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Posted: 24 Feb 2009, 11:11
by Quiff Boy
get in!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2009, 11:22
by markreed
awesome. a couple of classics there.

Posted: 24 Feb 2009, 11:33
by Christian
Singing along wrong lines was yesterday: get behind someone who is wearing the "summer" or the "crash" T-shirt during the gig and use him as a human songbook. Great idea, Von!


Posted: 24 Feb 2009, 12:27
by 242headhunter

Posted: 24 Feb 2009, 15:41
by dinky daisy ... -AB-.dhtml

A review in Dutch: 'a bloodless karaoke' (what else is new) and the regular chit chat about Anaconda being banal trashpunk and a lot of smoke and lack of fire.

Gunter Van Assche, what kind of name is that!

Posted: 24 Feb 2009, 16:14
by 4jrgsport72
Thank you all for your reviews. Looking forward to Wiesbaden with perhaps good things, floorshow, logic and marian. Would be nice to hear other songs than the usual setlist.

Posted: 24 Feb 2009, 16:27
by Buelbringer
dinky daisy wrote:
Gunter Van Assche, what kind of name is that!
I can´t help, but that name reminds me on something...

Posted: 24 Feb 2009, 17:20
by cardoman
dinky daisy wrote: ... -AB-.dhtml

A review in Dutch: 'a bloodless karaoke' (what else is new) and the regular chit chat about Anaconda being banal trashpunk and a lot of smoke and lack of fire.

Gunter Van Assche, what kind of name is that!
They should forbid authors like these! Shame for 'de morgen'!

The legend will never ends... :von:

Posted: 24 Feb 2009, 17:57
by dinky daisy
Buelbringer wrote:
dinky daisy wrote:
Gunter Van Assche, what kind of name is that!
I can´t help, but that name reminds me on something...


No, he's a StuBru regular

Posted: 24 Feb 2009, 18:20
by Buelbringer
StuBru...uitstekend :D

Posted: 24 Feb 2009, 20:05
by fddkbe
During the concert I discussed with a friend already the review the Morgen would make. And indeed it was in line with our expectations.

As usual, it is just like this person was on an other planet, having a drink in the Foyer or something ... gives us an other reviewer FAST :-)

Posted: 24 Feb 2009, 20:11
by euphoria
Christian wrote:Singing along wrong lines was yesterday: get behind someone who is wearing the "summer" or the "crash" T-shirt during the gig and use him as a human songbook. Great idea, Von!

Unfortunately it showed the lyrics weren't that complete - for example I had high hopes about the C&B shirt, but it's only the lines we already know, that were once on the official page, "hum of the powerlines, sum of a love" etc.

Still bought one of course :wink:

Posted: 24 Feb 2009, 21:00
by Obviousman
A rather enjoyable night out 8)

Posted: 24 Feb 2009, 23:09
by Christian
euphoria wrote:
Christian wrote:Singing along wrong lines was yesterday: get behind someone who is wearing the "summer" or the "crash" T-shirt during the gig and use him as a human songbook. Great idea, Von!

Unfortunately it showed the lyrics weren't that complete - for example I had high hopes about the C&B shirt, but it's only the lines we already know, that were once on the official page, "hum of the powerlines, sum of a love" etc.
I see. In the meantime I figured that out from the photos - it only says "SISTERS" on the back of the shirt. So we have to go on singing along what one may call "free interpretation". Stop mumbling Andrew or give as Postcards from above the chemist II


Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 02:45
by Kurbythegreat
Thank you all for the reviews and the pics.
Especially appreciate the pics of the new merchandise.

:D :D :D

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 19:50
by bananacamel
Sounds like an ace setlist, and a great night. Let's hope the UK gigs have the same energy, I can't wait :D

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 20:35
by sisters-pics

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 21:34
by Obviousman
sisters-pics wrote:Fotos online:
Neat! What sort of camera did you carry? They confiscated mine as I entered (even though I meant to put it in a locker), but luckily got it back afterwards :)

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 21:41
by sisters-pics
I've a little old one;
Casio Exilim Z500
No Problems to get it inside, because no controlls by me.

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 21:43
by Obviousman
Ah, okay, yea, the smaller ones seemed to get in with no trouble. Countless people starting at blue screens instead of the gig :lol:

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 21:45
by sisters-pics

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 22:41
by Bartek
i remember Kraków gig (2006). when i walked when door were opened i saw a guy with tripod for his camera, that was funny.
now i'll have a lot better camera, smaller, so i think that shouldn't be a problem to get it inside.

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 22:42
by sisters-pics
It is never a problem to get a camera inside!


Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 22:46
by 7anthea7
sisters-pics wrote:Fotos online:
Very nice! How have I missed your site all this time...? :roll: