 'Susanne' and 'Summer'.

Posted: 02 Jun 2007, 21:29
by spot778
weebleswobble wrote:
psichonaut wrote:
_emma_ wrote: Except YCBTO.
what's YCBTO?
A Pile of Pish :innocent:
Aye ! :notworthy:

I would argue in a way :von: had painted himself into corner all three albums are great examples of each of the genres and really can't be topped. My thoughts about VT notwithstanding you certainly can make the argument it's a decent "rock" album and better then most out there.

As to where :von: goes from here is question I can't find an answer to. He's said the record companies would love him to keep doing Floodland 2, 3, etc...

Except that's not the point in his eyes he's done the best he can at that genre and to continue in the same way is not something :von: would bother doing.

Besides if he did I think a lot of us would lose interest to be honest, but somehow too I can't help but feel like I'm the punchline to the joke "How do you keep a sister's fan in suspense"


Posted: 02 Jun 2007, 23:03
by Johnny Rev 7.0
spot778 wrote: Besides if he did I think a lot of us would lose interest to be honest
To be honest Dear Spot, you've hit the nail on the head. As as been posted on various threads ... we're all losing interest. Fab that the kiddies are discovering a 'new' band but ultimately pointless.

There's cheaper pub bands. :wink:

Posted: 03 Jun 2007, 00:36
by James Blast
Yeah, time has come.

the joke isn't funny anymore :|

have the sisters turned s**y

Posted: 08 Jun 2007, 11:36
by Bahamas
I am really sorry to hear that. I have been a fan for a while. Not as long as some of you. I did see about four or five nights of the last tour. I have witnessed seeing the sisters playing to smaller and smaller venues over the years. It really hit home for me how far the sister’s stock has devalued when I went to a Muse gig last year.

Posted: 08 Jun 2007, 23:04
by stefan moermans
f*ck. my opinion. I love them. Start to learn all about them about a yar ago. I was a sissi that only knew them from FALAA and the stuff befre. During the last year i got to appreciate the girls throug the years for what they are. At this moment i can even agree with the 2007 setlist from spain. What's this big issue. If you don't like them , :evil: :evil: just don't bother to go an see them. If you do like them, don't bother with what you'd like to see or hear, just be glad to be of the happy few that got to see them in 2007. A gig is only as good as you wan't it to be, says the 40 year old guy. Looking for a 1985 or 1991 or 1996 gig, get a life. it's not going to happen but in the mean time enjoy what you get or ..... go and see something else :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

no mean to harm any of with this. Just wa,ted to get get it out of my ...system :roll: :roll: :roll:

Posted: 08 Jun 2007, 23:14
by James Blast
I think the cessation of calling them 'The Sissies' and/or 'The Girls' would be a start.

just my view :|

Posted: 08 Jun 2007, 23:26
by psichonaut
stefan moermans wrote:f*ck. my opinion. I love them. Start to learn all about them about a yar ago. I was a sissi that only knew them from FALAA and the stuff befre. During the last year i got to appreciate the girls throug the years for what they are. At this moment i can even agree with the 2007 setlist from spain. What's this big issue. If you don't like them , :evil: :evil: just don't bother to go an see them. If you do like them, don't bother with what you'd like to see or hear, just be glad to be of the happy few that got to see them in 2007. A gig is only as good as you wan't it to be, says the 40 year old guy. Looking for a 1985 or 1991 or 1996 gig, get a life. it's not going to happen but in the mean time enjoy what you get or ..... go and see something else :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

no mean to harm any of with this. Just wa,ted to get get it out of my ...system :roll: :roll: :roll:
and there is somebody who never see them in concert....

Posted: 08 Jun 2007, 23:44
by James Blast
psichonaut wrote:and there is somebody who never see them in concert....
Oh! you should, they really are average...

Posted: 09 Jun 2007, 00:27
by biggy
James Blast wrote:
psichonaut wrote:and there is somebody who never see them in concert....
Oh! you should, they really are average...
hahahaha - on a good night.

Posted: 09 Jun 2007, 08:45
by psichonaut
James Blast wrote:
psichonaut wrote:and there is somebody who never see them in concert....
Oh! you should, they really are average...
then i'm lucky to have some good bootleg