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Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 01:40
by Andy Christ 666
Is it safe for me to post again, or will I be acccused of being a Satanist?

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 08:33
by Bertran De Born
Pista wrote:Guitarists need to die occasionally.

Can we have the semi constructed Death Star back please?
This should be awarded with the "post of the month"
I m sure :von: Would agree with this too
But he would also include bassist too

As for the death start, you ve shown me you deserve its be it, you ll get it back today

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 10:22
by mh
Bertran De Born wrote:
Pista wrote:Guitarists need to die occasionally
This should be awarded with the "post of the month"
I m sure :von: Would agree with this too
But he would also include bassist too
And drummers. Don't forget drummers. :lol:
Either that or they become the lead singer...

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 10:36
by Sita
Bertran De Born wrote: As for the death start, you ve shown me you deserve its be it, you ll get it back today
Thank you. I missed it too :(

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 10:58
by moses
What a s**t topic! Emperor Of The Unknown Universe should just 'SHUT THE..................

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 11:24
by Being645
moses wrote:What a s**t topic! Emperor Of The Unknown Universe should just 'SHUT THE..................
Wonderful. And as soon as Moses was buried, Joshua led the Jews to commit something like 30 genocides.

But alas, the Holy Bible is the greatest codex of behaviour we've got anyway ... neatly followed by the Holy
Scriptures of Mohammed who again managed to convene religion and militarism openly in one, i.e. his very
person. The highest blossom of innovation in oriental-western culture ...

Looking forward to the future with excitment (eventually again), and interest ... ;D ;D ;D ...

* :twisted: :lol:

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 11:27
by James Blast
you are completely hatstand Sabine

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 11:35
by Being645
I knew you'd be pleased.

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 12:15
by Sita
:lol: You mean Moses needs to change his user name, too, right?! ;D

Actually I was wondering if my user name promotes bestiality, because the story goes something like Hindu Princess Sita was robbed by the Monkey god and... eww :urff:

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 12:20
by Izzy HaveMercy
About NOW seems the perfect time to bin this thread! :lol:


Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 12:26
by James Blast
nah, now's a better time because 12:26 is like 11:88, see ;D

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 14:31
by mh
James Blast wrote:nah, now's a better time because 12:26 is like 11:88, see ;D
Aahh, yes. ;D

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 14:34
by Being645
Sita wrote: Actually I was wondering if my user name promotes bestiality, because the story goes something like Hindu Princess Sita was robbed by the Monkey god and... eww :urff:
... a wonderful choice ...
Sita wrote::lol: You mean Moses needs to change his user name, too, right?! ;D
:lol: ... I've got no problem with usernames on an internet forum, basically ... at least as long as I don't have to pick one ... :wink: ...

"Sabine" did not seem to be a good choice to me and leaning my username towards my dearly beloved tent did not seem advisable, either ... :lol: ...

So I thought up the one I have combined with part of the numberplate of my dear old car ...
but hell, do you know that band called Being747 who have a contract with Wrath Records ...

Whatever I do, it always seems wrong ... :cry: :cry: :cry: ...

I think I should change it into somethin' more distant. Hey markfiend, please turn my username into Cry Baby ... ;D :lol: ...

:eek: ... or is it just too late and too much by now ... :roll: ...

Arghh, this f**king username thing does obiously ask too much from me ... *yelling for help now ...

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 15:14
by Sita
You're an undercover agent for Chris Catalyst :eek: once you know how to read the signs it's super obvious. The tent, the strange band...

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 15:45
by Being645
Oh, we know it's way worse ... :roll: ...

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 16:52
by markfiend
If we all keep changing our user-names all the time, it's going to get rather confusing :lol:

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 17:03
by Being645
Sita wrote:You're an undercover agent for Chris Catalyst :eek: once you know how to read the signs it's super obvious. The tent, the strange band...
Heaven knows, what strange coincidence forced me into that ... :urff: ...

markfiend wrote:If we all keep changing our user-names all the time, it's going to get rather confusing :lol:
So, I shall keep mine now. :wink:

End of confusion.

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 17:50
by moses
Sita wrote::lol: You mean Moses needs to change his user name, too, right?! ;D
As it is my real name it's fairly unlikely!

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 18:26
by ribbons69
markfiend wrote:I knew that the 18 in Combat18 was for AH, so I should have got the 88 one.

My apologies. :oops:
I still don't get it.What is particularly offensive about 88?

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 18:38
by Bartek
Hail Hitl.. ?

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 18:50
by Izzy HaveMercy

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 19:02
by Debaser
ribbons69 wrote:
markfiend wrote:I knew that the 18 in Combat18 was for AH, so I should have got the 88 one.

My apologies. :oops:
I still don't get it.What is particularly offensive about 88?

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 19:16
by James Blast
mmmmm loverly, loverly Big Girls :D
me likey :notworthy: :D :notworthy: :D :notworthy:

and Sabine why don't you change your username to Absolutely Hatstand, see the 'Absolutely - then name of household item' would be a tribute to The Pink Floyd's Absolutely Curtains from the 'Obscured by Clouds' ellpee and also the fact that you're bonkers barmy weird and a bit ish-ish?

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 20:11
by Being645
James Blast wrote: and Sabine why don't you change your username ....
I'm through with that, we're in 2011 now ... ;D ... and not in Papua New Guinea, either ... :P ...

really pretty ... :notworthy: ...

Posted: 05 Oct 2011, 23:04
by hellboy69
"the names have been changed to protect the intolerant"

wine me, dine me, hellboy sixty-nine me :twisted: