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Posted: 09 Jul 2009, 21:37
by Big Si
Not sure if anyone has seen this, but it's from another forum -
Pfunkboy wrote:3 thick as s**t girls explain why they vote BNP.
Some quality quotes in there

“Yeah. I wouldn’t mind them if they actually worked and didn’t take all of our jobs�
When people say the BNP is a fascist party, what do you think?
Fascist – I don’t understand that word.

Think of Nazi Germany, or 1930s Italy.
I can’t even remember when that happened really, but I’m against them anyway.

You’re against who?
The Germans. I know that sounds evil… I was brought up that way.

But not the Nazis?
No, I don’t agree with that at all.
What’s the best thing about living in Britain today?
I hate Britain, and I want to move to Spain in the next couple of years, ‘cos our country’s not England anymore. It’s very rare for English people to live here anymore. When I went to Lanzarote, I felt more English there than I do here, and that’s no exaggeration.

But won’t you then be an immigrant too?
Yeah but the answer to that is I would go over to their country and respect their country. I wouldn’t go over there and try and do suicidal bombs [sic]. The immigrants that come over to this country should be making this a good country and proud of it and helping this country, but most of them don’t.
What first attracted you to the BNP?
I don’t know. I couldn’t really actually tell you. There were a couple of the sentences I agreed with. Basically about how immigrants are coming and taking people’s jobs and that.
Which do you dislike more, Muslims or black people?
Muslims. I’ve never seen any advertisements about blacks who come here and don’t work. It’s more the Muslims, ‘cos basically that’s what I object to. My mum split up with my dad a couple of years ago, and she was going to get a flat off the council, and the first question they asked her on the form was “Are you an immigrant?� I don’t agree with that, you see, so that’s where it started from.

So you agree with the BNP’s send-em-back policies?
I know i totally contradict myself about the jobs i meant they should work…. but we should get more entitlement if you get me. I didnt know what to pick hollie so you give me your opinion on life and i will tell you to shove it up your arse!! Im not a dog considering i got offered a nuts magazine position, i was a model until i couldnt afford the time anymore and i get lads left right and centred aha!! silly people you are…. We could start bitching about you but we dont so leave it, i understand your views but we gotta get on with it, its life! Also as far as the jobs go i understand that there is also white people out there who havent got a job and dont bother, i hate those people so its not about the race, i just hate people like that, get off your fat lazy arses and get a life!!
Written By Helen on July 6th, 2009 @ 8:33 pm
and then there was Nick Griffin's
In an interview with this week's edition of BBC Parliament's The Record Europe, he said: "If there's measures to set up some kind of force or to help, say the Italians, set up a force which actually blocks the Mediterranean then we'd support that.

"But the only measure, sooner or later, which is going to stop immigration and stop large numbers of sub-Saharan Africans dying on the way to get over here is to get very tough with those coming over.

"Frankly, they need to sink several of those boats.

"Anyone coming up with measures like that we'll support but anything which is there as a 'oh, we need to do something about it' but in the end doing something about it means bringing them into Europe' we will oppose."

The interviewer, BBC Correspondent Shirin Wheeler, said: "I don't think the EU is in the business of murdering people at sea."

Mr Griffin replied: "I didn't say anyone should be murdered at sea - I say boats should be sunk, they can throw them a life raft and they can go back to Libya.

Posted: 09 Jul 2009, 23:07
by stufarq
See? He's far more moderate than people give him credit for. He'd throw them a life raft. That'll be his election slogan that will: "A job for every Briton and a life raft for every immigrant."

And he cares about them not dying on the way over. Not his fault if they drown on the way back. He gave them a boat. To replace the better one they already had. That he sunk.

He's even willing to work with the Italians. Not racist at all.

I'm converted.

Posted: 10 Jul 2009, 02:01
by DeWinter
Some of them were actually rather pretty..and didn't anyone else think deporting Lenny Henry a really good idea??

As for the Griffin/boat business, be better to do what the Australians did, and refuse permission to dock and disembark. As for the EU not murdering people at sea, keeping Africans poor via protectionist tarriffs and subsidies is a more humane version, but ends up in the same..

Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 10:01
by Quiff Boy
and here we go again... ... -wikileaks

"List of thousands of names of BNP members, along with addresses and phone numbers, published on Wikileaks"


Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 11:29
by Norman Hunter
Isn't Griffin on Question Time this week? Essential viewing!

Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 11:42
by Silver_Owl
Norman Hunter wrote:Isn't Griffin on Question Time this week? Essential viewing!
Yes he is - despite this.

It's a difficult one isn't it? Give them air time to let people see them for what they are, or starve them of publicity. :?

Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 12:41
by Norman Hunter
Hom_Corleone wrote:It's a difficult one isn't it? Give them air time to let people see them for what they are, or starve them of publicity. :?
The first, defo.

Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 12:49
by Izzy HaveMercy
Norman Hunter wrote:
Hom_Corleone wrote:It's a difficult one isn't it? Give them air time to let people see them for what they are, or starve them of publicity. :?
The first, defo.
Of course, it works here in Belgium since '91.

Leaking BNP memberships on teh Interwebs is a severe breach of privacy in my opinion, tho. Just like the 'alleged paedophile' witchhunt.


Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 16:39
by DeWinter
Norman Hunter wrote:Isn't Griffin on Question Time this week? Essential viewing!
Have you seen who's on the panel with him? None of them are paticularly inspiring, and Jack Straw in particular has so much dirty political laundry that Griffin can rebut any moralising by him. Baroness Warzi is a failed Tory candidate given a peerage as compensation who has used some dubious campaign tactics herself. Chris Huhne's share portfolio and BTL mini-empire is hardly going to endear him to the masses either. Bonnie Greer I know little about, apart from her work is largely amongst women and minority gorups, according to Wikipedia.
Not exactly a selection of people with appeal to those voting/thinking of voting for the BNP, are they?
Wouldn't it have been more logical to put people with a more cynical view of immigration/Europe/asylum against him? Frank Field(who if the Labour Party ever want to see power ever again they'll give a top job to, but fat chance of that),Hannan or Davies from the Tory Party, or Farage from UKIP? All of those have argued against the current orthodoxy but haven't had any racial taint to their words.

Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 16:48
by markfiend
I think the rationale behind having Bonnie Greer on is that she's black, female, and has contacts at the Beeb:
wikipedia wrote:Until fairly recently, Greer was a regular panellist on the BBC's Newsnight Review
Not much, I know, but it seems to be the way the BBC works.

They're basically trying to set Griffin up so that they can openly accuse him of racism I think.

Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 16:49
by Norman Hunter
DeWinter wrote:
Norman Hunter wrote:Isn't Griffin on Question Time this week? Essential viewing!
Have you seen who's on the panel with him?
Nope - but I want the audience to rip him to shreds.

Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 17:11
by DeWinter
Norman Hunter wrote: Nope - but I want the audience to rip him to shreds.
It's exactly what you don't want. The Question Time hand-picked audience screaming him down and boo-hissing him like a panto villain? The panel playing to the gallery? All that will do is allow him to claim he was set-up and victimised, and since it's what actually IS being done to him, he'll gain sympathy out of it.
Chances are there are a few issues Griffin may be closer to the publics opinion on than the rest of the panel. All Griffin has to do is keep calm and reasonable and he'll do well out of this. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the BBC realises and pulls him from the program, especially as Hain has opened up the perfect escape avenue for them.

Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 17:20
by markfiend
See, while you and I may disagree on a lot of things DeWinter I think here we're in almost perfect agreement.

Posted: 21 Oct 2009, 12:32
by Norman Hunter
DeWinter wrote:
Norman Hunter wrote: Nope - but I want the audience to rip him to shreds.
It's exactly what you don't want. The Question Time hand-picked audience screaming him down and boo-hissing him like a panto villain?
Did you see/hear the reaction at the end of last weeks' show when his name was announced :lol:

Okay, let me clarify - I want the audience to rip his policies to shreds. Through sound and logical reasoning. My Grandad fought under Churchill and I take personal insult that his memory is being used in the BNP campaign.

I think we're all singing from the same hymnsheet here, just some are a bit off-key :wink:

Posted: 21 Oct 2009, 12:45
by Pista
From the current bun, but a nice little read ... R=Our+Boys

Posted: 22 Oct 2009, 18:06
by lazarus corporation
Just been watching the TV footage outside Television Centre.

Apparently Nick Griffin had to be taken up the rear entrance at the BBC. That would explain certainly his bog-eyed expression. :wink:

Posted: 22 Oct 2009, 18:31
by James Blast
'must watch' TV I'd say, QT has been jumping through hoops to up its viewing figures

I predict a riot, but I allas do

the more that I see, the less I believe

Posted: 22 Oct 2009, 18:56
by weebleswobble
the protesters are giving him publicity, f**k off home the lot of yae!

I'm taping it, car crash telly :lol:

Posted: 22 Oct 2009, 20:03
by Johnny Rev 7.0
Even some of us adopted foreigners will be staying up (+1 hour) to view this.

At the back of my mind I can't help thinking: "Live! Tonight! The Nick Griffin Show!" which makes me feel uneasy. Who is manipulating who?

It should be an interesting watch either way.

Posted: 22 Oct 2009, 21:02
by MadameButterfly
wow! helio there johnny! been a looong time! how are you?

Posted: 22 Oct 2009, 21:18
by James Blast
Johnny Rev 7.0 wrote:It should be an interesting watch either way.
doubt it, you know he will toe the middle path and be all 'fluffy' like

Posted: 22 Oct 2009, 22:06
by Johnny Rev 7.0
James Blast wrote:
Johnny Rev 7.0 wrote:It should be an interesting watch either way.
doubt it, you know he will toe the middle path and be all 'fluffy' like
Probably you're right. Which will then make the audience/viewers think "hmm ...maybe he's talking some sense." It will be the biggest publicity coup the BNP have ever made, or their biggest failure. As much as I hate to say it, my money is on the first.
MadameButterfly wrote:helio there johnny! been a looong time! how are you?
Cool Debs. I'm just not around much. Love to you, Josh and the kiddies as always. :kiss:

Posted: 22 Oct 2009, 23:58
by Pat
After watching this I think this has been a failure for the BNP.The guy didn't strike me as credible or anything remotely approaching credible. If the poles quoted are correct and most of the votes the BNP receive are protest votes. I would imagine most of these voters will never vote BNP again after this. The fear now is ,after this mans terrible performance tonight, he will be replaced with someone slicker, someone who is a better politician, someone who knows how to play the media and avoid giving an answer to a question that may be used against them later in their career.
Not like me to make any comment on politics, just an opinion.

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 06:27
by DeWinter
I only managed to catch fifteen minutes or so of it at work, and spent most of that thinking "Baroness" Warzi was rather cute. So am going to have to sit down and watch it but from what I saw..

:Nick Griffin was amazingly twitchy and nervy and contradictory, not a good performance. On the other hand, hostile isn't the word for the audience, panel and chairman. I will give him mild props for the look on Jack Straw's face when he made that crack about his father though.

:The audience were what I was pretty much expecting, not exactly a cross-section of society no matter how you look at it. The reaction at work was more sympathetic to him on some points, and uncomfortable with his views on others.

:Dimbleby didn't really try to maintain any kind of order, nor was he impartial. For the ninetieth time I hold no brief for the BNP, but if he can't show impartiality, he has no business hosting that show.

:Jack Straw should never hold any kind of public office. Ask him a question he goes off on a senile ramble. When the point was made that Labour's immigration policy is behind the BNP's rise (you could add taking the white working class vote for granted and letting them rot), he started dithering on about god-knows what.

:The Tory was actually not bad. For an appointee with no mandate, she made some sense. So I take back what I said about her, she did well. Plus she's rather pretty. I may have mentioned that before. I'm thinking of starting a fan club.

:The Lib-Dem was hopeless. Is it a qualification to be a Lib M.P that you must be white, middle-aged and over-earnest? And why can I never tell Lib-Dem M.P's apart? They all remind me of the schoolteacher who tried to be matey with you and you all made fun of untill they erupted in a fit of unimpressive rage and then ran to fetch the head.

Posted: 23 Oct 2009, 06:45
by Izzy HaveMercy
You even made it into the Belgian newspapers, QT! :D