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Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 18:25
by _emma_
Eva wrote:The problem: Huge bass speakers on the sand just in front of the stage, facing a barrier which wasn't the usual "fence-like" thing, but solid metal. J.J. either is totally deaf or has done the soundcheck with headphones, cause otherwise he would have heard that there was a bass overkill, as the metal barrier happily vibrated along Dr Avalanche's drumming.
Oh yes it did, and I could happily feel it on my nipples, which only added to the atmosphere. ;D

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 18:25
by DocSommer
@Diego: I'm seriously thinking about sending him a message on MySpace, just to ask for an explanation. But I'll probably get ignored... Wierded Out
Or maybe not if you add a link to a sample of your recording to the message.

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 18:26
by msm67
@Eva....thank you for the review! Sounds like that, despite the bad sound, it was still a good gig....voice in good shape, band in "happy mode", great crowd & atmosphere, etc.. Guess that, when it comes to TSOM, you can't have everything. Happy you enjoyed & thanks again for sharing opinions!

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 18:29
by Eva
_emma_ wrote:
Eva wrote:The problem: Huge bass speakers on the sand just in front of the stage, facing a barrier which wasn't the usual "fence-like" thing, but solid metal. J.J. either is totally deaf or has done the soundcheck with headphones, cause otherwise he would have heard that there was a bass overkill, as the metal barrier happily vibrated along Dr Avalanche's drumming.
Oh yes it did, and I could happily feel it on my nipples, which only added to the atmosphere. ;D
:lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:
Too much information, I'm afraid... :wink:

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 18:59
by _emma_
msm67 wrote:Guess that, when it comes to TSOM, you can't have everything.
Oh yes, sometimes you cannot see them, sometimes you cannot hear them, sometimes you cannot understand them, sometimes all of the 3 above... just to finally realise that there is something in them that has little to do with hearing or seeing or understanding...

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 19:03
by msm67
@emma.... :notworthy: exactly what I meant. No matter what you don't get, you always get the feeling of having been a part of something special & unique. Btw, sorry about your boss. Is this the same one who relented and granted your request for time off to go to Bulgaria?

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 19:04
by Victim of Circumstance
_emma_ wrote:
msm67 wrote:Guess that, when it comes to TSOM, you can't have everything.
Oh yes, sometimes you cannot see them, sometimes you cannot hear them, sometimes you cannot understand them, sometimes all of the 3 above... just to finally realise that there is something in them that has little to do with hearing or seeing or understanding...
Love that comment :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 19:15
by dtsom
Victim of Circumstance wrote:
_emma_ wrote:
msm67 wrote:Guess that, when it comes to TSOM, you can't have everything.
Oh yes, sometimes you cannot see them, sometimes you cannot hear them, sometimes you cannot understand them, sometimes all of the 3 above... just to finally realise that there is something in them that has little to do with hearing or seeing or understanding...
Love that comment :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
INDEED!!! :notworthy:

but the mayority of times is the SOUNDMAN´S FAULT :evil:

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 19:24
by msm67
@dtsom...perhaps we should take up a collection to hire a reliable soundman? Instead of tithing to a church, we can tithe to TSOM :lol: Being a Sisters fan is like being part of a religious organization, after all! Damn! Am I going to burn for that one?? :innocent: :lol:

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 19:26
by paul
dtsom wrote:
but the mayority of times is the SOUNDMAN´S FAULT :evil:
Maybe he's used to the bad live sound of Pitchfork :twisted:

Btw, nice comment, Emma!

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 19:31
by msm67
Does anyone on here have the skills to be a soundman? If so, perhaps they need to get their resume to someone with access to :von: . Just an idea :innocent:

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 19:52
by MadameButterfly
Thanks for that review dtsom! and for the reviews Eva & _emma_!

:lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:

Sounds like it was fun! Wish I could have been there too but am still trilled about Tienen! 8)

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 19:55
by ff
Christian wrote:
Better for me read this article in Bulgiarian
Can you translate it for us?
My english is very bad :( Bulgarian language is like Russian, Pollen, Czech, and other languages. Their are simillar. And I will be for next several days out home. So, to translate I should have more days, but in the fact english version is OK in 90 percents.

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 20:27
by DocSommer
msm67 wrote:Does anyone on here have the skills to be a soundman? If so, perhaps they need to get their resume to someone with access to :von: . Just an idea :innocent:
I would give it a shot :lol: :lol: :lol:

....finally an access to the line-outs^^

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 20:30
by Bartek
of course accept the letters.

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 20:36
by msm67
@DocSommer...give it a shot! Isn't there something on here about how Chris & Ben respond to messages sent to their myspace links? Send your info to them & see what happens! :D Just don't forget, if you get the job, everyone on here gets free tickets & backstage passes for life! :lol:

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 20:48
by DocSommer
:lol: Well - guess they are responding as long as nobody ask them to forward a concern to their boss. And unfortunately I can't show an impressive list of references in that business.

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 20:54
by msm67
@DocSommer...I'm sure alot of people here would give you a reference!

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 20:55
by _emma_
msm67 wrote:Btw, sorry about your boss. Is this the same one who relented and granted your request for time off to go to Bulgaria?
Yes, and so I bet he's in heaven now. :D :| :D

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 21:08
by DocSommer
msm67 wrote:@DocSommer...I'm sure alot of people here would give you a reference!
For what? Doing fancy dvd's? I don't think that this is going to strike the right note for such an important decision ;D

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 21:17
by msm67
@DocSommer....have some faith! What's the worst that can happen? You get told "no"? Who knows, maybe :von: needs a good cameraman also! :D Stranger things have happened...just look at who is President of the US..

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 21:41
by ff
I translate some words, but they can be incorect. Take look for my edition.

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 21:44
by phyton
Here's my loose translation of the article:
The Sisters of Mercy showed what it means to be a big rock band without the big fuss, pose and pretentiousness. They appeared on stage around 11 PM in front of a pretty dense crowd filled with boys and girls clad in goth accessories. ( :lol: ).

In the thick smoke and lights, vocalist Andrew Eldritch owned the audience with his charismatic stage presence, looking both serious and playful behind his round dark glasses. The guitarist Chris May looked like picked up from an industrial exhibition, and the other one, Ben Christo, could be taken for an Edward Scissorhands clone from the popular movie.

For about an hour, the three musicians, who are not currently on tour but have just a few festival appearances, one of them in Bulgaria, played songs from different periods in the bands discography. Because the audience was pretty diverse, a well-known hit number was needed to unite it and get it really moving. This happened during the encore, when under the light of a full moon, the eternal classic "Temple of Love" was performed which definately was the culmination of the first day of the festival.
Sorry if some parts of it sound silly, feel free to make fun of them :P

They started with Dr. Jeep / Detonation Blv, it took me 2 minutes to recognize one of my favorite songs :lol: I think they played a few new songs I don't know the names of...

P.S. If you are interested, I could as well translate this interview with Andrew tomorrow.

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 21:50
by _emma_
Oh yes please yes we are interested please do! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 21:54
by DocSommer
No need to make fun (beside that I'm not in the position of doing that^^) - so that was fine and I'd be glad to read a translation of the :von: interview.